You and me, are one

Phoenix burst into tears, hearing Ashton say that. Ashton pulled Phoenix closer to him, and wiped the precious droplets that had fallen from her eyes. 

"Why are you crying?" he said helplessly. "Phoe, you are already a mother, Phoe. Just like how Intan was a mother to you, you are a mother to Sky and Sienna, too," Ashton coaxed Phoenix tenderly. 

It took some time for Phoenix to pull herself together. Ashton patiently let Phoenix cry her heart out while hugging her tightly. 

Ashton wanted Phoenix to feel secure physically, mentally, and emotionally in his arms. It was his way of saying no matter what comes their way, he will always be here for Phoenix. Phoenix and he were one. 

"How did you get the result from Zach first? Aren't we supposed to go together tomorrow?" asked Aston after some time.

"I asked Zach to give the report regarding my fertility to me first. I was really worried about this, Ash," Phoenix confessed to Ashton.