Chapter 14: Shiro and Gacha

Random Spins.

In Shiro's mind, this is an extremely evil thing, one that is created by the vilest entity in existence. He didn't like putting his own fate down to others' hands, yet he was presented such a thing!


[Random Spin]

Details: Containing items from different worlds, its purpose is to give those who are destined to receive. The item from the spin is not limited to the members' worlds.

Note 1: Every 10 pulls, a guaranteed R will appear.

Note 2: From lowest to highest, the rarity are the following: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Super Rare, Special Super Rare, Ultra Rare.

[x1 Spin/100 pts] [x10 spin/1,000pts]

He was curious as to what rewards he could receive last time; thus he tried to spin using the points that he received from the past 3 days. In the end, he won the Super Rare [Dimensional Storage (SR)].

[Dimensional Storage (SR)]

Details: A space storage that is bound to the user. It possesses unlimited space, but it can't store any living beings. The targeted items can be stored with just a thought, but the item/s has to be free of interference.

Note 1: Opening/Closing it won't spend any mana.

Note 2: Opening/Closing it won't produce any fluctuations.

Note 3: Only items are allowed to be stored inside the storage.

Note 4: Time will be frozen inside the storage.

With his 89 luck attribute, he hit the jackpot. There wasn't any specifications on the item grade, but he could guess that SR rarity items are just as ridiculous as the Dimensional Storage.

Tapping the desk in the study, Shiro is feeling conflicted right now.

"Do I spin or do I just save up..."

Looking at the points store, he saw that the normal price of an SR is at 10,000 points minimum. SSRs are even more ridiculous as each costs a minimum of 100,000 points. As for the URs and UURs, they start at an even higher price than the SSRs.

Shiro almost drooled after seeing all the available UR in the point store as of now. Each and every one of them can wipe the floor against gods easily, or so he had thought.

"Do I spin? Damn it, at least show me the rates!"

After reading another ancient book in the Matou's study, he finally calmed down. Right now, he has two things to do.

"I need to decide whether to use the random spins, and this one..."

He decided not to mind it first and continued reading (grinding) the books in the study. To be honest, it is very interesting to see these, mostly when they even had their own spirit due to how old they are.

Drawn by the books, he didn't notice the passage of time.


[QUEST complete.]

[Claim Rewards?]


After clicking "Y", he sensed a brand new object in his [Dimensional Storage (SR)]

Shiro took out a blue ticket with gold linings on its borders. Then, he saw the description that the chat group panel gave it.

[Random Reward Ticket]

Details: The quest reward that gives a guaranteed R rarity and above.

Note 1: Tear the ticket to claim the reward.

This is the so-called "Guaranteed Tickets". Just by having this, someone could have a good enough ranked item as a reward.

"Damn it, pull it is then."

Accessing his system's panel, he decided what to do with the more than 40,000 Soul Points that he got.


Realm: 9th Rank Rune Magician (+)/ 8th Rank Aura Knight (+)

Soul Points: 40,982


Physique: 29 (+)

Dexterity: 28 (+)

Wisdom: 32 (+) (+130)

Unlocked Special Attributes:

Aura: 33 (+)

Mana: 45 (+130) (+)

Originum: 35 (+)

Charm: 100 (MAX)

Luck: 89

Control: 100 (MAX)

Willpower: 100 (MAX)Acquired Masteries:

Arts Mastery (Expert--76%), Gun Mastery (Proficient--99%), Apothecary (Expert--65%), Riding (Expert--23%), Cooking (Expert--45%), Blade Mastery (Expert--14%), Tech Master (Proficient--78%), Bow Mastery (Expert--9%), Explosions Master (Proficient--32%), Mechanic (Expert--33%), Surgeon (Proficient--89%), Shield Mastery (Expert--12%), Negotiation Master (Expert--30%), Demonic Arts (Proficient--10%)

(Notice: 1 Acquired Mastery Chance Available.)

Even when Shiro had upgraded his ranks before, he still got 40,00 Soul Points, a testament of just how many bugs Zouken had raised in his 500 years.

"They must've amounted to thousands at the very least."

Checking the system panel, he was disappointed when he didn't see a "+" sign beside the luck stat. Though, it is understandable since it is a special attribute at 89 points already.

Closing it, he decided to do the [x10 spin/1,000pts] first. As for the other 1,000 Points, he decided to save it first.

[Confirm x10 spin?]


Clicking "Y", a transparent blue cube appeared in front of him. It has various thick blue lines on its body that served as a nice aesthetic design to it.

Then, the transparent cube opened from the thick blue lines. The pieces started to float away from each other before a purple orb appeared from within.

"Purple? Isn't this the color of the orb when I got an SR?"

Excited on the prospect of having another SR, he decided to watch the orb intently. Items appeared inside of it one after another, some are just some knowledge orbs, while some are tools and weapons. Finally, the 10th item appeared, with its silhouette being full purple.

The purple light soon disappeared, showing its true appearance.

It's a mecha with an overall color scheme of white and blue. It is more slender than he had thought, making it more like a human.

"This is.. GN-001 Exia?"

[x10 spin Results]

Typing Mastery (C)

A Swordsman's Notes (UC)

Tae Kwon Do Mastery(UC)

Floating Hover Guard (R)

Ladle (C)

Magnetic Armor (UC)

Old World Fighting Suit (R)

Pure Gold x5 (C)

An Old Knife (UC)

GN-001 Exia (SR)

The spin result summary appeared after the Random Spin is finished. Resisting the urge to do another spin, he reviewed the items that he got just now.

"Typing Mastery and Tae Kwon Do Mastery? I'm not sure if I'll need that. As for the notes..."

[A Swordsman's Notes (UC)]

Details: A diary that a swordsman wrote after he tried to adapt his previous swordsmanship to his new world. It consists of several techniques that made him notable in his previous world.

Shiro checked its description before he started reading it. Admittedly, some of the writings are quite confusing, but they do seem practical, especially when fighting in life and death battles.

"Horizontal Arc, Vorpal Strike, Vertical Arc, and hm..?"

Starburst Stream, a 16-step sword movements utilizing dual swords. Even though he hadn't understood it fully yet, he can envision that this sword movements focuses more on speed. The faster the wielder, the lesser the flaws that he will reveal.

To do this, a high-level of skill is necessary, so as to control his movements accurately.

Shiro knew some techniques that either utilizes speed or technicality as a way to remove the flaws of a swordsman, but not a technique that would combine the two.

"Interesting. They bear quite the semblance to the ones in my memories."

As an Aura Knight, he possessed the memories to weapons. Just by touching a specific weapon, the memories of wielding the said weapon appears in his mind.

Its as if he's used to wielding such weapons...

"The ticket is next..."

Without waiting any further, Shiro tore off the Random Reward Ticket in half. Blue light came off it until...

"Wait, what?"

The Blue light turned into different colors such as purple and orange before it stopped at something that he had never seen before.

"Rainbow?! Did I just... hit the jackpot?"

The rainbow orb soon dissipated, leaving a sword silhouette glowing in rainbow colors. After that, Shiro sensed something being added to his [Dimensional Storage (SR)].