Though the day didn't be as worse as the previous days, still in my eyes l saw it being more worse than the passed ones. Also ever since l heard the word 'Vampires' from those student's mouth, it really caused lack of peace in my brain, even sleeping, it was worse than l had ever thought. l was trying my best to open up for Ziddy and Chaden, but again something was keeping me off from saying anything. I just got shuttered or someone's interrupts before l start the conversation. For sure it was making me more worried. I hurriedly dashed inside the house feeling tired after school hoping that my eyes could get caught by something that somehow, will keep my mind triggered. Thank to heavens for hearing my pleadings. I have missed him so much ever since he left for the country business. He's someone l can talk to artilist for now. I thought standing at the entrance my eyes feeling with tears of happiness when l saw who was standing Infront of me. I quickly ran into his arms and without wasting any more minute, he took me in, feeling each other's warm.

' Thank you so much for keeping your promise dad. I thought that you have left me, all alone with no one by my side.' l murmured tears rolling down my cheeks.

' Am sorry sweat heart. I would never break my promise. Especially to you my sweet angel. You know you're my world, you can always tell me anything.' My dad said assuring me from everything. It has been six months ever since he left for the business trip in Country Vulnegar, but now since am in his sweet embrance again, l can feel at ease. I can speak to him what is going on in my mind. I can tell him everything that had happened ever since he left.

' Daad! I called softly disengaging from his warm arms.

' Anything wrong? Why the sudden face darling. Are you not happy with my arrival? He quickly rushed his questions as usual. Those are the same questions that he always ask after disengaging from our hug, and l always repeat the same answers.

' Am okay and so happy for your arrival, it's nothing bigger.'

' Hmm! Nothing bigger. Well then inform me. I can't wait to hear it.' he said with a smile taking me to have a seat.

' Daad! Actually there's something that has been bothering my mind so badly ever since l heard the name. Have tried to shoved it away, but it keeps on ringing in my head, no matter how many times l tried ignoring it. And again l could feel my heart beat hammering loudly in my chest every now and then something that has never happened to me before, thus leaving me with no choice than to think that something is at mess..' l slowly explained my voice a little bit low so that he could hear everything.

' Triggering? What exactly is it? I mean what is the name of what is disturbing you? With his keen eyes, he kept his gaze at me obviously waiting for my respond. With just one deep breath, l spoke and l saw a glimmer of fear in his eyes which kept me more awake.

' It's Vampires?

' Vampires? Vampires? Heart beat raising? He asked though with a shock tone.'

' Hmm! I heard two to three students talking about Vampires and the word itself got me offguard. They do exist, right father? I said as if am informing him.

He averted his fixed gaze away from me either berating on whether to tell me or not but again it seemed that he was really fighting with his inside on what l have just said to him. He moved his body Infront, clasping onto his own hands tightly and as always when something is disturbing his mind, he does tapped continuously his right leg on the floor in a calculative manner. He quickly stared at me turning serious as if something was off, and then out of the blue, l saw his eyes sparkling blue in colour then in a second everything turned back to normal as he smile.

' Daad! I.....l...saw. l saw something in your eyes? I asked quickly hoping that he'll change his mood but he kept on smiling his eyes looking into mine leaving me with no option than to think that maybe this is not my father.

' Am the same father who raised you and am still l am. The reason why am smiling is because you've made me to smile today.' he said after along waiting for his reply. But again, just saying the word vampires has been making me restless, can that make him smile? Or maybe l have cracked a joke and didn't notice mhhh?' l thought rubbing my temple as l try to recall.


My figure was seen far away from the hall pacing up and down hands inside the trouser pockets in a restless way. I was in deep thoughts when six guys with perfect body builded emerge in with unfathomable look on their faces. Immediately l heard their footsteps and smell, l quickly turned, my green dare devil's eyes watching them closely as they approach. Without wasting another second for them to come closer, l moved quickly taking a seat my left thumb caressing my lower lip slowly still holding the same fixed gaze.

' Anything? I asked impatiently.'

' Still nothing prince Aezil. We've searched the whole area but nothing seemed to be happening. It is still the same way when we last visited.' Rue, the small among my six men answered others keeping their mouth shut. Probably knowing how easily l react with such kind of messages. I recently added him to be one among my best men l had selected when l noticed his strength and speed. When l say small, l didn't mean in body size, but the youngest among them all and he's knew to me that's why sometimes he does blubber before Riel, their leaders.

' Humph! We gotta find away soon guys, or else, the world might come to an end us without knowing. We need to break the spell.' l blubbered anger taking over me. I saw quickly Riel approaching me hopefully knowing what next l might do, and l saw his eyes pleading for my actions. I just stared into his purple eyes and somehow l felt a bit ease. I took a deep breath then turned towards them.

' Any information from the king?

' Yes prince Aezil. One of the human slaves passed the I formation to me saying that King Bildad would like to talk to you, something very important that it'll need you and your brothers to assemble in the throne hall.' Racky, their junior leader said. His message although it brought my nerves down, but not as l wanted. My heart is ranging from something, someone to calm me down but l don't know who is that and why. I ushered them to have their seats near me and for the first time in life, l spoke to them like am talking to my brothers.

' I can feel someone's heart beat. I swear this has never happened before and when l start planning on how to break the spell, l smell a faint of human blood from far as if it is far away from me but the heart beat is near. The heart beat is quite strong and till now l can feel it.' l confessed trying to get some answers in their frozen faces.

' You said heart beat? And a faint blood from far? What is that that is supposed to mean? Uhhhh! wait Prince, Do you feel your heart beat or someone's heartbeat?' Reed asked leaving our mind wide open. How can he think too fast, anyway l won't blame him but his mind. He's mouthy but when it comes to serious matters, l like him. He's good at speed thinking compared to others. His skills is somehow way stronger and impressive but he lacks one thing which is in everyone's sense. That is ' Confusion.' l do even wonder if he'll one day get confused by something, not even a ladie's mind can manipulate him, never.

' I do feel both, especially that person's heartbeat. Mine, beats just once or twice after the faint smell.' l explained trying to figure out if l have missed anything out.

' Uhhh! Then l know why and what it means.' his words made me somehow surprised with the others and again happy. His creativity when it comes to way thinking, it is the only thing that does make me keep him around. With eagerness to know, l found my mouth opening without a warning.