The story revolves around with a CBI officer, a bungalow which is haunted and a girl who is missing from 11 years. Is there any connection between the missing girl and bungalow? Will he be able to solve the case within the given time? And a shocking news, Is Vishwas really a CBI officer?
Get started to read to know the mystery of what's illahi and what's the mystery.
The story, some chapters, some places, and all names, characters are portrayed in this novel are fictitious, no identification of actual people. Buildings, places are intended and should be inferred.
The book cover belongs to me, made by my own creation, thank you for reading, enjoy the story please support.
First of all .All the best Keep on doing this best wishes. Really very intresting novel Need more novel and that also will be intresting think so do ur best U will get full support from us .Never give up for any Thing All the best
Intresting novels thrilled by reading waiting for more novels to release.Amazing stories imagination gives an super duper excitement for the upcoming novels
This novel is very nice,its Intersting,thrilling. The character's are very different and i loved the characters I'm eagerly waiting for further novels
......yah this novel is nice and interesting. I like this novel , and I like the Caracters names , Facinating ,and mainly that Farzana Allahamut albana. and I'm waiting for next chapter's
Good, but expecting more, I think author should release 2 chapter per day, very interesting story all the best, bring more character so that the story is interesting, tell about farzana allahamahut alban, so it will be more interesting
keep on this great work going always forever ... expecting more novels from you... all the best for you Charles .