Chapter 46: Shiro's Normal Day

After the meeting last night, everything went back to normal. Once he woke up, he started his preparations. However, he was surprised to find out that his Exp gain in the 19th floor became lower.

"...The <>."

Up until now, he forgot about it due to the fact that he's always changing grinding places every day. Now that he stayed in one place for more than a day, he finally noticed this change.

"It balances the entire game itself, right. Even if it can't affect us directly, it can lower the EXP and drop gains."

With this, he was forced to scrap the grinding plan and headed towards the 20th floor in search for possible grinding locations.

This floor's theme is creepiness, with fog hovering all over the Twilight Forest, the field outside its city Ralberg. Contrary to expectations, there weren't any skeletons here, but Killer Boars, Killer Mantis, Orcs, and Slivery Squirrels.

Dead trees populated this place, adding more creepiness into it.

In the field, only the Boars and the Mantises are present, which made his life so easy---or not.

"There shouldn't be anyth-?!" Shiro got startled as he felt himself freefalling. "...I swear there's only a normal mass of land here!"

When he uses his mental power, it doesn't mean that he's using it constantly. In actuality, he gradually uses it to ensure the places he would explore into. Though, he never expected that a hole hundreds of meters deep would open up the moment he steps into it.

Thankfully, he placed [Reinforcement] on his legs, making him avoid the fate of dying from fall damage. Since the floor itself is an Immortal Item, it wasn't riddled with any cracks.

His HP bar went down by a bit, but it's within his acceptable range.

"Now... Where am I?"

In his front, he could only see a huge hallway that is hundreds of meters wide. The entire thing is made out of black metals that shone slightly under the light sources placed on its side--the light sources looking similar to a white crystal enclosed in a lamp.

When he used his mental power to scan the place, he was surprised that it couldn't do it completely as the place is too big. Though, he still saw the general layout of its place together with the monsters that inhabited this place.

"With my mental power, I could already scan nearly half of the Town of Beginnings, yet I couldn't here. This is gonna be troublesome."

A quest window appeared in front of him, interrupting his thoughts.

[Official Quest: Underworld's Anomaly]

Details: Due to the increased deaths from the 3rd floor to the 9th floor, <> generated a dungeon that will house the fallen entities of the said floors. A player has a very low chance of entering, but the immense luck made it possible.

Objective: Clear the dungeon [Fake Underworld]

Reward/s: 100,000 Soul Points, 3 Weapon Enhancement Cards, 1 Buff Upgrader (A)

"An income of Soul Points?"

During his stay in <>, it's not possible to gain Soul Points since everything here is virtual. That is, unless you kill a player.

Placing this in the back of his mind, Shiro looked at hundreds of skeleton warriors residing in the hallway, all standing dumbly. There are a variety of them, with some wielding swords, spears, and daggers; some skeletons who stands out from the rest are also present.

There are some in knights armor, while there's also some sitting on a skeleton horse.

Shiro looked at their levels and estimated it to be around level 40~50. Meaning, they are as strong as the usual monsters in the 30th and 40th floor. Fortunately, they have a wide distance between each other.

Looking at his current stats, he thought, 'I might be able to handle this... barely.'

[Template: Shiro - Aincrad]

Name: Shiro

Level: 28

STR: 36 (+19)

AGI: 34 (+14)

WIS: 68

Skills: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

Items (Equipped): ??? (One-Handed Sword - Right Hand), Light Halo (Accessory - Head), Concealment Mask (Accessory - Face), ??? (Light Armor - Body), Knight's Bracelet (Accessory - Right Arm), Orc's Bracelet (Accessory - Left Arm), ??? (Light Armor - Legs), ??? (Light Armor - Feet)

Right now, his appearance is akin to what an in-game character would look like. Not only does he have the usual light armor from before, he now has a halo, making him a genuine Sankta.

There are also a pair of thin silver bracelets on each of his wrists, with a huge red and blue jewel embedded on them, respectively.

Taking out the [Intrinsic Reaper], he decided to have some fun first before calling others.

"Kiting and Exploding it is..."

He dashed straight to where skeletons gather the most. Normal, elite, field boss, he didn't care as he continuously dodged the swords, spears, and daggers directed at him with ease--his high Computation Speed is attributed to this, for even without his circuits, he has a high Wisdom attribute that would surpass normal humans easily.

Perhaps only Kuroneko with her [Thought Acceleration] would be able to catch up to her.


As he blocked the blow of a skeleton knight sitting on a skeleton horse, his ability [Counter] activated. That moment, a strong impact went towards the skeleton knight, depleting the three-bar HP that he has by more than 30%. The blue flames in its eyes turned red, a sign that it's going to the second stage.


"Yikes." He sped up after enhancing both of his legs with [Reinforcement] and [Wind Magic]. He only stopped at a certain area when he made sure that more than 100 monsters chased after him. Looking at the sight of skeletons cluttered closely to each other, all the while trying to rush at him, Shiro isn't fazed.

"It's finally finished charging. Take this big one!" he pointed his silver gun towards them, magic circles forming in front of its nuzzle.


A violet sphere went out of it before passing through the magic circles. The moment it did, more power could be felt from it.


As it touched the skeleton in the middle of the swarm, it became a huge sphere, generating a huge explosion in the tunnel. Shockwaves swept through the hallway, blowing Shiro away. Though, he managed to stop getting sent away by utilizing a type of Wind Magic, [Friction Control].

That way, he managed to stick his feet to the ground.

Shiro eagerly checked his level, only to find out that he gained more than 4 levels in a matter of minutes. In his normal days, he would take around 2~3 days to gain this!

"My luck is this ridiculous..."

He looked towards his system and saw that his luck value is already at 99 with the help of other things such as his mask and buffs.

"Once I reach 100, what would happen..?" Excitement built up inside him as he finally set a small goal for himself. "Even the drops are ridiculous."

Right now, his <> indicated that it is nearly full. Skimming through it, he found out more than half a dozen rare drops that he knew from his experience this past week. The rest are normal drop items, which took about 70% of his drop gain.


The surviving skeleton warriors growled loudly as they looked towards his direction. The two other field bosses survived the explosion, while one died. More than 40% of the normal mobs died, too.

"I ought to take this chance..!" He hastily charged up the gun with his mana once more before causing another explosion not far from him.


He blocked one of the arrows that came from an inconspicuous skeleton that wields an ivory bow--golden curves are present in its end. It also wore a ragged clothing that would've belonged to a royalty.

Without hesitation, he injected the remaining half of his mana and threw the back sword at it.


The black sword successfully nailed its skull, depleting the remaining HP bar that it has. Just as he was about to run out of mana, he leveled up twice, restoring him to his full status.

"Hahaha..! Fuck the game's balance, I love grinding like this!"

In this manner of depletion and restoration, two hours had passed.


A/N: Spent all my savings for the Ling Banner (60 pulls), but I got my lovely kouhai instead (Eyja). I see this as an absolute win!

Fact #6: Eunectes (A.K.A. Zumama) hails from Acahualla of Sargon, and is a member of Rhodes Island's Engineering Department. She's a person that aims to change her birthplace by introducing convenient technologies in them (basically forcing them to transition to the modern age). She possesses pure curiousity about engineering, thus her reason of joining Rhodes Island in-game. She was fascinated by Lancet-2, an autonomous medical robot created by R.I. Lancet-2's so advanced that she herself is aware that she's a robot!