After what l heard from Reed, my body tensed leaving me in the world of unknown thoughts. I quickly stood up, biting my lower lip shamelessly not giving them a glance.

' Huh! How is that possible? How can l feel someone's heart beat yet have never set my eyes on him or her.' l asked smiling unbelievably.

' Infact l don't think that he's a 'he' prince. The heart beat that you're feeling, belongs to a human. Infact a woman's heart beat.' Reed added as l stare at him.'

' Reed, do you wanna see me going crazy?

' No my prince.' he replied with a bow.'

' Then stop saying unecessary points especially when it concerns women. And l think you know how l despises women They don't sound good to me.' l mumbled my anger increasing this time storming out of the hall leaving them still murmuring.

' This stubborn rabbit, can't he take anything serious?' Rezy who has been silent ever since the conversation started spoke staring at the door that Prince Aezil had disappeared to.

' Leave him. Anyway we should understand him and get used to him, if not, we gonna get buried and turned into stone, am young am not ready to become a rock.' Racky added with a chuckle as Rue speaks.

' Anyway, l still wonder, how old is Prince Aezil, have never seen him with any woman, or he's a virgin, right?

' Stupid, stupid child. Don't you ever say that to my face. What if Prince Aezil hears you, he's not deaf remember that boy. If you want to die young, then shut your dirty mouth.' Riel there high leader fired his purple eyes gazing at Rue furiously.

With just one glance from his murder eyes, he went silent, as others tries to hide there tempting laugh. Quickly, Rogue the most dangerous but the silent one stood up storming out of the door surprising them. Rue immediately froze thinking that maybe what he just said was what made him to walk out.

' Kid, l guess you're dead! Rest in peace.' Reed murmured as they all storm out leaving him still trying to figure what he just said.

Reed Skies___The one with the highest thinking capacity among them all. Funny guy and a Master planner. Good when it comes in fighting too. Has grey eyes.

Racky Zoe___ The junior leader among the R⁶ guys. The one with the strong heightened sense among them all. He likes laughing alot. Dark green eyes.

Riel Wyne___The leader of the R⁶ allies. He's the one with the highest speed among the guys but lower compared to Aezil's. Straight forward and the protector of Prince Aezil. The one with the purple eyes.

Rezy Blues___Simple but dangerous. Can control someone's mind with just a blink. He's got Red eyes.

Rue Grey___ Speedy. Strong when it comes to war and the most stubborn one. The young among them all. Orange eyes but brown when he's normal.

Rogue Power___ A short tempered man. Totally different from others and the most silent among them. He never speak unless the matter concerns everyone and it is serious. Has the scariest dangerous aura with indigo eyes.

Aezil Kiel___The young prince of Vulca Kingdom. The small and the smartest among his three brothers. Vizel Kiel, Luc Kiel and Zay Keith Kiel. He's worse than thunder and has yellow eyes when anger takes over him but green when he's trying to control his anger and alittle normal. He's grumpy and not a ladie's man. The prince of the R⁶ members and to the kingdom.


' Yes My King! You called.' l said bowing my head at King Bildad who was sitting at his golden brown throne. He's old but still running and protecting the People of Vulca.

' Yes, yes Aezil. I and your brothers have been waiting for you. We thought that maybe you won't make it, but bless to you. Have a seat.' The king said with his heavy voice.

I took another bow then moved to where brother Luc was sitting. He's the only among my three brothers that understands me. He doesn't engage himself into the matters that doesn't concerned the kingdom nor himself. He quickly gave me a side cheek smile squeezing for me as the king speaks.

' Okay, like we had talked the other day, l the king of Vulca Kingdom and on behalf of the Red Vampires had a meeting with King Larry. The furthest kingdom that belongs to the Dragon Vampires. We both had decided that since we are enemies and we both are yearning for humans, we decided that a serious truce is going to be made inorder to clear all the misunderstanding between the two kingdoms. As you all know the Dragon Vampires don't get well in darkness unlike us, light is our only problem right now. So it'll be better to agree with the already going on truce so that when the spell gets broken, we gonna take one of the human whose blood is pure and strong to try and find away so that the sun won't affect us and darkness won't affect the Dragon Vampires.' he explained slowly taking in more air.'

' But my king, won't that be risky? Is storming into human world and taking over them a bad and worse idea you're making? Luc asked. My head just nodded agreeing with his suggestion.'

' Oow! I forgot to mention that we won't be sending out troops. All of you must go to look for the one with pure blood and bring her here. I guess the sun won't affect you unlike others.'

' But father, what about the Dragon Vampires, won't they be sending some of there troops too to accompany us? This time Zay asked his usual serious face remaining calm.

' Yeah! Don't mind me sons, you know am old so forgetting is that easy. Yeah! They have some vampires that darkness don't affect them. I think they are about two to three guys. But l heard that there's a lady among them who is stronger and she'll be the one getting married to you Aezil. She'll accompany you into the human world after the spell is broken.'

' Whaaat! Father!' l stood up immediately my lips trembling. I never thought that my father would one day use me as there truce.' My king, it doesn't suit me and you know very well am not into women.' l bowed trying to defend myself.

' I know that Aezil. We had no other person to use rather you. Your brothers all of them have got there wives and children unlike you. Infact you'll like the woman. She's beautiful and perfect for your match.' He said with an assuring expression.

' I don't want a woman father. And again if that's what you want so that l can be the next King then l won't agree. I don't want to be the next King. Am sorry if l have offended you.' I said apologetically not staring at his eyes.'

' I will banish you then from this Kingdom if you don't want to marry her. That was the only idea we could come up with and to stop being enemies with the Dragon Vampires we had to make that truce. You can't deny cause every King among the twelve Kingdoms have already signed the agreement wall. We need to fight humans for locking us here and win against them.' he shouted appearing right Infront of my face his strong and long fangs scaring the hell out of me.'

' If that's what you want to do then am not agreeing father. I support Aezil.' Luc pipped in as l avert my gaze quickly at him. How could he endanger his life because of me? No, he could have kept quiet. No, he can't be banish too cause of me.' Father's anger rose in just a second and without wasting time, he moved towards Luc pinning him to the ground as l froze from where l was standing.'

Sorry guys, am not feeling okay. Today's story isn't interesting l know, hope you forgive me and understand that l lacked a content, maybe I'll try it to be better by tomorrow, am gonna make it up to you. Please guys comment so that when l drop another chapter, I'll add a free bonus for you.