[Bonus chapter]Cecilia's relationship advice

"No problem. Eat… madam," Phoenix said and gestured for Cecilia to eat with her hands.

Cecilia smiled and forked the prawn and put it in her mouth, "Thank you, it's delicious," she said. 

While eating, Phoenix observed Cecilia, "I heard you were taking a rest in the guest room because you weren't feeling well. How are you feeling now, Madam?" Phoenix asked. 

Surprised that Phoenix asked about her well-being, Cecilia took the drinking glass and sip on the water to cleanse her mouth and throat, "Ah, yes. I feel better after lying down for a while," Cecilia said. 

Truthfully, she wasn't sick at all. She was sad and wanted to be alone after hearing Phoenix called Intan affectionately. Thus, she gave an excuse that she had a headache and wanted to rest for a while. 

After sitting alone in the room, she got hungry and asked the maid to bring her food to eat in the garden courtyard.