Those who talk behind others' back, stay at the back

Everyone looked at Flora, who had blurted that out loud.

"Yes. Ashton had found someone he fancy and had made her his woman. Is there something wrong with that?" Elanor asked.

Mrs Gong waved her hands, "Oh. We were just surprised that Ashton had found someone. We all know how heartbroken Ashton was after that Lee girl ran away," she said.

The ladies of the Qin's family and Cecilia didn't like Mrs Gong bringing out about Ashton's past relationship.

Melissa's disappearance had caused Ashton's heartbreak, and they don't like to remember about those times. 

The atmosphere turned grim after what Mrs Gong said. 

Old Madam Qin looked sharply at Mrs Gong, "the past will stay in the past. Why bring something up from the past? Ashton had moved on from it," Old Madam Qin said sternly.

"Ah, right, right. Let the past be in the past," she said. The sharp look from Old Madam Qin and the others had made her sweat.