Chapter 258: Unified Attack

Inside a dimly lit room, the most important officials of the United States sat around the conference table. They are only two, the President and the Chief of Staff.

What they are staring at was the anime shown on the computer screen. They saw the damage that a single blow had caused in the fictional city of Ginza. A swathe of black and white flames stormed the city before being ravaged by Altair's attack once more. In hindsight, these attacks could've obliterated Washington a couple of times. If they sent in their men to intercept whatever was happening in Japan, it would've ended in worthless casualties.


"Mister President, we have been informed that the JSDF lost control."

"I see. Will the end be truly coming..?"

"Negative, sir. This girl..." The Chief of Staff pointed at the twin-tail girl. "She is holding off against codename Alpha."

In the end, all their hopes are pinned on a little girl (?)...



A sea of fire rose from the cracks in the ground. It possessed enough heat to melt down substances conceptually. It perfectly burns down any type of information that it came in contact with. An anti-Altair attack that I devised from the beginning.




The sword bits attached to my back also flew over to her side. They cut through space and arrived exactly in front of her.



A solid wall blocked the distance between them and her. Then, they swiftly turned into petals of roses. It should be her [Third Movement of Cosmos: Representation Exposition].


I heard a loud hum as hundreds of floating swords surrounded her once more.




All of them headed in a single direction—me. Immediately, I turned on the thrusters. Using the speed that it gave me, I made some distance to the crazy sword monster that was about to devour me.

"Respawn first."

With a thought, the sword bits on my back reappeared. It is the result of fooling time; bringing back the ones that are supposedly gone. Then, I made them continuously rotate, similar to how Altair shielded herself with her floating swords.

"I'll be borrowing your move."

What combination worked the best with [Lord of the Mysteries]?

It centered around fooling others to acquire what you need. In a sense, you are faking it.


The surrounding space made a violent noise as it tried to restore everything to tranquility. Unfortunately for it, I am fooling it with a faker's move.

First of all, Excalibur.

The sword that my beloved wife wielded came into my mind. When she turned to the concept of swords themselves, she gave me this bit of a blueprint to me.

Next, Teardrop Photon Ray.

The sword-whip that my 'destructive' wife possesses. It is originally the [Divine Weapon] of the God of War Ares, but it came into her hands once she defeated him as the White Titan. It embodied her full capabilities, allowing her to utilize this weapon to its maximum capacity.

Third, Laevatein.

The flaming sword that my closest comrade used to have. It burned down the Nine Realms as I pushed for a decisive victory. It is also the day she lost her life. I had some suspicions that a certain ice cream-loving redhead is her reincarnation.

Next, the...




With each of my thought, another symbolic sword reappeared in this world. Each of them is capable of becoming an A-rank Noble Phantasm or higher. This is the culmination of my entire life. Simply, the four lifetimes that I have is not a joke.

"Ultimate Mode. Break Release."

After reciting the required syntaxes partially, I completed the process inside my mind. I did not have to recite the troublesome chant that Emiya has, so I skipped right into their activation phase.

"Sword barrel, full open."

With my command, they all went over to Altair. As expected, she deflected them with a slightly confused look. Oh boy, I will have to do some explaining to my wives later on.


A strong shockwave sent me flying for a moment. All of the beautiful and legendary swords exploded in the sky, giving birth to an extraordinary sight.

"Aura Pillar."

Heeding my call, the [Tail Gears] on my arms glowed briefly before converging the Elementia descended to Altair's position.




In this short moment, this dimension nearly collapsed for the nth time. The beam of Elementia corroded Altair's concept, which should have been preventing her recovery now. When the light died, I saw Altair in her virtual form. She is currently looking down, but it is obvious from her state that she was hit directly.

She must be annoyed at this time. She kept putting up barriers to defend herself against my sudden attacks, yet it did not work twice. The only downside of this is that it would not work the third time. She's not dumb to be checkmated thrice with the same strategy.

Shiro: "Second strike."

After sending the message to the chat group, I readied myself for our combined attack. Only Touka, Madoka, and my three selves are present here. We have to do our best to 'defeat' Altair in converged attacks to achieve the best effect. If not, they would be easily nullified by her powers.

Madoka materialized herself once more. She held her wooden bow—the weapon that she received upon becoming a Magical Girl. With a serious look, she pulled off its bowstring before sending out her attack. At the same time, Touka is on Altair's back as she was about to launch her anti-conceptual power. From what it seems, she's powered by Kanoya-kun's concept cohesion boost.

I am also not idle. Calling forth my [Reality Marbles], I let my other selves use it. Fenrir sat down on the throne, commanding the encroached space of the throne room. The moment it reached me, my powers are enhanced even more.

[The King Who Leads].

By fighting with my allies, we are empowered. My best guess is that my characteristic to lead the fight myself was embedded into it.

On the other hand, Magus sat down on our favorite chair. It is located directly at the center of the library. It is also the place where I and Castoria have peace while reading a book.

[The Man Who Protects].

By having the will to "save", our spirits are heightened. It is the original characteristic that "Magus" has—a hero. I saved Castoria's lost belt back then by making it a "separate universe". I recall that the Chaldea of that time is more aggressive than now, perhaps due to the need to save 'their Earth'. I have to personally step into that world and change the fate of that pruned timeline.

Bearing the weight of that, I faced the full brunt of their enemies. The troublesome insect, the tough yet weak "last master", and the annoying wave of Servants went against me—all at once.

Fortunately, it went differently this time.


Quanta made its appearance, green particles covering its entire body. Its sword bits are disengaged. They are floating in the shape of a sword as they surrounded the original GN Sword. A green light covered it, emitting destructive power that can tear down planets in one swing. It also distorts the fundamental laws of the universe, making it so that it can affect concepts.

'This needs to work.'

All the attacks occurred concurrently with these thoughts as they all went toward Altair.


A/N: Apologies for the intermittent updates. I'm currently having my midterms right now, so I was caught between reviewing stuff. It didn't help that we've been receiving lots of work from our instructors (in the exam week itself). Updates would most likely stay this way during the week, but I guarantee that it'll at least improve by next week. A chapter every one to two days should be doable. It helped that there's a plot for the next few arcs. Do expect him to visit the previous mission worlds and interact with the characters there.

Happy reading~!