
Phoenix and Ashton were at the bamboo forest at the Qindom Empire building. It was one of those days where Phoenix came to have lunch with Ashton. 

Bored with just spending their lunch at Ashton's office, they went to the bamboo forest when Ashton wasn't too occupied with work. 

Phoenix stared at the green bamboo surrounding them and was lost in thought, while Ashton arranged the dishes on the table in front of them. 

Seeing that his wife had her mind occupied with something, Ashton sat next to Phoenix and held her shoulder to pull Phoenix out of her deep thoughts.

"Phoe, is everything alright?" asked Ashton. 

Phoenix snapped out of her stupor, hearing Ashton's voice next to her. She turned to look at Ashton and gave a small smile to her husband. 

"What's on your mind? Care to share with me?" Ashton asked.