Two side of a same coin

Phoenix walked aimlessly along the path without paying attention to where she was going. She folded her hands on her front and grumbled unhappily.

"Tch, showing his body for other women to see. Can't he see that Vivian and the maids were drooling over him? I'm his girlfriend, and he never even shows me his body like that. How can he not mind when other women see it?" Phoenix complained. 

She huffed in an annoyance, "He had seen my body and all my scars. Now I felt stupid for showing him all of me. How unfair!" Phoenix pouted.


Phoenix bumped into someone when she turned a corner, and on reflection, she held the person's hand and waist to not let the person fall to the ground.

"I'm so sorry," Phoenix quickly said. 

"Phoenix," the person said.

Cecilia had turned around after closing the door to the guest room when she collided with Phoenix.