Demon Dragon's Arrival

Right then, a terrifying dragon's roar was heard in the sky.

The demon dragon had arrived!

It was a giant creature that was over 200 meters long. It soared in the sky, emitting a terrifying light and heat. It was an innate fire dragon.

For a moment, there was a commotion within the covenant of gods. Not only were the ignorant humans in a commotion, but even the priests and the powerful gods were looking at the demon dragon in the sky in disbelief!

"Which powerful God is this? Is he here to protect us?"

"With such a huge body and such scorching flames, this god is probably even more powerful than the God of Light!"

"With this god's protection, the covenant of gods won't have to fear anyone!"

The above exclamations came from the covenant of gods. They looked up at the terrifying giant flying across the sky in a dumbfounded manner. In the face of such a powerful existence, the only thought they had was to submit.