The next day, Since l had not slept in my chambers, l woke up so early to return back to the kingdom. The day was still dark and to the fragile ones, by now they would probably have passed out cause of the scary winds coming from the northern part and also colds around the place. The land of the unknown that's how l call it and l extracted it from the great man's mouth once upon a time before his death could take him Infront of my eyes. It was set on the Mountains which was located far away from the kingdom and l happened to find this place so relaxing and unharmed. Before l could spot this magical Land, l had landed almost every part of this nation searching for a nice land to work on my things secretly but all the places l got, were ruined and some were occupied by the Great Beasts especially Land Olden. Few years ago that's when l bumped in here and unfortunately if l may say so, l found only one person living here all by himself. He was the great prophet Muhammad whom people thought that he died in the forest running for his life. Before l met him, there were some rumour mongers who used to spread some malicious rumours that circulated his past and despite him being the Great prophet, he wasn't a true prophet that his intentions were to use people inorder for beneficial. I never believed their lies nor did l knew I'll come to meet him personally especially in his old state. The scene happened so quickly and if you ask me how l begun talking to him, I'll not answer you since am still in darkness. He seemed to be possessing some kind of unknown magic. He was the one who opened up for me all the secrets that some, l had no knowledge about it. Since he was a dying man, he gave me a shiny blueish jade and told me the moment I'll see it brightening, that's when my eyes gonna be opened. What l was no off knowledge I'll get to know and what l couldn't do, l would be able to do extraordinary. I sometimes didn't myself believed him since ever since l was a kid, l never had a life that l could call for my own. No one saw me as an able man even the King himself and that thing really despises me alot.

The speed l was in, was beyond anyone's imagination and it is another secret have been keeping it from everyone. Don't judge me with why's since l was never raised to trust anybody. Even my guys, there's that limit of blabbering. Once again, that prophet told me, my name will be the key to end the war between the humans and vampires yet nothing's happening.

I had to reduce my speed cause now l was almost landing on our Kingdom and l wouldn't like to be seen moving in such a great speed. It was still dark and by that time, almost everybody was awake when l landed ontop of the longest tower inside the kingdom. I watched the quiet streets for sometimes still wondering on how I'll take princess Mayan away from my life forever since l didn't got the chance to talk to Riel and the rest though l slipped in their sight just because of that witch.

' Where the hell were you? Do you have the clue on how the King reacted when princess Mayan reported that you were missing? He almost cancelled the mission if not for your brother Zay to calm him.' Riel blurted as they all move closer. I turned silently then decided to ask something.

' Would you help me if l ask for your help?'

' Just tell us what's really going on with you. You only run away when your problems gets worse.'

' When will you ever trust us despite us being your closes people.'

' Yeah, Racky is speaking the truth. We shouldn't be serving you with all our respect yet you're hiding things from us.'

' Man, we're your only brothers around here, so if you keep on doing this, running away from your own problems, forgive me but you'll never live a great life.'

' I am Rogue powers, but l never ran away from any of my problems. A problem once shared is a half solved, those were my late mother's words and l learned something important in those words. I never failed working for myself and the ones closer to me. Rezy and the rest of us, have been trying to reach onto you but when we do so, you never appears.'

' Last night we spent all night in your chambers hoping you'll return but you never. Why do that dude? We're still your crew and we can't abandoned our problems forcing ourselves on you. Maybe you don't want us to work with you that's why you're running away from us.'

' Rue, that isn't the main reason behind all my hidings. You know me well guys. I can't help myself...'

' Prince Aezil, please direct us on what is disturbing you and will find away to help you.' Reed took the words out of my mouth before l could finish leaving me with no choice.'

' I have so many secrets to share with you. But my problem is Trust. Please don't take me wrong.'

' Uh--ooh! So you don't trust us. Your own people that you chose to lead you.' Rezy asked a pain of heart break showing in his eyes.'

' I do. But some secrets like mines, are much beyond to be disclosed anyhow.'

No, one added nothing ontop of my words and l knew how hurt they were. Rue was the first one to walk out of my ways and with just a last glance, they all walk out of my sight as the king summons us in the throne room once again. I never meant to hurt their feelings but anyone who has the same problems with huge secrets like mine, they'll probably failed to disclosed it to anyone even to those more closer to them. Did l do wrong by saying trust is my problem or what is hunting me is Fear? How will l start telling them that down there my man has never grown ever since l was born? Is that something to disclose even to your friends for real? or am the one being too selfish?'

' Shit!!! Shit!!! Have angered them now.' l desperately growled jumping down the tower walking inside.'


' Here comes the Prince of slow motion. He does his own things secretly.' The king echoed for everyone to hear.'

' I won't mind asking you where you were last night since maybe you might be having another side chick outside the kingdom and you're trying to estimate their heavyness.'

' So, thank you for coming cause l was about to end the meeting since time has really left us. By now you're supposed to be out of the kingdom and yet you're still here. Leader Louyang please start your rituals for the safety of their journey.'

After the rituals got finished, we had our last good byes to the people and before the sun could set, we were on our way to the humans world. The mission was simple, find the girl then come back with her to the kingdom for her blood is important to us the Red and Dragon Vampires. We never spoke and since we were travelling in high speed, stopping was still far beyond in our minds. Again on my right, this stubborn lady didn't left me, she's good at speed running but not as cooling as the ones my boys has. She didn't left my side and l didn't want to increase my speed cause of her. I pretended l wasn't hearing anytime she kept on stealing my attention and when she found out l wasn't interested, she let go of herself and tripped almost falling down the flowing huge river. I assumed her and kept on moving and the ones who were near us, wondered with me.

' What! Was l supposed to help her?' I said continuing with my run.'

' Hey! Just because you're the prince with a cold heart you didn't have to assume her. She's a lady man.' Prince Jay shouted making everyone to stop and turn to us.'

' A woman? Did l asked her to follow us? She knew the journey will be long and risky yet she followed. Why should I get concerned with her?' l rudely fired walking to where he was standing.'

' We are prince's of the Dragon Vampires too and she's our sister. If you can't take care of her then you shouldn't be called the next King in line.' This time it was Prince Landon who spoke their eldest brother and his words provoked my patients.'

' If you think l need to marry so that l can be the King then am sorry. I don't want the throne nor her. And don't think it is hard for me to tell the king to dethroned me, he's the one forcing me to do all this things and you all knows that.'

' Hey! Aezil, Please know your standards. Please try to understand the kind of the situation the kingdom is at. We'll talk about it later when we come back from where we are going to. I'll summoned the King and the rest to gather up for your matter.' Said Vizel then with that, the journey continued.'

It was long and tiresome to some Vampires unlike me, am used in travelling for longer distances. Since l didn't want to be seen as the one with energy, when others were resting, l walked slowly and tried to check the forest properly since the distance to be covered wasn't that long. Eight to ten hours was enough to reach in the land of the humans. I strolled around but halted when a strong smell passed on my nose. I kept my ears alarmed as l try to follow the smell. The smell kept on coming closer and this time, it wasn't one nor three, but many. I stopped to observed the area only my eyes to bump on the World Beast pacing near the Gate of the humans. We were standing in the land of the Beast and fighting them might take some times. I had to turn and alarmed them before the beast could recognized our arrival.

' We're in danger. The world Beast Land is this one. We must escape before they find out since they are guarding the last gate leading into humans world. l reported startling even those already taken by sleep.'

' World Beast? No! They are very dangerous. We must not do anything to gain our attention. No, quick movements now. We must take another direction.' Prince Zay being our leader instructed as we gather our belongings.

We covered a short distance just to reach at a place that was covered with huge white caves. The Mountains snow covered the trees and rocks which we couldn't recognize if there was someone watching us but through the smell, it was easy to do so. Prince Landon moved towards the caves and touched it only to be send few meters away from us by unknown waves. Zay too, did the same and him too was thrown as his back hits a tree trunk shaking it. The ground itself shook unknown to what was happening around us. When out of the blue, the beast footsteps informed us that we're in danger. Who could have known walking into the land of humans could be this dangerous. The weapons that we had, weren't strong enough to kill such a strong Beasts. Here is a matter between life and death and yet we haven't reached to our destination. I moved forward hoping to find away to open the caves but l couldn't. Before l could remove my eyes, l saw a sign one of the caves and l touched it maybe to observed it but that's when the ground shook again and it opened surprising everyone. We didn't got enough time for question's cause the beast had already approached us.

' Run!!!! I shouted trying to cover up for them as soon as the caves widely opened. From what l understood, no one can withstand to fight with them. One punch was enough to make you dead. So, l better run too before l meet with heavens. I can't fight them.