' Whaaat! Is this old man okay? I whispered staring at his smiling face. Another idea hoped into my head almost knowing what's going to happen next.'

' Hurray!!! Hurray!!!! We are free. Free from the spell. Hurray!!!!

' We should celebrate. At last we ain't caged down here anymore. Celebration!!!!! Another king shouted and that's when l saw how childish they were all. How stupid their minds were all. How can they be celebrating yet other vampires are getting burned. Are they doing this on purpose?

' Guards!!!! Guards!!!! One of the chief in the hall shouted after the king has dispersed the meeting.

' Yes chief! You called. '

' Go spread the news to the people of Vulca and the rest of the kingdoms that there's a celebration which will take place at King Bildad's Palace. They are free to celebrate and tell them that's the king's order.

' Ois ve dun' Chief. Right now. But we have a big problem chief.'

' Problem? What is it?'

' Some of the Vampires guiding the ancient gate are injured. They can't cope up with the sun that long.'

' Tell them the issue is going to be settled later. Right now we need to celebrate. No more news....

' No. ' l shouted. ' How can he say that? The vampires are one of us and using the same energy like us, how can he let them get hurt.'

' Shawn, go tell all the guards protecting the last gate, l mean all the guards set outside should all be let in. No one's guiding tonight. All of them are being freed. They must all rest to recover.'

' My prince. The King will be furious with the...

' Shawn, go tell them to come in. It's a king's order. The next in line. Tell them to go to their homes and meet with their family. I'll be the one to be on guard tonight.'

' Whaaaat!!!! My king, you can't do that? You're risking yourself and we want you to stay alive.

' Can you guide it? You yourself despite being the chief of the people, can you really do it? I furiously asked him sending him backwards a little.

' Am sorry, l didn't mean to anger you.'

' Gerald, just go? Infact tell them they have one week to spend with their loved ones and to heal.'

' My prince... That has never happened here in the kingdom. It's a rule that you're breaking.

' Stupid Parrot, shut up. You're the chief but you can't protect your people. What else can you do? Are they using petrol in their bodies, huh?

' I... Um... Am sorry my King. I should have had a second thought. Please forgive me King Aezil.'

' Already forgiven. Next time, don't forget to have a second thought or else I'll punish you. And my punishment won't be as easy as you think, it'll be more than hell.' I threatened knowing that his blood has already frozen. His head remained bowed not giving me even a side ways eye as Jerry rushed out chuckling softly.

I took few strolls outside the kingdom then l went and stood at one of the highest tower set in the middle of the kingdom where l can see everything that's going on. But one thing that was bothering me was, if am really a real 'MAN'. How can the spell be broken completely without us shading the blood of the Vampires. Did the old prophets lied about the spell. How is that possible? And the faint smell of the woman, how come it is closer now? It seems to be more closer than how l used to feel. No, no, there's something or someone messing around with me. They are using magic, to distract my mind. Is that woman doing this? Is she the one behind all that is happening to me? But the worse of it, is, the great prophet Muhammad told me before his last breath could escape that l should not get intouched with any woman before my eyes setting on something l love. What did he mean? And how come dear me? Was l cursed after birth that I'll never sleep with any woman? How come mine isn't growing? It is still the same when l was born? Did that prophet caged it from growing? What kind of embarrassment is this? My people might thing that am gey. Where did l go wrong, oh sweet me? When will it grow? My father is about to get me married and Ofcourse the woman would want to be touched. What lies will l come up with? My age mate friends all have children enjoying life yet am here, all alone hiding the truth from everybody. Even from my trusted guys. Will they all leave me if l break the news to them? How will they take me? No, l can't tell this to anybody. How will they react Incase they hear that my little monster has never grown ever since l was born. I know you want to laugh by disclosing the worse secret of my life, but anyway, l won't stop you. You can always laugh. It hurts being different from everyone. Will l ever marry? Me, prince Aezil Kiel? Haaahhh! No, l can't. My deep thoughts were cut by a ladie's voice which it didn't take even five seconds to know who she was.

' What does she want, why.... Ooohh! I whispered rubbing my temple as she approaches.

' Hey! What's up? I cleared my throat waiting for her to reach me.'

' Hey, are you dafe? She asked making me to raise my brows confusingly.

' Why? Did you call?'

' Ten times. I was down there, it seemed like l was calling a rock.'

' And? '

' And that's why am here.'

' To do what? '

' Umm! So... So that we can talk. You and me.'

' Talk? Huh! About what?'

' Eerrrr..... Didn't you know? Fine, talk about you and me. What you didn't know..... '

' I know all of it? I guess there's nothing more to talk about.'

' What? So you've agreed?'

' Nope!!! Am not interested in you, l mean in women? My answer came out direct and when l looked at her, l saw a tiny pain written in her tiny face and l somehow felt sorry for rejecting her in that manner. I would have been more sincerely knowing how ladies act on a small matter.'

' Whaat! Do you wanna cry? Then do so.' l spurted again thinking that's the best way to calm her down only to hear an outburst of her cry bursting into my ears.'

' Hey?!!! What an old woman. Is that how you cry, Oohh Ghosh!!! You look ugly girl, don't cry. But if l were you, l would continue crying.' l added hoping she would calm down but again l failed.

' Uh! Women are stubborn. How can l make her stop crying.' Why cry now? Is that how you'll be doing to your future husband the day you'll get married? I asked one hand soothing her back and the other wiping her tears and that's when l saw her laughing. I moved away from her fuming in anger. How can she play such a trick on me? She's lucky she's a woman and the only princess of Luhya Kingdom. Her father King Larry might had a heard time in raising her. No wonder he wants me to marry her? This psycho woman, Oohh no! I can't, she'll finish me.' I thought staring at her.


' Huh! Don't tell me prince Aezil is falling in love guys?

' Somehow! He thought that he's the hard guy here in Vulca, forgetting that l Rue, am still on the line. The only cute guy in the city.'

' Jeez! See who's bragging. You, cute guy? Ooww! Boy, stop fighting a chance that you know you'll never get it.'

' Hey, you're so mean. Uhhh----- l know why.

' What? You think am lying?

' Nop Reed, you're jealous. Haahhhh! Guys someone's jealous of me being the cute guy in the city. See, he wanna cry.'

' Shut up! See how our prince is soothing her. I bet the girl can be a great actress to catch men's mind, Mmhh?' Rezy pipped in his eyes not leaving Aezil.

' I don't think so, maybe our prince has said something bad to her, you know he's not good at babysitting women.' Riel added.'

' Don't tell me our prince has a soft heart?'

' Mmmhh! For the first time Rogue murmured, making the five guys to turn their heads on his direction.'

' What? Have l grown a second head? He asked a small smile escaping from his lower lip.'

' Wooow! I didn't know you had such a cute smile, broh.' Racky commented making Rogue to shy a little.'

' Oow! I thought you'll never talk? What a luck today is. Mr Rogue powers just smiled, let the rain drop on me today.'

' Tsc, such a crazy kid. No wonder you're small among us all. Thanks to the prince l can bully you.' Rogue added making some of them to laugh.'

' Eerrrr..... Did you said, you'll call the black bull for me?'

' What dude? Are you dafe?

' No, what did he said? '

' I said you're good but a stupid kid. '

' Oohh men! You said that? Fine, I'll report you to the prince, l swear, the prince must know this.'

' You're free. But too late. He has already gotten someone to play with. Ahhh! I can breathe again. At last our prince is getting married to her.' Riel said sighing heavily.'

' And you? You're almost the same age with the prince but you haven't found one. Are you gey director Riel? '

' Whaaat! You kid, l think l must teach you a lesson, come here.' he said chasing Rue.' Uuhh! Such a stubborn kid.'

' Hey, stop hiding that embarrassment. You better find someone before reaching fifty. I don't want bachelors in our group.'

' Sorry to say this, but aren't we all bachelors. Who's dating, no one ofcourse including our prince. Look, it seems he's not into that lady. Why shouldn't we date yet our leaders aren't?' Reed said smiling then after a short while they all grouped hugged as Aezil arrives.'

' I agree with you dude! Sure. No wonder prince likes you.'

' Jeez! Why am l left behind. I too need a sweet hug. But after the hug, am gonna war you.'

' Whaaaat!!!!!