Is she dead?

"Y-you…" Amber looked at Ken with unbelievable eyes. Her hands were wrapped around the knife that had struck her chest. 

"Ho-how… dare… y-you…" Amber said. "Yo- you betray… the… Infinity!" Amber gnashed her teeth while in pain.

Ken scoffed, "you think I will be loyal to that wretched organisation? You are really delusional," spatted Ken.

"You took me from my family, made me your guinea pig, and trained me to become a killer. You think I should be thankful to you?" 

"We… make… you… a superhuman…" Amber said.

"I don't want to be superhuman. I just want to be… human." Ken replied. 

While the conversation was going, Ken took a step towards Amber slowly. It was just like how Phoenix was taunting Amber before. It was to instil fear in Amber. 

"St-stay… away…" Amber said. Her eyes then scanned her surroundings. She looked at Ashton and Phoenix. "Ashton! I'm sorry for what I did. Please.. Help me… Stop him…" Amber pleaded to Ashton.