High-level Meeting

Imperial City, Forbidden City.

The elders from the Council of Elders, the Dragon Masters, the head and deputy heads of Blacksky Alliance, Bright Phoenix, Human Butcher Weiguo, Human Emperor Lin Xuan and other powerhouses above the peak earth-rank in Taixia Country or those in power were all in this conference room.

There were three seats at the head of the table — the first elder who represented the peak power of Taixia Country, Wudang Immortal who represented the peak fighting strength of Taixia Country, and Bright Phoenix who represented the peak power of Taixia Country in name.

Even the world's second most powerful man, Ten Thousand Laws Heavenly Man, had to sit in the lower seats and wait for the meeting to proceed.

Lin Xuan was probably the last one to enter. The group of experts raised their heads after he entered the conference room and looked at him in disbelief. Their eyes were filled with disbelief.