I just...do

"Uncle, do you love mommy?"

Sky's question stunned Ashton.

Ashton stares at the little boy's serious face, and a smile blooms on Ashton's face.

"I do," Ashton said confidently. He doesn't need to mull over Sky's questions.

There's only one answer for that, and he knew it from the bottom of his heart.

Sky nodded his head, "Good," he said. "Is there a reason you love mommy?" asked Sky.

"No. I just… do," Ashton answered honestly.

Does he need a reason to love Phoenix?

He doesn't think so. 

'If you have reason to love someone, you don't love them' - Slavoj Zizek.

"Good answer. I love mommy, but I don't have a reason to love her too, I just do," Sky said righteously.

Ashton chuckled, hearing Sky's words, "Come little man, let's get you to bed," Ashton messed up Sky's wet hair. 

Sky grumbled, "I can go to bed by myself, you should go to mommy," Sky said.