The heavy rain has stopped right before the sun to appear. Since some of the little places near the kingdom has been filled with water, l and my team with few soldiers decided to take few strolls around the places before we assemble to the throne hall. We passed acrossed shabby places called The Land of the poor and something hot burned my chest. From the looks of everyone's face, one could tell that they were all living in an isolated houses. Some of the children were squeezing themselves in one of the houses but still there was water inside as the heartless cold eats them without any mercy. I turned onto my left only to realize how painful it was to be a parent with no enough support. One could tell they were freezing from where they were cuddling themselves to. They were standing outside, others holding their tiny little kids who l can say can't understand what was happening. Their pleading and crying eyes looked into mine and l observed one thing. Even though the high Minister does says, his work is to protect The Land of the Poor, everything was a lie. Yes they are vampires from this Kingdom, but they shouldn't be treated like the slaves of the Vampires from what am seeing. The cry of a child brought me back, and Infront of me was Rue, holding the kid in his arms. Who could have thought such a young man could be having such a soft heart and unlike me, l only watch and wonder.

' Oowww! What a sweet kid. Please don't cry.' l soothed pinching his already swollen cheeks playfully.'

' Aaahhhh! Why can't l cry?' the kid asked instantly as if he was giving me time to say something and his only words took me back.'

' Oohh! What's your name? Where are your parents?'

' Am Swaddy. And.....and am alone.' he replied again this time his tears falling down continuously.'

' You don't have anyone to take care of you?' l knew my questions were stupid even from the looks l was given by my team but l kept on asking.'

' My..... My parents are there dead. I can't save them and my sister Micah is nowhere to be found. So, what l know am alone.' His words directed all of us to where his tiny finger was pointing at and l immediately summoned the guards to hastily take drowned bodies away from the water. I never thought such a kid will be this brilliant and the thoughts of living him behind, changed my brain.'

' Hurry!!! They must be preserved in a good place before taken to the burrial place. Hurry!!!' l shouted as l give them a hand too. Already dead bodies were around eight in numbers and somehow they were others still not found according to me.'

' Prince! I think we'll need an extra hand. Someone should go and call for the guards outside the palace, around six bodies are missing right now.' Riel shouted and l turned to the boy hoping he could be useful for once'

' How old are you swadden?'

' Am 9, turning 10 next week.'

' Oooww! Too small. Anyway, do you know the way to the palace?'

' Mhhh! Almost everywhere.' he proudly replied and from what l can tell you, he really made my day.'

' Good, now hold this flag tightly cause have written a note, a very serious one, run till you reach to the gate of the Great Walls and give the guard the flag, from there, you should not speak, he'll understand the task himself, just turn then come back to me. Don't stop anywhere, are we clear?' l explained hoping he'll catch everything.'

' Yes my prince. Your task will be submitted right away and I'll come direct to you, you should not worry my prince.' he saluted confidently running away from my eyes leaving me with a smile.'

' Hahh! What a good soldier kid. I want him.' I murmured turning my head only my eyes to bumped into the unexpected ones.'

' Urrgghh! How many times do l have to tell you don't ever give me such looks with those scary expression of yours?'

' Did we startled you? For.... For serious? Racky stupidly asked.'

' Racky shut it? Do you think Prince can.....'

' Why saying that yet you want to laugh Reed? Huh! What a group of idiots l have.' l scoffed walking passed them with confused looks.'

We were lucky that the bodies that we got were around thirteen but still not adding the exact numbers of what we were given by one of the men around the place. Since we were just staring at each other like the hungry dogs, I assembled the remaining ones in a place which has already dried for a word hoping they'll all keep up with what I'll be telling them.

' Uuuhhmmmm!!! Since l can see that most of your houses have been ruined by floods, and especially children are the ones giving me no peace to leave just like that. Have already communicated with the Minister concerning......'

' Why him? Why him of all the people? We are Vampires yes but we need to stay in a good environment. This isn't where we are supposed to be. This isn't us.' A man in his fifties complained as the whole area fills with echoes.'

' Yes!!!!

' He's right. The Minister doesn't suit to be given that chance. All he does is to use us by giving us false promises. Why him our Prince?'

' Or are you siding him? Are you too here to take the little we have remained with?' Another woman fired her question somehow slicing my helpless heart.'

' Watch your mouth woman. Our prince isn't a hypocrite they way you're all thinking. He isn't here to ask any favour from you. So if l were you, I'd rather listen what he's about to say than to burst out stupid and harshy words.' Riel commanded his heavy voice sending a shiver of fears to them.'

' We are so sorry our prince. But what we all are asking for, please listen to our cries. We can't go anywhere now. The place has been destroyed and we've lost some of our loved ones. This isn't the first time this is happening. Please help us.'

' Yes please. Please help us.'

' Our kids needs to be taught and eat. Please our kind please.'

' Help us. The Land of the poor has been abandoned many years ago, we do survive on our own way. Please hear us.'

' Fine. But l have one suggestion.' l said strictly not giving them a chance of speaking since l was already annoyed with their pleadings.' I want all your ears, right now l want to hear no murmur at all.'

' Since you're too many to fit inside the palace, I'd want or I'll rather give you somewhere to sleep as l talk to the king on how we gonna make these places a nice place for all of us. My team is going to give you guys some of the tents which ofcourse are enough for everybody as we continue building your houses. And again don't worry for how long will the constructors take to finish the work. We are the Red Vampires so l think one month is enough for all of you to live in a well furnished houses with nice doors and windows. The day after tomorrow that's when everything's gonna start. Right now you won't sleep inside those Shobby tiny and dirty cubes of yours.'

' And food? What about food prince. Will we sleep hungry forever?' Swadden's tiny voice broke the silence which made some of them to laugh including myself from what he just said.'

' Prince, l don't want to die hungry like my uncle Tito. I want to be strong like you and see tomorrow, please.' he pleaded pouting.'

' No. I won't let that happen especially when you are here with me. Am gonna give you food even for a thousand coming years. You'll see tomorrow,,,, son.'


The bright curtains flipped welcoming the cold breeze inside. Though the sun since morning was so bright, but now l wonder why the weather changed so fast and darkness is yet to cover the sky. It doesn't look like it's gonna rain? Why this strange wind coming from nowhere?' l thought walking towards my already opened windows. Unknown to me, l tried pushing it, but a force of gravity if l may say so was caging me by pushing me backwards anytime I try reaching the windows. So many attempts l did, but the same thing happened and when l accidentally peeked outside, l saw an unknown figure staring at my window, l mean myself though the face was hidden but the person's black hoodie was the only thing visible not giving me a chance to know if the one watching me was a woman or a man. The wind kept on blowing my curtains and when l let go of the windows that l tried holding onto after so many struggles, the figure had already disappeared but now the wind was increasing. I never gave it a second thought on who the person was since l was surrounded with so many things happening to me which again are more off my knowledge.

' What's going on with me? Aiiish!!! My head! My head hurts and it's so painful. What....what exactly is.....' l moved slowly away from the window walking towards my drawer to take my pills but l felt something hot falling on my hand down the floor. When l stopped and opened my eyes, l saw Crimson of the blood running down my nose, making my heart and mind be in a startling chaos. I tried holding it back but all was as if have opened the other one and the next minute, l felt l was no more. My body temperature raised at once sending me back on the cold floor as my red blood changes to green. What shocked me was my blood and as my body feels weak, l saw darkness covering my eyes. Without the energy to call out someone, l passed out peacefully inside of me hoping for survival.