Appearance attract people first

Everyone in the Qin mentioned was relieved when they heard from Mia that Ashton's surgery went really well and there was nothing to be worried about. 

Mia headed towards her quarters to freshen up and to rest her tired body. 

After wearing her clothes, she picked up her phone and walked towards her bed. She dialled Ken's number. It was a routine for her to call Ken every night. 

Of course, their communications become more frequent compared to before they established their relationships. 

And their communications weren't one sided like before. Ken was also more productive in sending texts and called Mia to just talk about their day. 

Today, they were supposed to go out for a date, however, when Mia was preparing herself for the date, she received a call from Sky telling her Ashton was involved in an accident. 

Mia called Ken to cancel their plans and headed to the hospital instead, with Elanor.