It's a boy!

Two years later, 

"It's a boy!" 

Cries of happiness broke out from the people that were inside the waiting room of Hippocrates' hospital.

Tears of joy fell out from Cecilia's eyes, "We are grandparents, again," said Cecilia while looking at Edwards with a smile on her face. 

"Grandma! I have a little brother! I'm so happy," Sienna cried happily. 

Cecilia caressed the little girl's head tenderly and nodded her head, "Are you excited to have a little brother?" asked Cecilia. 

Nodding her head, "Yes!" replied Sienna. 

"How about you, Sky?" asked Edward. 

Sky looked up at his grandpa Han and smiled, "Yes, I'm excited too," he said. 

Cecilia strained her neck, hoping to get a glimpse inside the labour room, "But, I haven't heard the baby cry yet," she said worriedly. 

Everyone fell silent and looked towards the labour room door.