Breaking another news

Cecilia and Elanor were sitting at the tea table in one of the Qin's mansion courtyard. It was a nice evening, and they were having tea together after coming back from making arrangements for the upcoming banquet. 

"Both of my children are getting engaged in the same year. I thought I would never see this day coming," Cecilia said emotionally, while rubbing her calves to ease the soreness that she finally felt after running around all day. 

"I know, right? After Melissa left, I thought I would never see Ashton building a family," Elanor said. Elanor was really worried about Ashton. The Qin's men had the same traits, when they loved someone, they loved them deeply and passionately. Just look at her husband and father-in-law, the way they treated their partner was like their partner was a goddess.