If l don't get comments by today, I'll have to PAUSE the BOOK if that's what you really want.


I had a close glance at the sword hoping that l was just imagining, but the light strucked me sending me back to the floor when the sword turned straight and glimmered. Then out of nowhere, a wave of unknown powers appeared caging me from escaping. I helped myself up trying to run using another way but l hit myself on a hard wall though to be sure, there wasn't a wall Infront of me as l stamble back to the ground deciding what plan l should have. With anger in me, l furiously clenced my fist tightly thinking that I'll be able to defend myself better with a punch but as l was standing things started to change around me. First, the little darkness that was inside the room disappeared as the light covers sending me back a little. Secondly, the Mountains itself shooked three times inform of an earthquakes my hands covering my ears as soon as it happened. The empty alter l was still standing on, stood a very transparent glass table which l guess it just appeared there without me knowing, infact a very long table surrounded by some kind of unexisting sharp, straight long blueish thorns that Ofcourse were unfamiliar in my eyes and onto my right a fire was lightened immediately l turned my gaze. Unbeknownst to me, l saw myself being carried away softly then got laid on the glassy table leaving me with no hope of surviving knowing that the Sharp thorns maybe were poisonous. Next down to me, laid unknown creatures bodies though visible except their faces with black tubes injected inside there mouths and when l raised my head up, l saw a hole which took a second for me to figure out where the hole would me leading to. A small breath escaped from my lips as l fixed my gaze on something strange again. Smoke itself was coming towards the direction l was Ofcourse coming to me and l found opening my mouth as the smoke barges in as soon as l led it. I coughed a little my hands settling on my chest and for a moment, my eyes shuttered then opened again. Still in my own thoughts, unknown greyish strings appeared and started tying my wrists and legs so tightly which l couldn't help myself to evade it due to the force of magnet that was dragging me down to the table when l tried moving. With the last tie, what was holding on my arms not to move, released itself as l feel my own soul running away from me freely.

' What do you want? Who are you and what did l do? I angrily shouted struggling with the strings that had tied me.'

' What really is going on? I know am a culprit but l didn't steal anything, l swear. I didn't do anything stupid.' l defended again, as the strings gets more tighter the more l fought.'

' If l were you, l wouldn't be fighting. I would be happy, very happy.' the voice mumbled which came out to be a woman's.'

' Why? Why me? Please release me, am just here to study with other students, nothing more.' l begged loudly hoping she would hear me.'

' Am sorry, l can't release you, am tied too. Nothing's bad gonna happen though, you're safe here.' the woman said her voice vanishing from the silent room, leaving me with two things. Hope and Suspect.

The room was quiet as hell again after the voice vanished but when l closed my eyes and opened it once. I saw some strange movements which scared the hell out of me than before. My lips fell down trembling as l try to find some words, this time, my only hope that l had escaping. That's when l realized that l wasn't alone all along with the voices. The movements were loud as if someone was moving around the room. I turned my head to my right then l saw a figure coming closer to me, it was a figure but an invisible one holding some things like bowls carefully not to spit what was inside. It was hard for someone like me especially in that scary state to figure out whether it was a woman or a man.

' Don't be scared precious one. It won't take long.' the voice said and that's when l knew it was a man's tone. It was gentle as he spoke and it took me three seconds to figure how he might be looking like.

' Whaa...t..... What.... You mean what?' l confusingly stammered sweats dropping down from my body. '

' One of our usual customs. After every 4000 years, this is what we do to see the difference.' the man said again scaring me more also his statement not making any sense in my head.'

' Why me? Why is the sword staring at me too? I cried when my eyes set on the moving sword.'

' For the preparation. A glorious one.'

' Huh! Am l going to die like this? Why can't you let me celebrate first. Infact you took me unaware.' l complained trying to buy time.'

' Haahh! It sounds great.' the man laughed and somehow it eased my fear.'

' Huh! What's your name before l die. Hope we'll meet in that invisible world of yours, mmhhh! '

' Our world is always the same. It just that we are unexistanced into the real world. This is our world, My precious one.'

' Precious one? Am not precious, am just a fragile human being. Can't you see me?'

' I can but you can't. Unless we are freed. You must know that you're not a fragile human being. You're a warrior, to save tomorrow. That's who you are. You're the only long waiting saviour to complete the long written prophecy.'

' You know what, it seems that you're singing a lullaby lyrics. You're boring me with your sayings. I can't understand even one word. Now to be real, tell me, what is the time.'

' This is the real time. Inside the Big greatest Mountains, there's no time. Time is what is taking place right from that moment. That's why we are the Invisible creatures.'

' Huh! What kind of world is this? Am l in hell? Ghosh dear lord! Hear me out, just once.' I surprisingly blabbered standing only to find out that am still tied.'

'Am sorry the precious one, l can't answer all your questions due to lack of enough time. Am no of worth to know everything you're asking but you'll know when the time is right for you. You must be drowned to sleep so that we keep the secret of our Mountains. And after this, you won't remember anything but you would have freed everyone including us the invisible creatures. We'll meet when the right time comes and by that time, you would have recalled everything that had happened here. It won't hurt nor will you die if l may say so incase you're scared too. You're our long waiting saviour.' the voice explained bowing respectful, and from that moment, l lost my conscious.