Tastes So Good

The power of this world was bestowed by God!

The gods were high and mighty here, and they protected the humans who were still in the barbaric era. The Gods fought with each other in order to seize population and faith. Through the huge power of faith, they could further increase their strength.

They did not place humans in their eyes. The Totem Gods formed by their ancestors were still fine, but the powerful desolate Beast Gods enjoyed the flesh and blood of humans. To them, the large number of humans were just food reserves.

As for humans, they were struggling to survive in the cracks between the Totem Gods and beasts.

As the Human Emperor of Taixia Country, although he didn't have the title of Human Emperor here, he had an understanding of it. It should be the Human Emperor who ruled the world; instead of the many Gods. This world belonged to humans. Gods and wild beasts should submit to humans.