Chapter 6: Ghosts! Fact or Fiction

Characters - 1. Vishwas (male lead)

2. Dr. Vishwanathan (paranormal researcher)

3. Solomon (CBI head at trivandrum, kerala)

4. Hilda 'D'Souza (explained in the paragraphs)

5. Taxi driver

6. Claire (explained in the paragraphs)

7. Captain

8. Cabin crew

-------------here story begins--------------

Vishwas: There's lot to know about this article. I need to know more about it, can you please help me sir.

Solomon: Yea sure Mr. Vishwas, you know this article was written by Dr. Vishwanathan, My friend knows him very well. Shall I take you, if you're in need.

Vishwas: Oh really! Sir please take me, i need to ask few questions with him.

Solomon: Okay officer.

Vishwas: Hmm.....

Female flight attendant: Excuse me sir.

Vishwas: Yes, respected Madam.

Female flight attendant: My apologies on hearing your conversation, but Dr. Vishwanathan is my uncle, for your kind information.

Vishwas: What? Really!

Female flight attendant: Yes sir.

Vishwas: I need to meet him and have a conversation about this article. Can you help me in having an appointment with your uncle.

Female flight attendant: Sure sir, myself Hilda 'D' Souza.

Vishwas: Okay Ms. 'D' Souza. Thank you.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Your Welcome.

Vishwas: Okay sir, I'll rest my head for a while.

Solomon: Okay Raghav.


10 minutes before destination.

Solomon: Vishwas, vishwas, wake up it's time.

Vishwas: Huh! huh! yes sir.

Solomon: Vishwas, after reaching the destination, what will you do?

Vishwas: First thing is to find out the article.

Solomon: I'll be coming along with you Vishwas.

Vishwas: Your Welcome sir.

...10 minutes later.....

Captain: "Flight attendants, prepare for landing please."

Cabin crew: Please take your seats for landing, assist passengers in safely deplaning the aircraft.

.....after landing.....

Vishwas: Sir, the wait is over, it's trivandrum, kerala and my search starts.

Solomon: Yes Mr. Vishwas, I'll help you in all everything.

Vishwas: But Sir before that I've to meet Dr. Vishwanathan. But where is that attendant.

Solomon: She's incharge of money, alcohol, beverages, and electronic gadgets like headphones, etc, and has to make seats for the next boarding, so it may take time, let's wait.

Vishwas: Okay sir.

...After 15 minutes....

Hilda 'D'Souza: Sorry for the delay, can we leave.

Vishwas: Finally you've come. Okay let's move. Sir can we leave.

Solomon: Yes Vishwas, let's go.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Yes please sir. Let's look for a taxi.

Taxi .....

Taxi driver: Yes madam.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Can you take us to ashramam road in kochar.

Taxi driver: Yes sure mam, please get in.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Sir let's go.

Taxi driver: Please place your luggages in the Dickey (compartment, storage area)

Vishwas: Okay.

.....after everything is done they take their seats and the car moves.....

Vishwas: How many minutes does it take to reach?

Taxi driver: I'm sorry Sir, i don't know exactly, but we'll reach as soon as possible.

Solomon: Please Mr. driver.

Taxi driver: Yes Sir.

...after reaching ashramam road in kochar.....

Sir, is this the place that you need to go.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Yes Mr. driver thanks a lot.

Taxi driver: Oh! My duty Mam.

Vishwas: Okay! What is your fare?

Taxi driver: Sir 1500-/Rupees.

Raghav: What? Why? Mr. Driver Why are you charging so much for dropping us here?

Hilda 'D'Souza: That's okay sir, I'll pay him.

Solomon: Are you sure?

Hilda 'D'Souza: Yes sir.

Vishwas: No I'll pay him. Hey it's 1500 right,

Solomon: No Vishwas, I'll pay.

Vishwas: Sir it's okay I'll pay, here you go taxiwala. Thank you and keep the change.

Taxi driver: Thank you sir.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Raghav sir, Why did you pay him? I had a ready cash.

Solomon: Yes Vishwas even me.

Vishwas: Sir, the two of you had come to deal and help in my case, so no worries sir and Ms. D'Souza. Let's move forward.

Hilda 'D'Souza: But sir...

Vishwas: Let's move.

Solomon: Okay.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Yes sir.

Vishwas: Where is your uncle's office?

Hilda 'D'Souza: It's right up there sir.

Vishwas: Hmm....

.....After going upstairs in a building...

Vishwas: Excuse me! Can I meet Dr. Vishwanathan, please.....

Claire (personal assistant for Dr. Vishwanathan): Do you have an appointment?

Vishwas: Nope I don't have any appointment.

Claire: My apologies sir, I can't allow you without an appointment.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Excuse me Claire....

Claire: Yes mam. What a surprise! I'll just inform Doctor....

Hilda 'D'Souza: Wait, not only me, Mr. Solomon and Vishwas will be meeting along with me.

Claire: Okay mam, Are they downstairs?

Hilda 'D'Souza: No, right next to you.

Claire: Oh! I'm really sorry sir.....

Vishwas: That's okay, can we....

Claire: Yes please, this way please come after me.

Excuse me Doctor.

Dr. Vishwanathan: Yes Claire, who's next?

Claire: Your niece and her friends.

Dr. Vishwanathan: What? Is Hilda here?

Claire: Yes Doctor along with her friends.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Greetings uncle

Dr. Vishwanathan: Oh my dear niece has come. How was the flight my dear?

Hilda 'D'Souza: Better than previous boarding.

Dr. Vishwanathan: What's the good news? you've got ur friends here.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Uncle he's Vishwas, CBI officer at New Delhi headquarters. And this is Solomon CBI head at trivandrum.

Solomon and Raghav: Glad to meet you Doctor.

Dr. Vishwanathan: Same here respected officers, What's the news sir? Are you in need of my help?

Vishwas: Yes doctor.

Dr. Vishwanathan: Hmmm.... What's is it?

Vishwas: I am incharge of the dropped case, which is known all over India.

Dr. Vishwanathan: It's not so famous, officer. Only officers, the cursed village, and kolam people know about this case and yes even me, i know about it, But shall I say one thing, many are involved in this case.

Vishwas: Can you please elaborate it doctor?

Dr. Vishwanathan: Okay I'll let you know in detail, first three of you take a seat and sit down.

Claire... Where are you?

Claire: Yes Doctor.

Dr. Vishwanathan: Okay, what would you like to have coffee or tea...

Solomon: I want a strong cup of tea ....

Vishwas: No thanks.

Dr. Vishwanathan: And you Hilda...

Hilda 'D'Souza: I'll take strong coffee uncle.

Dr. Vishwanathan: 2 cups of coffee with one cup strong sugar and one cup without sugar, and one cup of strong tea, and also get some cookies, biscuits or some dessert.

Claire: Okay Doctor, Just five minutes....

Vishwas: Okay can you tell now Doctor.

Dr. Vishwanathan: Patience..... is everything Vishwas, please calm down.

Vishwas: Hmm...

Dr. Vishwanathan: It's really a very old case, i don't think ghosts are involved in this case.

Hilda 'D'Souza: What uncle? Ghosts!

Dr. Vishwanathan: Yes my child, even though I'm a paranormal researcher, am also a psychiatrist. But ghosts are not involved in this.

Vishwas: Okay then what's about that article ghost fact or fiction!

Dr. Vishwanathan: Did you complete the article?

Vishwas: No I have doubts.

Dr. Vishwanathan: I know what is your doubt, I'll tell you clearly, listen.

Vishwas: Hmm.....

Solomon: Please Doctor, don't delay.....

Dr. Vishwanathan: Yes, listen carefully, according to my research ghost never exists, I'm a retired paranormal investigator, now my strength has gone in searching it, but one thing, ghosts don't exist, but demons exists, I think Solomon will know about the previous days of Noah from the Bible.

Solomon: Yes Doctor, the sons of God came down to earth and married the daughters of men, so god decided to chase them from heaven and pushed them to earth, and the demons really had power than humans, so they're also living in this earth along with us, I'm saying this as a mind calculation.

Dr. Vishwanathan: Yes it's true, I would really say it's true. Vishwas, do you have any Muslim friends, ask them about the same incidence recorded in Quran.

Vishwas: Okay Doctor, but I don't have any Muslim friends, I'll try....

Dr. Vishwanathan: Yes please, I'll continue and move further.

Claire: Excuse me Sir.... Coffee, tea and snacks are ready, it's good to have a break sir.

Dr. Vishwanathan: Yeah she's right, let's take a break.

Solomon: Sure.

Hilda 'D'Souza: Okay thanks a lot.

Vishwas: Can you please finish your break as soon as possible?

Dr. Vishwanathan: Vishwas, patience.

Vishwas: Hmmm.....

To be continued.....