Chapter 47: Cardinal: I'm Done With This

"Well, I might be doomed." Shiro nonchalantly said as he narrowly avoided all sorts of projectiles being aimed at him. "<>... You got me."

After two hours, the total Exp gain decreased by more than 40%. The majority of the monsters are now long-ranged, making it a pain whenever he dodges those projectiles.


Suddenly, a skeleton spider fell down at him. Without a word, he slashed his black sword upwardly, effectively cutting it in half. As he did so, another batch of projectiles rained down at him from all angles.

"[Wind Barrier]."

An airtight dome appeared on time, blocking the projectiles for him.

"They didn't change for a good while now. This must be the maximum range that the <> can do."

As he mumbled, he leaped upward, using their skulls as a foothold. He scanned his surroundings in search for some kind of safe room, a common area in every labyrinths and dungeons, but all he could see are these skellies.

"Hm?" On the right wall not far from him, he saw a very hidden dent--it looked like a place where a button would be hidden. Briefly processing the pathway that he would take, Shiro immediately went in there.

On his way, the arrows sent out by the skeletons from the other side damaged the skeletons that he used as a foothold. As a result, he gained yet another level, but he knew that his damage wouldn't be enough now that the Exp gained lowered by that much.


When he arrived, he placed his finger on the dent, making it glow for a while before a hidden door opened.

"Goodbye for now~!"

The moment he fully stepped in it, the hidden door closed, giving him some peace.

"That damned moderator, it hates me that much!" He mumbled, not knowing that he is one of the major causes when it comes to breaking the game balance. "Where am... Nah, I'm not gonna open it."

When he scanned his surroundings, he was surprised to see that it looked eerily familiar to the hidden place where Kirito's guildmates died. It has a futuristic looking walls, with blue lines present all over it. In the center is a golden chest outlined with red metals.

"I'll take a nap first..."


The Cardinal System.

It is the main reason why Sword Art Online became very popular during beta tests. This system serves as the game's manager, with its tasks ranging from quest generation to fixing bugs in-game.

In its months of service, it didn't have any problem--except when they came.

A group of eight people started playing entirely once they've completed some kind of hidden quests back in the 1st floor. Due to that, they gained a special attribute, but Cardinal didn't mind this.

However, things doesn't always go as planned. <> managed the other seven people by lowering the Exp and drop gain and it all went well. As for the final person...

It has troubles.

As the system responsible for managing the entirety of Sword Art Online, it could be said that it's a moderator, but even a moderator has its limits when it comes to modifying the game.

Be it lowering the critical chances to the minimum or making it harder for him to gain drops, it simply didn't work. Only Shiro could confidently state that if it isn't 0%, then it's the same as 100%!

In ALMOST every hit of his, a critical hit applies...

However, it thought that things couldn't get any more absurd than this. The thing is, it did.

As a result of the Elf War that went on from the 3rd to 9th floor, <> automatically generated a dungeon where the dead elves would be present. That dungeon is called [Fake Underworld]. If nobody completes this dungeon within half a year, the boss present in it would become stronger. It would then replace the boss on the 78th floor and become a menacing elven lich that has an equally strong STR and AGI stat, plus it also summons its cronies--the dead entities ranging from the 3rd to 9th floor but buffed.

<> created it to be nigh incompletable as the dungeon entrance itself is very random. Simply put, a random wormhole would be generated in the 20th floor for an entire day. After that, it disappears and will only appear once more after weeks, or even months.

This made it so that the probability of encountering this dungeon is even lesser than getting 2 5* servants in Grand Order consecutively.

But... Shiro's luck simply defied logic. He was just walking randomly, but he triggered it! If <> knew that adjusting the 19th floor would lead to this, it wouldn't touch it.

While shedding virtual tears of regret, <> watched over Shiro personally. From the start until the end, it tried its best to create a game balance, but it's comparable to placing a scotch tape on a ship that is nearly broken.

Helplessly, it could only watch him enter a hidden trap room. But then, it recalled that it's a frickin' trap room!

It eagerly watched his every action, waiting for him to trigger the trap present inside the room. If this doesn't work, then...

For half an hour, Shiro only napped. Only when he woke up did he decide to open the golden treasure chest.

"What would I get..?" He spoke in a happy tone, triggering <> even further. "It's like the random spins, huh..."

As he tapped the treasure chest, a notification window appeared in front of him, asking if he would open it or not. After briefly tapping "Confirm", the treasure chest opened as a rainbow glow came inside of it.



<> processed the scene in front of him sluggishly. When it saw Shiro summoning a golden halo with eight pointed edges on his head, it didn't care anymore. Even though kobolds and lizardmen stormed the trap room, it didn't care anymore.

'I'm done with this.' it thought depreciatingly. It even planned to resign once Kayaba Akihiko enters administrator mode once again.


As opposed to the suffering <>, Shiro is very elated that he got a very rare item. Furthermore, it's also a new type of item!

"This is the first time I'm seeing this..." He thought as he hastily examined the item's description. "[Archangel's Halo], what an apt name for it..."

[Archangel's Halo] offers a huge boost to its wearer, ranging from increased STR and AGI to increased Exp and Drop gain. It also has a level interface, in which you can choose whether the Exp you gain will go to your character or to this item.

There are many other function that it has, but he stopped examining it as he saw a huge swarm of monsters jump at him. He only had the time to equip it before the clash between them started.


Fact #7: Airplanes and the likes are actually not much used in Terra. As to why, it's because of the so-called catastrophes. Simply put, they are just like natural disasters, but with the addition of originum in it. Due to the latter, these disasters became more dangerous, easily making a land inhabitable once a strong catastrophe occurs in an area--it's similar to a land filled with radiation. Moreover, a moving city isn't really viable to create airports outside cities (Catastrophes occur randomly). Since some of these catastrophes gather in the sky, it makes it hard for aircrafts to go in the stratosphere. One day, they might just as well encounter a storm catastrophe, effectively making everyone on-board an infected and die when it worsens due to prolonged exposure.