Officially Passing

"Congratulations Chao. You're truly powerful..." Lian threw out words seemingly of sincerity.

However, Chao could tell there was evident fear and envy in his tone. Such a thing didn't really bother him at all.

After all, he could recall his own envy and frustration over not being able to become a cultivator.

The more Chao thought about it, he suddenly recalled his system, more specifically, the Asura Conqueror's part.

Initially, he didn't put much thought about becoming an Asura Conqueror. For his current prowess, conquering other people seemed too much of an exaggeration, much less powerful organizations that can squash him like a bug.

That wasn't to say Chao wasn't eager at the prospect of becoming a conqueror. It could be his very own cultivation legend that will be remembered throughout time.

But Chao had no idea how to start any conquest.

Until now, that is.

When seeing how much envy and frustration were on Lian's group's faces, he began to wonder,could this be used to his advantage?

If his cultivation were to reach such a high degree and with high Martial talent, that envy can soon turn into admiration.

Cultivators especially revere and admired the strong. The strong are the ones who pave the way for cultivation as a whole, shelter everyone else from the withers and storms of life, and continue to develop modern society.

The strong is made up of all aspects. From overwhelming raw power that can't be contended against, numerous magical abilities that can help with all other aspects of life, and a strategic mind that seemingly has the answer to all problems.

There wasn't a single person, whether mortal or cultivator, that wouldn't be willing to follow such a person.

Chao thought about himself. With his current skills, prowess, and developing abilities, he had gradual confidence in becoming such a person anyone would be absolutely loyal to follow.

He could truly become a grand Asura Conqueror!

But before any of that, he needs to increase his strength to unfathomable levels and majorly increase his cultivation talent.

This will all start with his completion into the Ming Family.

Captian Jian nodded at Chao with words of praise. "No wonder Captian Tie put in such a great word for you. These results don't disappoint. Come, we will undergo the final evaluation now."

As soon as he finished, Captain Jian began trailing back on the same route with a noticeable pep in his steps.

Chao followed closely behind with his usual calm stride. And Lian's group slightly lagged behind, their expressions gloomier than the dark parts of the ocean.


Using the route, it didn't take long for Captian Jian's group to return to Creek City.

When entering Ming Family's courtyard, the group made their way to Captian Tie.

Their sudden arrival genuinely shocked Captain Tie. He recalled previous final examinations, and they all took at least an hour to complete. And this was their most talented of youths.

In direct contrast, Captian Jian's group merely took around a half-hour, possibly even less than that!

Even the other fellow patrol Captains on the side couldn't help but gain interest in Captian Jian's group. Their gazes mainly stalled onto Chao and whispers started up again.

"Isn't this the same kid who passed the other two tests so quickly? Don't tell me he once again performed another amazing stunt?"

"Since when genuine talent can just randomly show up without any background? Has nobody really seen haw him before?"

"This kid truly is like an enigma..."

It was evident to nearly all cultivators about the trials and tribulations of cultivation.

Cultivation talent can't just happen randomly. Even inborn great talents still need hard work and other resources to increase their full potential. The possibility of a good talent coming from a no background is practically a 1 in a thousand chance.

Thus, many cultivators wanted to believe Chao had a great background than what's he was currently showing off.

Although, their thoughts would never be realized.

This thought had even streamed through Captian Tie's mind. Especially when he saw the pleased expression Captain Jian currently has, basically telling him that the last examination was successful.

Still, Captain Tie retained his thoughts, moved from his front desk, and said, "Follow me to your last evaluation."

Under all curious eyes, Captian Tie and Jian led the groups of youths through a sidewall just by the main desk.

The Captains trailed through a short hallway, passing a few doors before reaching a special one.

Chao narrowed his eyes and focus his soul sense on this door. It didn't look special, rather, a flow of energy exuded out.

The sensations it gave were confusing.

Whether it was purely Qi or purely Law essence was impossible for Chao to tell. But at the very least, he could identify something special within this room.

Briefly tossing his gaze over Lian's group, none of them had the same suspicious expression as him. Only his soul sense, at 1st layer Origin, could perceive the energy sensations.

Chao didn't get to think any further when Captian Tie took out a small purple ring. The ring suddenly gleamed a dazzling purple flash, which caused the door in front of them to automatically open up.

Stepping into the room, Captian Tie explained, "As per protocols, all final evaluations are held within this room. This is so our Sky Lords can also peer into this room and give me the final say on your results."

Chao and the other boys all perked up in wonder. They tossed their gazes around the room but didn't see anything especially special. It had the same luxurious appearance as all other spaces within the building.

Thinking on it, Chao suddenly asked, "Is there some kind of item here that can directly transmit what's going on to the Sky Lords?"

"Indeed there is. Now then, let's finish this up." Captian Jian said and then promptly took out the same ring he used to record Chao's name.

He surged energy into the ring, causing it to once again spew out a purple stream of energy. This time, instead of forming into a paper list, the energy stream converged into a wide blank screen form.

Chao paid extra attention at this point. He didn't think there would be a more advanced mean from the projection list.

But now, before his very eyes, the purple energy screen began to rapidly form a moving image on its screen!

Not only Chao was bewildered, but Lian's group was also utterly stunned at such magical means.

The youths watched as the purple energy projection perfectly replayed Chao's battle against the wolf den. It showcased just how overwhelming he truly was in battle. And it also showed just how helpless Lian's group was.

After a minute, the energy recording stopped when Chao killed the final beast with an icy sword light.

The purple energy stream then recalled right back into Captian Jian's ring.

Captian Tie only had his eyes on Chao when everything ended. He nodded and said similar words of great praise. "Your control of energy is superb for a 1st layer, to the point where you can even shoot out rays of energy beams. Moreover, your combat prowess is truly worthy of notice. "

Before Chao could even react, the ring Captian Tie previously used suddenly flashed once again. A stream of information flowed through Captian Tie's mind. His eyes suddenly lit up as he took out a second purple ring.

The ring flashed and out came a single set of uniforms and a specially designed badge.

Captian Tie handed the items to Chao while explaining, "Congratulations Chao. In a rare case, you are able to directly skip the waiting process and directly become a Patrol Guard. Tomorrow, you will be assigned your first task."

Instead of becoming overly eager or intensely hyped up, Chao calmly accepted the uniform and badge. He simply nodded, saying, "It is an honor."

Of course, Chao was satisfied at this moment. But in his heart, he clearly knows this was just one minor step toward his future cultivation legend.

Moreover, he had complete confidence in surpassing this mere Patrol Guard position very soon.

Chao's calm and composure were intently noted by the two Captains. They internally praised that a no-background youth didn't obtain an inflated ego just from one position.

Such was a leading cause of death for many other youths in the past.

Captian Tie turned his attention to Lian's group and said, "As for you three...we like to consider ourselves a fair family. You will have one more chance tomorrow, considering Chao's performance was too overwhelming. Captian Jian will escort you out."

Lian's group could only stiffly nod. They took glances over at Chao, feeling a simmering sense of inferiority. Even with another chance, they couldn't help but doubt themselves. They knew their own abilities weren't even half of what Chao was.

No matter their thoughts, Lian's group was promptly escorted out under Captian Jian's guidance.

Chao had an inkling feeling something else would happen, so he patiently waited.

As if the captain could read Chao's mind, he suddenly said, "Before you leave to get prepared, you will meet your army soldier leader, Captain Dai. He shall be here shortly."