That day our lessons didn't went well unlike other classes. Everywhere, the teachers were just murmuring to themselves and to a fool, won't understand it. As obviously, they were talking about our class, infact, they do call us 'class of drunkards'. Does it really even suit us, let alone us, am l drunkard? Or l have never stared at myself properly in the mirror.' I wondered crossing the lonely streets walking to school. Since Chaden and Ziddy, didn't pick me up today, l too decided not to be driven to school, I'd rather walk and stare at people as l go to school than sitting alone silently inside my father's Range Rover to be driven. Though my brains were filled up with so many things, one thing l knew was that, I'll finish where my mother left. She died before succeeding on her dreams and l promised myself that I'll be a lawyer and finish her dreams. No matter how many years it'll take, l won't mind it. A promise is a promise.
' You know ever since l came back to Youvis City, l never believed that this City was once attacked by vampires until my grandfather cleared it to me.' l heard one of the students talking about the vampires and the word itself triggered my mind.
' Vampires? Do they really exist?' In which year and where was l at the time they were existing?' l thought as the guy besides the one who just spoke answered as if he just read my thoughts.'
' Huh! You didn't know? It happened many, many years ago. Before even my dad was born. The first time l heard about it too, l almost laughed cause l thought that my father was just playing with my mind, but l came to realize, he was right. Even my grandmother had say it to me repeated times that Vampires were real and they do exists till now. And do you know what am hoping dude? To see them one day. To see how their fangs grow and if they can cope up with the sun.' He blubbered with a chuckle making my ears to feel tired of listening. I had thought that he won't keep quiet but thank to my prayers.'
' Don't be ridiculous Chubby, what if that day happens then all you will do best is run? Haahh! I'll laugh you till you beat me.' I heard another one replying. This time it was a Lady's voice.
' Is he called chubby or it's because of how his cheeks are? I wondered following them slowly. This time step by step.'
' Don't call me chubby again, I'll war you. If you can't call me Chase then shut your mouth.' he warned his funny face turning angrily.'
' Sorry. I was just teasing you. I didn't know you're a crusty man. Anyway there's.....
' I loathe you. You're mouthy and arrogant.' Chubby or wherever his name was interjected the girl as we enter the school compound. Am glad that this time l arrived a bit early. I left them still arguing and dashed inside the school burging inside my class as soon as l could, artilist to revise for the first class.
Though l was quietly settled down perusing on my books little by little, still my mind was a bit hovering around and not just because from the students that were howling inside the class but because of the word 'Vampires'. They word itself disturbed my mind till tea break bell rung distracting my thoughts. I didn't even noticed when Ziddy and Chaden came in. As l stood up to approach them, l only find them staring at me wonderlessly. As if already know what was disturbing my brain.
' What's up? Sad? I asked acting serious.
' Yeah! Someone's not happy today.' Chaden replied taking a seat closer to me. Tell us, what's the problem?'
' Huh! Problem? Did l said l have a problem? I asked avoiding their intense gaze.'
' Speak little rat or l force you.' Ziddy my biggest fear spoke scaring away my act.' What happened, did something happened?
' Umm.... something? You mean someone bullying me? Ooohh never? I replied somehow short of breath, but l kept my eyes staring at her.'
' Huh! Fine then. When you're ready to share it, look for me. Anyway, I heard that after break, the school director is going to talk to us. About a trip or something like that? She said sitting down too. Sometimes l do wonder if she'll ever laugh this girl. Anyway, with her serious face, she's still beautiful.'
' Trip? Huh! Have been hearing some rumours but l shoved them away, so it's true? I asked trying to adjust my mind so that l can concentrate better.'
' Rumours? You mean...Ghosh that mouthy wizard? I heard Ziddy cursing down her throat and l somehow wondered if it was meant to be a secret. Anyway, we'll assemble now. Let us go out before the bell reminds us.' she said taking my hand as if l am a child into her eyes.
As we walk towards the field, l was berating on whether to ask them what have just heard about vampires but another stupid demon inside of me was shutting me down. I tried to concentrate even more but l ended up singing the word 'vampires' repeatedly in my head not knowing that all along, Ziddy and Chad were staring at me. Infact we had already reached to the fields but l was still moving, going nowhere. I felt a hand dragging me behind forcefully and that's when my drowned mind was brought back. Ziddy with her long fingers, snapped a finger onto my face as the director speak. ' What was l thinking, even the director has started speaking, Ooh! Even everyone had already gathered around, what was l doing?' l asked myself, looking around, the place was so quiet, l bet l was the only one moving.'
' So, like l had said before, today l've got a great news. What we've been seeking for a long time, we've finally got it.' Mr Su, the school director spoke with a huge smile on his face. His white teeth could only show that he was happy.'
' I myself went to convince the President of Lourea, that on behalf of other directors am requesting for my school to visit the great old five mountains. Though l knew it was risky when l came up with this idea, but l knew due to some serious circumstances, he won't deny my request. And here l am, with the biggest news.' he shouted with a laugh as if this is what he has been dreaming for, for a long time.'
' In two to three days from now, we'll be visiting the big five mountains.' he broke the news as everyone starts murmuring. You should be thankful cause you'll need no any transport. The school buses will help you to reduce your money inside your pockets and again, the mountains are not set too far from here. Five hours is enough for our arrival. That's why you should be thankful for living in Youvis City.' Though l was happy to hear that, but again what if we get attacked by the vampires? What if something happens? I thought carefully my thumb rubbing on my temple smoothly. When l turned to face Ziddy, l saw that she was not happy too but to Chaden, he never expresses any serious expression unless it is a funny one. Anyway, let it be the way it is. As long as we return safely.' l said inside of me as the director disperses us.
' Hi, l guess will need to cooperate, just a comment from one of you I'll feel happy.