Sea of Battle

It was time to eat!

In the midst of the inexplicable fear, Li Rui sat at the head of the table with a smile on his face. He looked down at the hydra that was wriggling and he salivated from his mouth.

It didn't seem to be a terrifying giant hydra at the peak of the earth-rank, but a tiny squirmish-looking octopus that was about to be eaten raw now. He couldn't wait to take a big bite.

He picked up a blade and stabbed one of Orochi's hydra heads. Then, he chewed carefully and tasted the deliciousness of the hydra head.

The flame head had a little spiciness, and the hatred and fear it harbored were perfect for Li Rui.

Orochi had eight heads. This Feast of Fear would bring him the biggest advancement yet!

After eating the beast, Li Rui then gradually disappeared into the darkness.

Li Rui didn't exactly eat the beast, he only ate the souls of the heads and each soul was turned into food for his cultivation.