Washing the tiredness away

Cecilia wasn't badly injured, the stab wound wasn't deep, and it didn't affect any vital organs. It didn't take long for the doctor to patch her up and send her to the VVIP ward. 

Ashton's hands were also being treated by Zach. He needed stitches, but it wasn't anything life threatening. Phoenix felt guilty when she saw Ashton's bandaged hand. 

"I'm sorry, Ash," Phoenix said. They were headed towards Cecilia's ward after Ashton had been treated.

With his uninjured hand, Ashton pulled Phoenix close to him. He placed a kiss on Phoenix's forehead, "It's alright, Phoe," he said, dispelling her guilt away.

They arrived at Cecilia's ward. Phoenix and Ashton stood in front of the door. Since Ashton was injured, it was up to Phoenix to open the door. However, Phoenix's hand lingered over the doorknob.

"Phoe, what's wrong?" Ashton asked. 

Looking at Ashton, "I'm scared, Ash," admitted Phoenix.