Zee meeting Sky and Sienna

The next day, Sienna and Sky convinced the elderly that they wanted to follow Mia to her self-defence class. 

Sienna kept her promise to Mia, not telling about meeting Mia's boyfriend, Ken. They told the elders that Sky wanted to see what their Aunt Mia learned in her class and compared it to the martial arts moves Sky had learned from Ronnie.

The elders agreed to let them go, as they knew Sky and Sienna would get bored if they were kept in the mansion. 

Since the twins had started school, they had only the weekends to have an outing around the city and have fun. Keeping them in the house even on weekends will just limit their potential to grow. Thus, they agreed to let Mia take the twins out. 

Although they loved having the kids around, they were still old people and couldn't keep up with the little kids' endless energy. They could take this time to relax and do their own thing.