Reinforcements [I]

The light magic with Murong Hui who was up to the late eighth level was stationed here. As the three leaders of the dragon and demon clan, they have never dared to show up on the battlefield.

Because light magic itself had a restraining effect on the dark attributes of the dragon and demon family. But this does not mean that the three leaders of the Dragon Demon were afraid of Murong Hui. After all, the three leaders of the Dragon Demon were all ninth-level leaders, and it was not a problem to deal with Murong Hui in the late eighth level.

It's just that, on the premise of securing the victory, without using so many demon soldiers, who would risk their own injury to fight?

Moreover, Nanfeng City was not guarded by only a few eighth-level spiritual masters. Yaofeng has long known that there were two ninth-level spirits guarding Nanfeng City. The eldest son Haoying died in the hands of these two spiritualists.