The next day l woke up so early only to find myself lying in bed. Yeah! To myself it was early in my eyes but in reality it was six in the afternoon. Another night was breaking yet l was still feeling sleepy. I helped myself up my hands falling on my head. The pain was gone, but my body was weak. I paced around the room as l stretch out my knuckles only to realize the kind of eyes that were staring at me. I quickly jumped down recalling everything that happened yesterday and l immediately fell back on the bed again.

' Are you feeling okay?' Dad asked sitting at the edge of the bed his hands touching my forehead.'

' Yes. But my body is weak. I don't know why.'

' Okay, you'll have to eat, your food is already here then drink this herbal medicine that l brought for you. Don't spit, they are too expensive.'

' Herbal what? Daad, you know l don't like herbal medicines.'

' I know sweetheart. But that's the only way to help you since other medicines can't help you regarding on your condition.'

' Urrrgg! Why those? Can't l take normal ones. I have pills from the doctor, can't l take them?'

' You can but they can't heal you like the Herbal ones.'

' Heal me? So you mean those who take tablets don't get healed?'

' They do darling. Infact they heal properly but l prefer Herbal ones. They are better and easily to use.'

' Ghosh! Daad! Why Can't you one day.....'

' Shhhhh! Stop questioning, Ziddy, come watch her as she eats. Make sure she drinks the medicine after the meal. Chaden make sure, no one's disturbs her no matter what. Even you yourself. And Nanny Becky, make sure she eats well. I'll not spend the night here cause a very important business is being held somewhere and l need to be there, infact am late.'

' Yes Boss. Have understood everything.' Nanny Becky said dropping the food on my bed. Since l was hungry, l devoured the food making my dad to smile a little.'

' Hey don't get chocked or else l won't help to see you dying cause of carelessness.'

' Heey! Wait, you guys have you eaten too?' l asked staring at them.'

' Earlier before you could wake up. So don't worry we're fine.'

His last words came with a slight peck on my forehead as he storms out immediately when his phone rung. I watched him silently then get back on my food hoping everything to turn out great. I wouldn't see loosing my dad this early, he's the only man who truly understand my feelings, nobody else. I peeked at Ziddy and Chaden but their faces were solemnly giving me a hind. Something was in a mess.

' What is that serious faces of yours for? Did l do anything wrong?' l quietly asked chewing on my food.'

' Nothing.' they both gave me the same answer and l got the nerve to interrogate them more. They are my friends, so knowing something when it was bothering them, it was easy.'

' Nothing? Ooh drop the act and open up guys. Am your friends and probably l know if something is not right. Now, tell me what's really going on? ' l asked this time changing my face being serious.'

' Come-on. We are fine. No need to worry....' Chaden spoke but l assumed him turning at Nanny Becky.'

' Nanny Becky, tell me the truth or else l won't take the medicine.'

' Ghosh! Hazel my girl, spare me but l have nothing to say, please.' her trembling voice made me know they were hiding something from me. I opened my mouth to ask again but my father walked in hurriedly.'

' Sweetie, I'll get going. My car is already parked outside. Nanny Becky, make sure she eats well and the rest of you, make sure you look after her. When l come back tomorrow, l want to see her smiling, clear? '

' Clear sir!!!! '

' Good. She's the only angel l have. Bye sweety.' he finished giving me a huge hug but my instincts weren't wrong. He is hiding something from me. Infact all of them.

' Bye Daad, and drive safe.' l said forcing a smile. As he walks outside, l placed my plates away then stood walking to the window.'

' Tell me, did you found me on the floor yesterday before night?' l asked backing them but their silence gave me no hope of keeping quiet.'

' What colour of my blood did you found on the floor? ' l asked again this time facing them.'

' Colour? What do you mean? Ziddy asked moving towards me.'

' Yes, blood was on the floor, right? Green Mmhh?'

' Greeen!!!!!!'


For the last time, here we are again, sitting in the throne room ready to be sent into human world. What on earth am l living in? On the other side my own father,the king of Vulca Kingdom has been disturbing me to prepare myself for a wedding with princess Mayan when l come back from the human world yet on the other side, the princess herself doesn't seem to hear my pleadings that l don't want her. She has been following me anywhere l go, giving me no peace and due to the state she's in, l sometimes thought of harming her but l restrain myself. She doesn't know she's annoying me badly. Ladies!!! Ladies!!!! Ladies!!!! What the hell do you want?' l thought adjusting my position only to realize she had entwined my hands with hers and her head was on my shoulders. I wanted to cry but what else can l do? We're in the crowd again. I hate her with reasons.

' Heey!!! What are you doing? Don't you have any shame?' l angrily asked pushing her away from me.'

' Better cooperate with me or else I'll report your stubbornness to the king.'

' What a woman? What's wrong with you? I murmured again this time giving her the best of my angryness and Ofcourse it worked at some point.'

' Don't give me those dare devil eyes or else I'll cry. I swear.' she threatened again and l lost my control. What kind of magic is she using to lure me? No! I must investigate.'

I turned at Zay and Luc then l realized they've been laughing at me slowly l think because of my reactions. I creased my brows confusingly still watching them as the king continues to speak.'

' The guys we selected will actually travel tomorrow morning before the sun sets. And l thought, instead of leaving princess Mayan behind, Aezil you should go with her.'

' Errr?? My king, for what? She's a woman.' l said standing hastily.'

' Yeah, a woman with a devotion. She must accompany you to give you company when you'll feel alone. Remember you're going into a human world which is far away from here and you're man with desires.'

' But my king! Why that suggestion? It is not that I'll leave there forever. We're going for only seven days, so why must she go with us?'

' Aezil, she isn't going with anyone. She's going with you and you must not deny that. Am tired with your questions. The meeting has ended and make sure you don't leave her behind.'

' My king... '

' I know you love buts and whys. Today No! And l mean it. ' he cut walking away from my eyes leaving me with an answered questions.

' Why me?'

' The woman herself is stubborn even when l tell her to stay far away from me, she'll not listen. I wonder with women sometimes. Who would ever understand us men one day?' I muttered the inside of me as l walk slowly direct to my chambers only to be gripped by her hands again. This time provoking the inside of me.'

' Am going with you in your palace. You've never showed me where you stay handsome.'

' What's wrong with you? And who the hell do you think you are to escort me in my own chambers?' This time l shouted yet controlling the anger in me.'

' Why shouting? Am your wife to be, so calm down and walk with me. Come here.' she said taking my hand again but l jerked it away as l disappear away from her. I can't stand to see her again, she's stubborn. And marrying her? No, I'll need a second thought or else she might destroy me one day. I need a plan to get rid of her. But how? Yes, the R⁶ might have an idea. Or, do you have any idea on how l can get rid of her?'

' Goodbye woman, see you in hell.' l muttered smiling but only to bump on her as l walk on my chambers. This time again, l wanted to run back but l didn't.'

' You can ran but can't hide dear. I can smell you whenever you go. So don't play hard to get and cooperate with me.'

' Whaaat!!!! Ooh! Not you again. She can't be using my smell to trace me, l better ran and do something before she captures and cage my helpless body.' l berated under me as l disappear again before she could reach me. This time l went far away, Ofcourse in my hiding sweet zone. In the world of the unknown. That has been my hiding place when l happened to be hiding away from the King. But this lady, will surely make me hide forever.

' She's a troubler and a disaster if that's the right word to use. Will l ever rest?'