Sky's question

Their drive towards The Grandeur was surrounded with silence. Ashton focused on driving while Phoenix leaned back on her seat with her eyes closed. 

Ashton knew Phoenix must have felt turbulence in her heart although he didn't show it on her face. 

When they stopped at a traffic light. Ashton reached for Phoenix's hand and kissed her palm.

"I'm here for you. I'm your family," he said.

Phoenix opened her eyes, and stared at Ashton with longing in her eyes, "Thank you, Ashton for being there with me today," she said.

"Phoenix, no need for thanks. I'll always be by your side," he proclaimed.

Phoenix flashed a sweet smile to Ashton. 

Ashton heart skipped a beat seeing that smile, he leaned toward Phoenix as far as the seat belt allowed him to.



Ashton's movement halted, and he cursed under his breath.