Where's Zhang Fei? [XV]

Along the way, Dassault pointed out the hidden holes to Fei and Ting Yu. Dassault also introduced the places where these small holes lead, and he was indeed a good guide for Passepartout.

Fei saw that most of the entrances of these small holes were blocked by earth elves. Can't help but wonder: "Dassault, such a small barrier should not be able to stop the destruction of the demons! Moreover, the huge figure of such a small cave demon can't get through, so why do you have to seal them one by one?"

Dassault replied: "I don't know, Lord Envoy, in fact, in addition to blocking some smaller demon larvae, these seals mainly serve as markers for our clan. When we set up the seals, we also Some information will be added to the seal, and if anyone gets lost, they can find the Hui route through the information in these seals."

Fei nodded thoughtfully and murmured: "Oh? It turns out that the seal can still be used in this way. It's a wonderful magic."