Beast Kill

The whole last process seemed incredibly straightforward.

But in reality, Chao was a genius exception.

For any other 1st layer Origin cultivators, they would need to increase their Spiritual Sea perception to fully control their Law Cores. Meaning, that the comprehension of their own specific Law needs to reach a certain threshold.

When that threshold is achieved and they can fully understand a tiny portion of their Laws, they can then use their soul energy to control Law essence.

It was akin to studying for a mortal subject. Only through learning and studying the materials can one eventually understand it.

When an understanding is reached, it allows that person to have permanent new knowledge about that subject and solve more complex problems relating to that subject.

Wanting to control Law essence or the Qi flowing through the air all stems from one's comprehension. Without sufficient comprehension, anyone would hit a bottleneck that seems impossible to break out from.

Thankfully, for Chao, he had apparently skipped over learning the threshold to control a small portion of his Law Core.

When Chao thought about it more, he started to find it increasingly strange he understand everything in practically an instant. 'Before this, I was no different from any other mortal. Did this system thing really enhance my Spiritual Sea perception abilities by that much? If I knew my level of talent, I would be able to make some guesses. Too bad it only says 5% unsealed...'

Chao still had many questions about this system. He had never heard of any other cultivators, even the legendary powerful ones having this so-called system. And because of it, Chao had zero ideas where to turn to find out more information.

Just casually revealing a secret like this would be beyond idiotic. His only other option now would be to wait until an opportunity arises.

Shifting his thoughts from that dead-end, Chao focused on the brighter future laid out for him. 'Now, it's time to start my legend into Immortal hood! From the Origin realm, next is the Sky Origin, then Sage Origin, Heavenly Origin, transitioning through Divine Nirvana, and then the pent ultimate stage, Divine Ruler!'

Chao already had great fantasies about the future. After shedding away from his mortal body, Chao could now be considered an ordinary cultivator.

People like him would need to advance through the Four Originhood phases before becoming a titled cultivator in the Divine Ruler realm.

Four cultivations phases may not seem like a lot, but even Chao's fully aware that each realm of cultivation takes a tremendous amount of time to advance through.

Just the Origin realm alone has nine layers he needs to cultivate through in order to reach Sky Origin.

And advancing through the nine layers isn't simple at all. It requires greats amount of comprehension and energy accumulation.

With the aid of good resources that won't affect his dantian foundation, Chao could feasibly rapidly increase his cultivation. But such thoughts were too far off to even consider as of now.

Chao simply focused on the Origin realm first. To start off with, he needs to perceive the Origin Qi flowing all throughout the environment, comprehend its Qi principles, and then absorb strands into his dantian in order to enhance its space structure.

This process is an arduous task that he can't rush. Doing it in a cave where risks are all around would be unwise.

Coming to a decision, Chao quickly dashed to the cave's entrance. For a brief moment, he expanded his soul sense as much as he can. And to his surprise, he could detect plants from even 300 meters away!

Moreover, when closing his eyes, Chao could also faintly visualize what was ahead of him.

Truthfully, Chao wasn't sure if this was standard or not. His knowledge of cultivation didn't delve into the specifics of each realm.

All that he knows is that with each dividing major realm, one's prowess undergoes immense qualitative changes. Even just an increase in a minor boundary help enhances combat prowess.

Whether it was special or not, Chao would just have to search for it on his own later.

When he didn't detect any other hostile lifeforms, Chao sprinted right out of the cave.

His current speed greatly surprised him. It felt as if he was some kind of bird flying through the air. His body felt incredibly light to the point where he barely felt any weight.

The surrounding wind whistled and released strong airwaves similar to what had struck Chao previously.

Within just two seconds, Chao had crossed over 400 meters!

Chao couldn't be more excited. This was the kind of powerful sensation he was craving ever since he could properly think!

Basking in the sensation of power, Chao hurriedly rushed back to Creek City.

Before he knew it, Chao could see the gates of Creek City on the horizon. However, before he could get close, that metallic voice ranged in his mind again.

'Kill a 1st Layer Origin beast. 500 SP (System Points) Access to Tier 1 shop.'

Chao paused, realizing he had completely skipped over checking out the shop tab before. But he couldn't focus on that as his soul sense detected a hostile aura.

Turning around, Chao spotted a large black-fur wolf beast barreling over to him.

The beast madly tore through the forest, bashing against trees and clawing into the ground because of its huge form. From the speed it dashed at, strong airwaves gushed all around it.

These airwaves struck right upon Chao's body, attempting to knock him down.

If he was still a weak mortal, Chao would have zero ways to resist the airwaves.

But now, as a full-fledge cultivator, Chao could still calmly against the frantic airwaves. He actually barely felt any sense of danger or pressure at all.

Chao's lips suddenly curved into a maddening grin. Opening his palm, Asura Ice Law essence began to swirl, rapidly forming into a long Ice essence pike.

With the Ice pike in hand, Chao suddenly felt ten times stronger! His body felt as light as a feather and even his Spiritual Sea enhanced beyond his ordinary limit.

Within his Spiritual Sea, the rate of Chao's thoughts increased, causing his mind to quite literally process things on a faster plane.

The black-fur wolf that was basically moving at naked speeds to mortal moved incredibly slowly in Chao's eyes.

Chao didn't hesitate at all. He dashed forward at immense speeds, producing airwaves far stronger than the wolf beast did.

In a single second, Chao practically flashed and appeared a few feet from the wolf beast.

He thrust his Ice pike forward at speeds the wolf beast had zero ways to react to.


With a sickening wet sound and a large splash of blood spurting into the air, Chao's Ice pike ruthlessly tore right into the wolf beast's skull!

His Ice Law essence was powerful enough to overpower the beast's natural defenses that were even enhanced with the power of Origin Qi!

Chao's Ice pike penetrated right into the wolf beast's brain, instantly killing it.

The beast didn't even have a clue how it died as its eyes were open wide in utter horror.

Pulling his Ice Pike out and letting it disperse into the wind, Chao took a small breath. He stared at the beast's corpse with an enlightened expression.

Even without a strand of Origin Qi, his Asura Ice Law essence was this powerful!

Typically, Origin Qi is supposed to fuse with streams of Law essence to enhance its striking power. Just Law essence alone, for most other cultivators, would only be enough to dominate mortals.

Against another 1st layer Origin cultivator with Origin Qi strands in their dantian, they would be at a major disadvantage.

Yet, Chao bypasses this disadvantage without even batting an eye. As his excitement grew, the system spoke to Chao. 'Host killed its very first target. When Host continues to kill any life forms, the target Law essence and Qi energy will transfer into the host's own dantian. This is an automatic process. From this, host dantian will strengthen, and host Spiritual Sea will expand.'

In that moment, a visible stream of energy flowed out of the wolf beast and into Chao's lower stomach. Incredible, refreshing energy flowed throughout Chao. He instantly felt more powerful than before!

Chao linked his consciousness to his dantian and saw there was now a light blue strand of energy floating around his small Law Core.

This strand was what Chao yearned for so many years.

Origin Qi!

Along with Origin Qi, Chao felt a refreshing sensation coursed through his Spiritual Sea. It provided nourishment, causing him to feel smarter, as if his intuition had suddenly increased.

"Amazing...this is really amazing!" Chao was almost out of breath. He could only clench his hand, feeling his joints crackled with power.

Not only does an Origin Qi strand enforce the dantian, but it also provides after nourishment that refines and strengthens the mortal body.

At that moment, Chao suddenly heard the system's voice again. 'Strands of Origin Qi can be used at a faster rate than taking it in from the environment. Furthermore, a dantian's space powers Origin Qi energy by several degrees. For both the Origin and Sky Origin realm, this is their specialty. The more Origin Qi strands the host can absorb through either comprehension or killing, the better your foundation will be when reaching the Sage Origin realm.'

Chao seriously engraved the advice into his mind. He was tempted to try to absorb more Origin Qi here, but held off, knowing the environment was too unstable.

Chao continued back on track, dashing at faster speeds than before. In no time at all, he was nearing close to Creek City.

But once again, Chao's soul sense detected a hostile presence up ahead.