Ever since King Bildad broke the news to me, have never settled my mind. No matter what l do nor where l go, he'll always send his crews to monitor me hopefully knowing that l might escape in the kingdom. Luc, has been around watching me too for the past one week but when father found out, he banished him from coming to see me probably thinking that we were planning a crucial plan. After being in so much in thoughts and pacing around the room, l heard a quick knock at the door and it left a soft relief in my body hoping that something good has happened.

' Yer' per. ' l shouted using Youlvia language.

' Qu' er Prince. Greetings. The king has sent everyone in the throne room. Something strange is happening out of all the kingdoms.' The guard reported rushing his statement.

' Whaaat!!!!! Are we having an attack? I asked impatiently.

' No, l heard that the spell is shaking. King Larry with his daughter and two sons have already arrived. Also including the Kings from the other ten kingdoms. All of them are here too. You're the only one not available.

' Whaaat!!! Fuck!..... It's barely two weeks and..... Ooohh no! Gerald, go tell the king I'll be there in a jiff. I need to work on something ofcourse it won't take that long. I know this is urgent, so l won't delay even a second.

' Uh. My prince, am sorry, I'll beheaded if l won't show up with you. That's the command have been given. Please come with me.' he said bowing. I had no other words to say than to stare at him. My father doesn't trust me that much, that's why he uses my weakness to get me. I thought for some seconds then before l could make up my mind, another knock came in. This time they were my boys.

' What's up? Am coming dudes.' l shouted feeling annoyed.

' Am sorry my prince. We have ten seconds to take you to the throne hall. Please don't be stubborn.' Riel their leaders spoke.'

' Ghosh!!! I ain't going anywhere. Why is the king summoning you guys to come and fetch me as if am at stake.'

' The spell is breaking. Everyone has already gathered except you.'

' Owww! Am not the future king and yet am being hurried as if the throne is going to be passed on to me. Fine, l don't want you guys being beheaded Infront of me. Let us move, l might beheaded too for being ignorant to the King.

Though l was surprised when my legs stepped at the entrance of the hall, but l couldn't let it show due to some serious circumstances. Everyone stood up to greet me as l walk solemnly inside. I searched for an empty seat away from the King but before l could have a seat, he called on me and directed me to go and sit near a lady who Ofcourse didn't bother knowing her. She fixed her serious gaze on mine scanning my body and that's when l realized she's from the Dragon Vampires. Her eyes were dark green almost alike with the two young men sitting on her left hand. I sat down quietly giving her a slight smile with a wink ontop just to make her stop from drooling too much. My eyes searched for Luc and l saw him focused in a conversation with my guys and l just wished l would be there as the king stands to speak.

' Uh.... Great Greetings my people, and onto the kingdom. Ver' Zer vous'. '

' Ver' Zer Vous' Our King.' We repeated rhythmically with a bow as the silent hits the hall again.

' Well, we don't have enough time for introduction. I decided to cancelled the journey of breaking into the human world because someone's up there is trying to free us. Maybe another way has been found and as we all know, not all vampires were locked down here. Some run away and l guess, this their turn to take revenge. They've been waiting to free us all so that we can start planning on our mission. We want to be freed like humans and take control of them.

' Yeah! I do support you king Bildad. But the truth is, even though the spell gets broken, you know we won't be freed completely, both the Red Vampires and Dragons Vampires blood needs to be smeared in a circle that the spell was cursed. Do you think we have the special blood among the twelve Kingdoms? King Larry asked attentively.

' Umm! That's why l called you all here. Among the twelve Kingdoms, l know there's one or three of them. We can always taste one person at a time.'

' That won't help it. It'll be too late and by the time the ritual will be taking place, the spell would have already started forming again. We are too many to do what you're saying.' King Zu, the King of Hyung Kingdom objected.

' Fine. What's your opinion then, my fellow King Zu.' Father said somehow annoyed by his words.

' We should go on with what we've already planned. We can't cancelled the mission yet we haven't seen anything yet. The spell is just shaking not breaking my fellow Kings. The girl might be of help to us. She's the only saviour to free us.'

' No. I disagree with your decision. How are we going to identify the girl? Another king from Dulka Kingdom hopped in.'

' And how was King Bildad going to identify her before cancelling the mission? Another one added whom l think is King Fu' hang from Su' Wan Kingdom.'

' Yeah l support you King Fu' hang. Maybe he should tell us his tactics, we are here to share the ideas right. Let us not hide anything, we need each other's back right now.' King Shun from Forum Kingdom added.

' What if l didn't had any idea on how to identify her? We all have power, we can always combine it and....

' Just tell us. Why hide and we are all here to hear your opinions since you're the best king and our leader among us all. King Larry, do you have any idea too? Maybe King Bildad has shared something with you unbeknown to us.'

' King Zoe, please shut it. You're the King of War Kingdom, I'll love you to mind your words. Your kingdom is too small to start...

' King Father, please, you too also should shut it. Don't loose your respect in your kingdom and people around you. Kingdom Nighh needs you, don't forget the last battle that you lost.

' Fine, since King Jurry has spoken like a million people, please, what should we do? It seems that none of us has an idea.'

' Am sorry to interject my King, but since am the King of Fu'tu're Kingdom, I would like you to open the room for the other listeners, since we're all clueless. That's what am deciding. They might be having a great idea unlike us, we're old in thinking.' he said with a bow.

' Thanks for you're honesty King Jurry. Now, the room is opened for everybody. Anyone that wants to oppose or propose something, is allowed. You may now proceed.'

Since l was too engrossed in my own thoughts, l didn't know when people started talking. The woman next to me kept on smiling anytime my eyes turned towards her direction and she left me having a second thought about her. Though she was beautiful and whom any man would like to lye with her, but she wasn't breath taking as l wanted. And again am not into women, so hooking up with her, l don't think it'll be a good idea. I don't like sharing my belongings with women. Still in my own predicament, a snap of a finger appeared into my face bringing me back to reality and that's when l saw everybody staring at me.

' Speak! You said you're objecting, right. Say something.' The woman muttered her melodious voice playing rhythmically in my ears. My heart thundered continuously as l try to recall if l spoke something regarding what they were all deciding on.

' Errr..... Oohh dear Lord, help me. ' l prayed from inside standing.

' Speak son. No need to be afraid. You're next in line so by now, you should be having enough courage to speak to the crowd.' King V said smiling at me softly. I think he's the third last king in line of Hope kingdom.'

' Umm..... What if.... Eerrrr..... Tsc... Did l....

' Come here son. Drink this sweet wine. It'll boost up your energy. I once used it at your age and... '

' King Jerry, don't forget that Wine is only used in your kingdom. Kingdom Pearl.'

' But it might be of help King Michael. Maybe your Kingdom isn't the one allowed to drink the wine. So as the king of Thor kingdom, understand the situation the young man is in. See, it's written from his face, he has never stood in a crowd. He seems to be a man who doesn't face the public.' King Lee said taking the cup from King Jerry's hands giving it to me.

Since l wanted something to cool me down, l drunked it then turned my gaze at everybody as if the sweet wine was taking control of me. I took in few strong breaths then stepped Infront of everybody without fear.

' I'll be the one to shade the blood. I'll sacrifice my blood, BUT in one condition. I want you to cancel my..... '

My words were cut off by a strong burst from outside which shook the whole kingdom sending some of us back to the floor. It was as if the world was breaking and the underground was cracking but when everything shuttered down, the spell has already broken but the worse of it was, some Vampires in our Kingdom had started burning due to the bright light that came from the sun. Then l heard my father's voice saying.

' At LAST!!! We are FREE!!!!