Chapter 15: Fragrant Olive Sword

A golden longsword.

Just by looking at it, one would be bedazzled by its beauty. Its golden luster shines from the pommel all the way until the end of the blade. Cross-shape flower design decorates the sword's guard while another cross-shape design is present in its pommel.

The center of its guard as well as some of its grip are decorated with color blue. A scabbard also came along, with its color being less intense than the luster of the blade.

Lastly, it emanates a strong pressure from within, proving that it is not something that was created through human hands.

"Fragrant Olive Sword, what a fitting name..."

[Fragrant Olive Sword (UR)]

Details: A sword created by someone whose authority is on par with the gods. Crafted using the first immortal object created by a creation god, it possesses the "Immortal" concept. It cannot be broken nor be damaged. As slender as the sword may be, it has an absurdly large weight and power in its normal state. Under the <>, it has two forms:

Enhanced Armament State: The blade of the sword transforms into flowers. Each flower has the full strength of a giant's punch. The power of these flowers depends on the amount of mana injected in the sword.

Release Recollection State: Similar to the Enhanced Armament state, but it no longer possesses any limits. The strength and numbers of the flowers depend on the amount of mana injected into it. Furthermore, the flowers can explode upon the user's order. The resulting explosion depends on the injected mana as well.

Upon touching the sword, Shiro gained the memory of the said <>. To his surprise, it is very similar to the system of magecraft on Shinji's world.

All the user needed to do is to recite certain syntaxes before they could unleash the memories stored inside the weapon. These memories are related to the material used to forge the said weapon.

With <>, the memories of the armament gets brought out. Based on the said memories, the sword would usher into a new form.

Since the Fragrant Olive Sword is related to an osmanthus tree, it can transform into countless flowers.

"Syntax and commands in Fate World. I do wonder how I could mix both."

He marveled at the sword's appearance for a while before storing it inside his [Dimensional Storage (SR)]. Slumping down the chair, Shiro got out of his excited state.

"Truly, I never expected to be shocked like this."

Never had he imagined that he would get a UR on his first ticket. Granted that his luck is very high, but it still seemed quite unbelievable for him.

At this moment, he remembered something.

"My staff."

He took out the staff that was beside him since the day he woke up. Looking at it, the staff is mostly colored black, with some tinges of white in it. It has many jewels adorned in it, though they all look very dull. Its as if they're sleeping right now.

However, the one thing that caught his attention is the vibe that it brought. At first, Shiro thought that this must be a very extraordinary item. Now that he got [Fragrant Olive Sword (UR)], he had this strange feeling that it will definitely not lose against this sword.

"Is it just baseless feelings? Or something else? I'm itching to find out my prior identity right now..."

Putting aside the staff to his storage, he got up the chair and left the study room. On the hallway, he is greeted by the Matou household servants.

Few days ago, they were suddenly informed that a relative will come visit this house.

Not to mention his identity, just his charm alone is enough to make everyone friendly to him. There are even some women who fell for him at first sight!

Though, they are still professionals after all. They just bowed waist down before continuing their work.

Along the way, he bought a lion stuffed toy on the points store. Then, he silently fused it together with the Floating Hover Guard inside the storage.

[Fusion: Floating Hover Guard + Lion Stuffed Toy]

[Fusion Starting. 1%.. 2%..]

Opening the door, he saw Sakura and Shinji in the courtyard. The former is sitting under a tree while reading books while the latter is doing his usual spear training.

In the last 7 days, not only did he read through the books in the study, he also taught both Shinji and Sakura the basics in their respective fields.

Shinji was taught both Rune Magic and Aura Techniques, while Sakura is mostly focused on the mage systems on both worlds.

"Good morning."


"How's training?"

"It's going quite well. I did have some problems today..."

"Your reach?"

"Yes! How did you know that?"

"That's normal. Your body is still that of a child. Go train with a normal spear first, then I'll give you one that suits you."

"Thank you, aniki!"

Running off to the courtyard yet again, Shinji practiced the three basic skills in spearmanship: thrust, strike, and cut. With the help of the training stake that he bought yet again from the point store, Shinji felt the recoil of each and every thrust and strike of his.

Well, this only proved that the point store is beyond convenient if you have points.

"It's your turn, Sakura-chan. Did you write your questions?"

"Yes, Shiro-nii."

She gave a notebook full of her questions on the books that she had read. They do this once a day to answer all of her questions. Before looking at it, they both sat down under the largest tree in the courtyard.

"There are surely many questions in here." Sighing, he asked her a crucial question. "Did you stay up late in the night again?"


"I can see your eyes."

Seeing her eyes turned slightly more frantic, Shiro knew that he was right. To be honest, her acting might be effective against normal teachers, but not for him.

"Try not to do it again next time. You're still a child."

Knowing that she got busted, Sakura looked down before apologizing.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry about it. This only shows your own resolve, and I do not think that this is wrong." He continued. "Only, you should not forsake other important things for it. Why do you want to become strong again?"

"My happiness."

"So, being strong wouldn't matter if you couldn't achieve what you want."

Patting her head, Shiro thought at how he was able to come up with all of this. He doesn't have the experience, yes, but the sentiments behind these statements felt real to him.

It didn't take long before they resumed what they had intended to do.

"What question do you want to get answered first?"


She pointed out to one of the questions in a more noticeable space.

"This one, alright. There are only 4 strokes that you have to do, but it is a bit tricky. You need to focus on the..."

The early morning passed by just like this, without knowing that this is a day of parting.