Heavily Injured

Lin Xuan clenched his fist. He did not even dare to use the full 12 layers of the Divine Elephant's Destructive Force. His current strength and physical body were overpowering. If he were to go a little too far, he would blow Lu Weihai up and turn him into ashes, the kind that could not be saved even if he tried.

He could only use his normal strength to deliver a serious punch, but even so, he was still able to beat Lu Weihai to a pulp.

Lu Weihai vomited silver bile, but he didn't forget to make arrogant remarks. In his opinion, Lin Xuan was already very impressive to have the strength to fight him with all his might after just advancing to earth-rank, and he was indeed worthy of being called the top heavenly pride of Taixia.


Lin Xuan was a little helpless, but it felt good to be training again, so he still respectfully thanked him.