I stood by the window watching as the lines of water blurring the street lights to a blob of orange as the sound of raindrops beating heavily like never before on the pane of glass of the window playfully, that made me feel more scary with the rumbling of the thunder all over the streets of Youvis. Though l used to be scared, but not as scared when thunders strikes. This has been one of my challenges ever since l was young. A little bit about me, Am the only daughter and child of Mr Thompson and Mrs Smith but as l was growing, my mom passed away while l was fifteen, leaving dad to take care of me. My father refused to take another woman even after so many approaches from women due to, he didn't want anyone to fill the space of my mom inside his heart, and l won't deny that, l want my dad to be only mine, don't take me wrongly. Am Hazel twenty two years but some do call me Hazy, have no idea about it. Now enough about me.

The lonely night made me recall some of the sweet memories l used to have with my mom. At night before going to bed, she used to love one song called ' Sweet Ecstacy' that still now, l do sing it to remember her. Sometimes l do wonder if she's always aware of me missing her but what else can l do if it's impossible to communicate with the dead, l wish l could get a chance even for once.

' Humph! I wish you could be here to communicate with me like before, l missed your hug mom.' I murmured walking slowly to my bed. Though the blanket was warm as always, but the cold of being alone all night, made me sick and tired. My eyes remained wide opened for a long time till it closed slowly on its own, ready to face another day.


' Hazel.....hazeeeel! Hazy sweety.' l heard a familiar voice echoing in the living room. Though l was still in bed and my eyes closed, that same voice that has always been around me ever since l was young till now, who can ever forgot it? The scary face which sometimes makes me fear a bit.

' Whaaaat! Morons.' l groaned desperately knowing that they are here to wake me for school.'

' Wake up, wake up lazy rabbit, how can you be sleeping now and you know very well that classes starts at nine?' The only and war woman shouted burging inside my room with all the force she got.'

' I can't believe that the princess of sleep is still in bed right now, huh! Where did you go last night, angel?' Chad grinned his eyes searching for an answer into my sleepy face.'

' Chaaad! What the fu.....'

' Wake up moron, go shower, have no time for your stupid shows.' Ziddy, shouted snatching the bed sheets away from me.'

' Ziddy, l slept late yesterday. Can't you leave me sleep even for a minute.' l tried to beg with a pout.

' No. Yesterday you made me clean toilets and offices. Am not a school worker, so, inside the bathroom, now?' she shouted her dare devil eyes staring into mine with a warning sign hence leaving me with no choice than to do as she says.

' It's still seven, ooh! How will l ever get enough sleep. Is this how am.....

' Stop complaining, idiot. Now inside.' lnstead of letting me to finish my words, she cut pushing me inside the bathroom. With a frown on my face, l closed the door immediately jumping into the tub.'

' Don't waste time in there woman, today am not sparing you.' l heard her voice on the door and my insides cleared to me that today is not like yesterday.

Few minutes and l was already dressed, ready for classes. Since am not a make up lady, it was easy for me to save the time that Ziddy and timed. Though she's a strict with no stupidity lady, the only thing that always makes me love her most is that she's caring, understanding and mostly supportive. When it comes to Chaden, he's funny, cute and also caring. They are the only friends that l have. After saying goodbye to Nanny Becky, my chaffuer drove us to school as silence hits us on our way.


Time kicked and another teacher burged in. This time it was Mr Rogers. The teacher of law. His sharp American nose was long enough making him to have a funny face especially with his glasses hunging right Infront of his two long noses. With his long legs and a neck tie which perfectly matched with his blue suit, he walked majestically inside the room his left hand slided on the trouser pocket and another hand holding his huge book of law with a sweet smile on the face, as he shows his white teeth.

' Ahaa! greet great get great grades.' he spoke using his usual words before starting his lessons. ' Since l can see you're fine, why not start our lesson. Like l had said yesterday, today we are going to have our new topic called ' LAW.' Great people do learn Law, and if you can't understand what is law, and what law is all about. Then it means, you can never be a great lawyer in the future. My teachings, my law is everything. Never say Law is one of the hardest subjects you ever had. Law is what you see and understand.' he paused, his brown eyes not giving us a chance to peek through the window.'

' A good students, must master all the articles analysed down. Understand everything inside it then start playing with the words. Now, if l may ask. Who can tell me what is law? Just a simple answer.'

' Mark, do you have any clue? He asked staring him. Ofcourse it is written on his face that, the question got him offguard. With a slight shake from his head, Mr Rogers knew that he should choose another person.'

' Edwin? Emy? Lucas? My name sake, Rogers, where are you? Wake up lazy man. You can't be sleeping in class while am teaching. Eheeh! What is law? He asked the sleeping dog who has been snoring ever since the class started.

' Law....Uhhh....Errr...you asked about law?

' Yes. Tell me what do you understand when you hear the word LAW.'

' Umm.... it's', he halted his eyes gazing at the silent class. Everywhere went quiet as we wait for his reply. ' Law is a matter of understanding, how the world came to its existence. From the books l have read, law was first invented by Trump, l mean a scientist by the name Dr Biden Trump. He existed by the time Lord Jesus was being hospitalize in the year Before Christ. To be sure enough, after being crucified with the three thieves, Anorld Scwezennergar, Errr.... The long retired commando, Peter Humpton and Jacky Chan back in China. And when war emerged, the law book broke into three pieces. Fire, water and...

' Fool. You fool, Drunkard, shameless thing, stupid man. Old lazy hyena. Stupid human being. Go on and continue sleeping. Fool, fool, fool. Idiot. Shut up your big filthy mouth. I AM TIRED OF TEACHING DRUNKARDS.'

' I FEAR you now!!!