The Final Battle [IV]

At the same time, Fei immediately pulled Bu Yueyue to Ji Menghan through the magic of shadow. Bu Yueyue only felt her body move, and immediately found Ji Menghan who was injured and fell to the ground.

Seeing that the blood at the corner of Ji Menghan's mouth still did not flow, Bu Yueyue secretly said that it was not good, so she helped Ji Menghan to immediately put spiritual power into her body, and used the principle of fire to create earth to help Ji Menghan quickly recover from her injuries.

At the same moment, Fei took Mei'er to avoid the impact range of the lightning ball. The two of them rushed forward at the same time, and the fog quickly rushed towards everyone in the Forbidden team following Mei'er's figure. As Fei rushed forward, the members of the Xuanbing team moved over together under Fei's control.