Chapter 257: Their Reactions

In the face of overwhelming power, all scheming is useless. I knew this all too well. Back in the day, I used to overwhelm other world invaders with my strength alone. With sheer strength, I "convinced" my world to make things a tad bit more favorable for the Demon Race. Even, I recall slapping that monocle bastard back to his home world after mistakenly escaping to our world.

Oh, he was scared straight after the original Mysteries' resurrection. Though, he does know how to bluff well; enough to make my thoughts change from killing him to letting him go away. I mean, he's a clown.

However, we're now the ones fucked up by that massive strength.

"I think we're in a need of a little dialogue."

(A/N: Altair's quote in episode two.)

"Why now?" The military girl replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"Better late than never."

Altair reformed her physical self once again. The city of Ginza is now in ruins thanks to the aftermath of our attacks. Though, there are still buildings from afar. Feels strange, to be honest. It's like I'm living inside a virtual reality game.


I stabbed [Tail Caliburn] into the ground. With [Unlimited Mode] still open, this leaves me with a stronger attack. This shows that I am now willing to have a civilized talk with her. It's up to her whether to reply in kind or not.

My current power isn't just for show.

"I'm kind of curious. Why not skip right to the end? Everything's pointless when you have the power to destroy it all."

She sported an interested look.

"Why ask if you already know the answer?"

"So you're just having fun. All. these. time."

Well, I am more inclined to think that she has some hidden agenda. That, and she genuinely wanted to have fun. I mean, she was supposed to be published.

"It's not like this matters. Right, you know who 'Shibuya Reo' is, no?" I paused for a moment before reorganizing my words. "If so, I would like to know. Does he mention 'Gameboy' often? Did he ever mention speed running through Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy?"

These two games do not exist in this world. I had confirmed it already after two months. These poor guys could not experience the peak storytelling that these games have.


"So he did."

"You... How did you know?" She asked me, shock evident from her tone.

With this, I confirmed that possibility. I am just as shocked as she was, but I knew it is bound to happen someday. Even if I choose to not delve deeper into it, this day would come—along with the responsibility that I have to carry.

Hearing this, I responded calmly, "That is not important. What's important is your creator. Here comes the troublesome one."

Round two starts now.


Tail Red.

The young girl was tasked to save the world from evil. It is a mix of Magical Girls and Super Sentai, which led to the interest of many from the get-go. This idea is very novel in this world. The usual Super Sentai has those 'monsters' and cute Magical Girls combined into one. Simply put, the general response to it is:

"Fuck it, I'm in!"

At first, the story followed the typical stereotype: dense protagonist, a harem of girls, and comedic enemies. The audience who watched its first few episodes six months ago was immediately thrown off by this. Of course, they did not drop it due to the Lying Butcher himself. They refused to budge and continued watching.

Oh, how right they were.

In the sixth episode, they faced off against Anko Isuna, the one known as Tail Black. At this point, they already have Red, Blue, Yellow, and Black. Only Green, Pink, and White is missing at this point, which is why everyone was caught off guard by the sudden maneuver in the name of "Tail White".

She holds the record of having the most appealing looks in the series. Her personality is vastly different from the tsundere role of Blue or the heroic disposition of Red. "Tail White" has a realistic and pragmatic view of this world. It's basically what would happen if a Magical Girl from Madoka Magica was transported into a pure Magical Girl world like Mamika's.

Moreover, "Tail White" is not a hero... but a villain. The handbook also mentioned her brief backstory in which it was stated: "Once a pure existence. Something stained the blank white canvas, painting a new landscape." These attractive traits all came together, forming a fanbase of the villain herself.

Thus, this anime that aired just a season ago was still stuck in people's minds.

"W-w-what??? There's no foreshadowing for thissssss"

"no signs lmao..."

"Sakurai pulling off something out of nothing is well-known"


As expected, the comment barrage is all over the place. Brain-dead otakus going crazy over their waifu, people berating Shiro's choice of the plotline, and so on sprawled themselves all over the screen.

"Meteora-san. What did just..."

"Sen... Shiro-san is the leader of the third party. Or at least related to them."

"Fuku-sensei is?!"

The first one to be shocked is none other than Norio. He had been with Shiro for years, yet he had never expected to pull off an Aizen maneuver.

"What should we do now?" Kikuchihara asked. "All of our plans failed."

"There's still Souta's." Matsubara added.

"It's impossible to work. Our acceptance is not enough to trigger her appearance in this world. Unless some sort of miracle happens, it won't work."

Souta's final plan: to restore Setsuna's existence in this world and hope that it is enough for Altair to stop her motive. He thought that her creator is the only one who could save this world. Souta himself also acknowledged how strong she was; and that there was a chance that they would fail.

Sadly, it could not work. The key—someone who could make miracles happen—is sitting just beside the man himself.

"Ooh~! I never expected to see this blockbuster in the VIP seat!!"




Engrossed in the "movie", Magane subconsciously ate her popcorn along the way.

"Who knew he could make such a masterpiece out of the one that I gave. Just like me, indeed!"

From the moment she met Shiro, she knew that he is different from normal humans; that he sought enjoyment through anything else. Shiro, just like her, is a psychopath who has strayed further from humanity.

"Isn't this fun, Souta-kun?"

"I... What do you need with me?"

Sitting beside Magane, Souta felt some kind of pressure. Knowing that she can kill humans mindlessly, the amount of danger that his subconscious is warning him of is extremely high.

"Nothing. You just remind me of myself."


A/N: The Kurumi effect. That one phenomenon where you love the villain more than the heroines themselves. Anyways, this was supposed to be uploaded hours ago, but only now did I notice that I didn't hit the publish button before retiring...