Chapter 171: Shinji Matou; Sakura Matou

"While the extremely adorable event is happening, something else is happening inside a 5-star hotel built as a replacement for Hyatt Hotel, the former thirty-story hotel that collapsed due to a "gas leak".

"Destroyed..? Killed..?"

"That is so, Sa-Matou-san. I lured out the household servants and only Zouken, Byakuya, and... Shinji died."

Minutes before Shinji's arrival to Homuhara Academy, the first thing that he did is to destroy the Matou's in this world. Since Shinji is, luckily, at school, he got killed lastly. If not, he would've joined Byakuya and Zouken at their sudden deaths.

"Nii-san... why?"

Hearing this, Shinji got startled that he almost jumped from his spot. Thankfully, he's not facing her right now, lest Sakura would know how chaotic his thoughts is.

"You... Forget about it. Every Matou in this world deserved death, don't forget that. Byakuya did nothing to save you. Zouken killed Kariya, the only one that cared for your safety, and ravaged your body with worms twice a day. Shinji... that little fucker deserves to die..!"

For the first time, he felt his insecurities once more—his feelings when he first saw his future. Without his aniki's and the other's intervention, he would've ended up exactly the same. Violating Sakura whenever the crest worm's effects reaches its peak, beating her up due to his inflated ego and inferiority complex..

It's too much that he even wanted to kill himself at one time. Fortunately, he realized a reason for living, not only for himself but also for others. Having Sakura by his side, he knew how to be a good big brother just for once. If he could make her happy even in only a single world line, that's enough.

He would atone his sins by being a good person.

Though, he didn't expect that he would have the chance to travel to another world—his own world to be exact. In the first place, he decided to go here to help his aniki AND to fulfill his own wishes.


Once the bright light dissipated, Shinji saw a familiar yet unfamiliar place right away.

"This place... isn't this where Fuyuki Fire took place?" He mumbled as he saw the dried trees that surrounded this field. Ten years ago, it had been a park where many child ran. Now, it is nothing but a desolate place.

"So I... really traveled in this world?"

Soon, he started walking aimlessly. From there, Shinji saw many places that existed a decade ago. Though, there are also many places that simply disappeared. The favorite bakery of the siblings, the place where they ate breakfast the most, the clothing store that they frequently visited...

Shinji couldn't help but be nostalgic upon seeing these sights. Even though those places still existed in his world, it is different in this world. Furthermore...


One of the things that he's grateful the most is his aniki saving Sakura from that horrendous fate. Her life is much better as she's currently studying arduously to become a better magus. Her unique affinity, [Imaginary Number], allowed her to store her attacks in that space. Meaning, she can cast a single fireball everyday and release it in the future.

Moreover, she can also seal spiritual beings inside that space, imprisoning them for eternity until she lets them out. Its main weakness against physical bodies are also resolved by using a soul separation spell, enabling her to briefly pull out someone's soul from his or her body. She only required that brief moment before she could skewer and imprison that soul inside the [Imaginary Number Space].

With this, she became a terrifying magus that's comparable to Clocktower magi.

Although, Sakura's fate is worse than child Sakura's. Not only is her [Imaginary Number] affinity got replaced by a trashier [Erosion] from the Matou's, she is continuously being ravaged by worms to deprive her of mana, ultimately serving as Zouken's mana source for his experiments towards immortality.

Thinking about this, Shinji's expression turned for the worse as he made his decision.

'I need to settle those bastards.'

He immediately condensed his [Aura Wings] and flew to their household. Due to him being familiar with Fuyuki, it took him less than ten minutes to arrive at a familiar sight.

Unsurprisingly, he easily passed through the Bounded field set up by Zouken.

"I can do that, huh."

Because of his [Pancosmic Loner] talent, he suffered dozens of times from not being seen nor sensed by someone. One morning, it wouldn't be surprising to be sat upon since that person couldn't see him. There are also many instances of people bumping into him due to his nigh-zero presence. Even in Chaldea, he suffered for a few times by suddenly bumping into a Servant or being thrown together with someone during a fight.

Though, he do have an unforgettable experience with it.

'If I'm not wrong, it should still be in that place since that bug bastard hadn't turned Sakura into a Lesser Grail... yet.'

Since he could feel the ominous aura of the Greater Grail far away from this house, Shinji is more than 80% sure that Zouken still hadn't intervened.

Shinji recalled his [Aura Wings] back, disintegrating them into white light. Then, he started running towards the Matou household's garden. With his senses sensitive to mana, he immediately found the herb garden from ten years ago. Everything is still the same, with a few plants being mature while the others are replaced with newer specimens.

Though, what's more important here is...

"It's still here."

More than fifteen meters underground is the location of Zouken's main worm. It is the same worm that he painstakingly dug as a beginner Aura Knight. With his current strength right now, Shinji immediately tore a hole straight to it, piercing it in a single thrust of his ice-blue spear.

After that, he heard miserable screams coming from the study. It's too loud, to the point that everyone in this house can hear Zouken. It is due to his special state whereas he substituted [Worm Magecraft] to delay his impending death; the special state of the soul whereas it begins rotting.

He imitated [Heaven's Feel] to some degree, but it left many flaws. His personality, for once, changed the longer he used these bugs. Due to his soul rotting, Zouken's original personality began crumbling, leaving behind an obsession from the past.

That is, to become an immortal.

The moment the screams died down, Shinji sensed Zouken's life signature dissipating. In short, he's no longer in this world.

"How easy... But I still have to be careful."

Without wasting time, he took out a paper filled with hundreds of thousands of runes. Pinching it, huge amounts of magical energy came out with it as the center.


"[Target: Ordinary people without the Matou bloodline.]."

"[Set Destination: Outside the mansion]."


With that, a large magic circle was constructed in the skies of Matou Household. It made the servants lose consciousness and started walking blankly outside the manor's perimeter.

"W-what's happening?!"

Upon arriving in the office, he saw a man similar to him. The man cowered with his arrival, but doubts began appearing in his mind.

'Who is this child? Why is he here? Where's the old man?!'

As if seeing through him, Shinji spoke, "If you're looking for that bug, he's dead."


"Go follow him in hell."


With a single thrust, Shinji punctured a hole in Byakuya's head. He swung it in the air, cleaning the spear of the bits of blood and flesh that stuck in it.

'I feel light..?' He thought.

In his world, Shinji didn't kill his so-called "father". He expelled him out of the Matou household, but gave him enough to live his lifetime. Of course, he set up a surveillance with him in the off-chance that he would betray them and sell their information to other organizations. Lucky for him, he didn't do so due to his cowardly nature.

If he did, his fate would've ended up the same as his "father" here.

"He sinned too much here, unlike in our world. He has to die." He lowly mumbled as he took out dozens of strange-looking metallic spheres.

These spheres are, in fact, Kouzuki's creation. It can release strong electromagnetic waves, enough to obliterate matter in a certain radius into dust.



He flew before throwing all of them into their household. Slowly, their house crumbled until it disintegrated into dust. their disgusting basement aren't spared as everything, from the worms up to his mother's corpse, was melted to nothingness.

Soon, only an empty plot of land was left in Miyama Town.


"...You are nii-san, aren't you? Shinji-nii."

Knowing that he couldn't deny it further, he simply responded:

"I am. To be exact, I'm Shinji Matou of another world."

"...I see."

A moment of silence occurred between the two. Though, Shinji faced her properly this time, showing Sakura a pair of eyes that are vastly different from the Shinji that she knew. The latter is a lump of inferiority complex given form, but the boy in front of her shows a determined look. His stance made it obvious that he learnt proper martial arts while his invisible aura doesn't match a normal nine-year old's.


Shinji saw the familiar purple-haired girl asking him with an optimistic look. However, he knew that under that cheerful facade of hers is someone who'd suffered since childhood.

He couldn't hold himself back as blood started dripping from his tightly enclosed fists. Tears began falling from his eyes as he repeatedly said, "I'm sorry."

Sakura was dumbfounded at first, but she immediately hugged him despite being confused on the turn of events. she doesn't know everything, but one thing's for sure.

The child in front of him is a good person.

"It's not your fault, nii-san. It's not your fault..."