Ashton already had a girlfriend

In the sitting room of the main building of the Qin's mansion, Mrs Gong and her daughter-in-law Flora were drinking tea with Old Madam Qin. 

They were waiting for Vivian to come back from the tour around the mansion. Old Master Qin had come back sometime ago but told them he passed the job to tour the two ladies to his grandchildren. 

Mrs Gong and Flora Jeong had a pleased smile on their faces, when they heard that. They assumed Vivian had captured Ashton's attention and was currently with Ashton. 

Mia did say Phoenix was her best friend, thus they come to the conclusion that Mia was with Phoenix, while Ashton was with Vivian. 

Old Master Qin then left the ladies to join Old Master Han, Thomas, and Edward in the recreation room. 

Thomas had challenged Edward with a game of chess using the new set of chess boards that Phoenix had just gifted him.