Chapter 172: Kiritsugu’s Arrangements

"Erm... Is it really alright, Shiro-san?"

"Eh, it's fine. Rather, is it alright for me to borrow your kitchen for a bit?"

Two figures stood in the Emiya Household's kitchen. It is a very simple one, but Shiro could feel that there had been many memories here. Even though there are only two other people who frequented this household, it's vastly different than the time when Emiya Kiritsugu lived alone.

This sight made him sigh lightly, remembering the memories of his past. While there's the looming threat due to the unstable , his two selves lived a carefree life.

Fenrir experienced a "normal" life aside from ruling his kingdom. He knows how to wake up early in the morning and prepare their breakfast, spend his time with his wives, and the final 1% is to get rid of some "pests".

Shiro also knows how to cook, but it's more centered on knowledge regarding it due to his special authority. Though, he learned how to read other people's expressions, and this helped greatly when pacifying his angry wives. He has the power to know everything, yet he managed to experience a slow but fulfilling life with them.

Now that his past memories are clearer than ever, he felt many complex emotions at the same time. At the same time, his convictions became clearer.

'I have to regain that level of strength... for us to live that peaceful life again.'

Shiro held the kitchen knife as he brought out several ingredients from his [Dimensional Storage (SSR)]. His injuries are almost healed, so it didn't injure him much when he uses his abilities. Thus, he can now bring out his powers that could destroy a city easily.

"What are those..?" Shirou curiously asked upon seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar ingredients.

"Ah, these? You can think of them as potatoes, carrots, and onions. As for these stuff..."

Since these came from Aincrad, their appearances looked similar to the usual vegetables. However, they are much bigger and some even has a slightly different color than the original. The carrot, for example, looked reddish and bigger. Still, it tasted the same, or even better than the usual carrots.

After Shiro took out his homemade roux, Shirou realized that he's about to make curry for breakfast. Noticing the latter watching him, he didn't mind and proceeded with the usual procedures.

First of all, he fixed his short height by taking out a [Floating Disc (R)], a circular floating platform that can be manipulated like hoverboards. They are silver with blue thrusters present underneath them.

"Woah... That's amazing..!"

As someone who lived in 2004, seeing a futuristic item that he could only daydream is a dream-come-true for him. He couldn't almost hold himself back from asking whether it is alright to analyze it, but he reigned in his desires as Shiro is a guest.

"You can analyze it later if you like." Shiro suddenly said.

Hearing this, Shirou's eyes widened before calming down slightly. He asked, "Is it really alright..?"

"It's not a problem. Why, you don't want to-"

"I want to! Thank you very much, Shiro-san!"

Looking at the hero of justice being frantic over a single advanced piece of technology, he chuckled inwardly as he thought of Archer seeing this scene.

"No problem. Hm..." He thought of something as his eyes lit up. "Then, how about helping me prepare our breakfast?"


Unbeknownst to everyone else, a godly breakfast is about to be made...


"...He is dead, I see."

A flat voice resounded inside a church.

"Heh, what would you do now? You kicked an iron plate this time."

The fake priest didn't respond to him but built his inferences instead. In the end, he came to a 'surprising' conclusion.

"A Magician. He is heavily injured and showed characteristics similar to a Servant. Interesting..."

Lancer stared at his "unique" master and shook his head. As a warrior, he felt the danger that came from Shiro's small body. Compared to him, someone who killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers directly or indirectly, Shiro's bloodlust is a vast ocean. He even thought that killing millions wouldn't suffice!

Truly, Kirei's action is the definition of "courting death".

Still, he knew about this fake priest's special personality, which explains a lot behind his actions.

"Gilgamesh is fighting against Saber and Berserker at that time. If not for the fluctuations interfering with my familiars, I would've known everything already."

Despite the disadvantage that he's facing right now, Kirei felt nothing. That's right, nothing. Even the death of his wife couldn't bring out an ounce of emotional fluctuation from it. Perhaps, only his inner sadism and Hongzhou Feat Hall's mapo tofu at Fuyuki can bring out a reaction on him.

However, he found a newfound interest in this 'Magician'. Even if it costs him his life, he would stay true to himself.

After all, scheming against a suspected 'Magician' is a first even for him...


"Old man, why did you want to come this time?"

Inside a black limousine, Taiga sat besides her grandfather, Raiga Fujimura. He is a 'fierce' old man with a buzz cut. He wore a set of yukata that made him even more of a 'yakuza boss'.

A couple more vehicles escorted them as they drove to the Emiya Household.

"Why? It's been a while since I met Emiya's boy."

"What 'it's been a while'?! You visit him every six months and treat him as your grandson!" Taiga retorted.

Raiga let out a small laugh and said, "I admit, I'm interested in his current life. His progress with Sakura-jou is definitely intriguing. Also, isn't there new inhabitants in his house?"

Hearing this, Taiga could immediately deduce that Raiga wanted to visit today due to the suspicious circumstances that happened, namely: the four new temporary inhabitants in the Emiya Household.

"Don't you trust me enough? I checked their identification and it's all true! I even visited Shirou's workplace to confirm it!"

Speechless that his granddaughter can be this reliable, he praised, "...You did well."

Although, it wasn't enough to lower his vigilance towards his new inhabitants—to be exact, the foreigner that he's housing right now.

In the past, he and Kiritsugu is close enough for the latter to trust him with Shirou once he's gone. Raiga also admires Kiritsugu's childish but pure ideal, yet he couldn't help but smack his head sometimes when he got something wrong with Shirou's childcare.

One time, he asked him about his wife's side, but Kiritsugu unexpectedly replied with:

"They hate me enough to kill me."

At first, Raiga thought that he's joking, but he realized that he's not when he saw the seriousness of Kiritsugu. He didn't know the full extent of his story, yes, but he's someone who knew Kiritsugu's situation the best.

Though, all he knew about his wife's family is that they're fellows with white hair. That, and they are in Europe. This is one of the wills that Kiritsugu left behind when he suddenly disappeared years ago after visiting them.

As a yakuza boss, he feared that Kiritsugu was really hated by that family, disposing him during that time, which caused him to never return again.

Hence, he's somewhat worried upon hearing a foreigner 'cousin' of his living under his roof.

When they arrived in the household, the first thing that he, Taiga, and his cronies got greeted by was the scent of curry. They don't know why its smell can reach up to outside, but one thing's for sure...

It's a divine curry.