Returning With News

"Captian Tie, just one question. What are the ranks here? I can assume the patrol guard is the lowest, but what after? I can also assume an army soldier's rank is decently high?" Chao asked after some thought.

Captian Tie nodded with a slight appraisal. "Indeed, patrol guard is the lowest and army soldier is the middle ground. After Patrol guard, your rank will become a regular guard. At regular guard, the pay of energy crystals increases, your protection increases and you have the option to stay alone or join a stronger team. At soldier leader, you can sign up to directly command a group of regular guards. At squadron leader, you can command soldier leaders. And commander, the highest rank known, you will even have great influence in the entire Ming Family."

At this point, Captian Tie's tone turned serious. "But don't think obtaining these ranks is anything easy. Just a soldier leader alone requires at least 3rd layer Origin cultivation. And a commander requires you to be a Mastered Origin cultivator. Only a very select few can rise up to become a commander."

"I see..." Chao calmly said. Though in his mind, he already had such wild thoughts.

If he can directly conquer all of the Ming Family, how great would that be?

Perhaps this battle-hardened family can even grow more than what they already are under a more powerful and talented leader.

For this to happen, absolute strength is needed! All of this made a surge of motivation coursed through Chao like lightning.

Suddenly, the door had automatically opened.

Chao looked over to see a tall and rough-looking man. He walked with calm, calculated steps as if he already planned his next move.

His gaze was particularly intense. It was one that could make any mortal shiver to their knees.

This man bluntly stared at Chao, his natural aura wrapping around Chao like a slow-forming hurricane.

In opposition, Chao barely twitched. He stared right back without any fear.

'He is simply a peak ordinary phase Origin. What's to fear?' Chao experienced zero sense of pressure.

Captian Tie nearly curled his lips at this interaction. He then introduced, "Chao, this Pao Dai, your Captian leader for as long you are a patrol guard."

"Hm. So you're the Chao kid?" Pao Dai took a short step forward and extended his hand out.

Chao didn't stand at ceremony, grasping Pao Dai's hand with a strong grip.

A small surge of energy attempted to tighten itself around Chao's palm. The simple handshake suddenly felt three times heavier.

Even without exerting physical force, Pao Dai could still enhance his physical strength with just a sliver of Origin Qi.

Naturally, Chao didn't feel disturbed by this. He only needed to exert a sliver of his Origin Qi to calmly match Pao Dai's strength.

After only a moment of grasping each other abilities, Pao Dai broke off the handshake and handed over a cosmos sack.

Nodding his head in acceptance, he explained, "Kid, in there is your schedule and 10 low-grade Spirit energy crystal. Our patrol starts sharp at 8 am. Lateness will not be tolerated!"

Pao Dai's Origin aura slightly increased at the end of his sentence. The pressure it brought bore straight down Chao.

'A simply intimidation tactic.' The pressure was nothing but a light breeze for Chao.

Unaffected by a slight increase in pressure, he simply said, "Understood."

With finally entering the Ming Family, Chao was sure his inevitable rise will come sooner than anyone thought.


After finishing the whole registration process with the Ming Family, Chao promptly headed home.

On his walk, he proudly wore the patrol guard badge and already he could spot the difference in his status.

Instead of being completely ignored, curious glances occasionally landed on him. His status of being with the Ming Family would be something to note in case anything unexpected crosses Chao's way.

In a good mood, Chao quickly reached home. But as he came to his doorstep, an odd sight entered his vision.

Some handsome young man was currently leaving his doorstep. He calmly strolled back onto the sidewalk, every step he took bearing the presence of a true noble.

A natural aura also exuded from this man. He was a cultivator, a strong one at that.

Chao could just barely detect the layer of his aura. It was at least above the 3rd layer, perhaps a Tilted Origin cultivator!

This fact startled Chao for only a little bit before his eyes glossed over in analyzation.

'He looks...familiar...'Chao pondered to himself as continued back walking.

It was only inevitable that Chao and the young man had passed by each other.

When they did, the young man first glanced down at Chao's patrol badge and then at his face. He briefly stopped, directly asking Chao, "You are...Chen Li's older brother, right?"

"Yes, I am." Chao calmly answered.

The moment he answered, the young man lightly smiled. "I see. My name is Qiao Li, and I have come in acquaintance. with your little sister for the past few days. She and her friend are good company."

There wasn't any noticeable arrogance or disdain in this Qiao Li's tone. Despite being a cultivator, he still kept a grace even when speaking about mortals.

Chao had a polite smile as he said, "Is that right? That little girl is always nice to anyone. Well then, have a good day, Qiao Li. I have something urgent to give to my sister."

Without waisting a second longer, Chao continued forward.

Qiao Li didn't mind at all, keeping his calm smile and walking forward with a noble stride.

At this time, Chao had already walked into his home.




Chao was greeted by three lovely voices. His lips curled into a smile as he watched his cute little sister and two other young girls happily walk up to him.

The other young girls were just as cute and dressed a little bit better than Chen Li could. Their features were cleaner and their eyes exuded a great sense of kindness.

Chao practically treated these little girls as other younger sisters at times. These girls' names were Xun and Nia.

In a gentle tone, Chao asked the girls, "I'm home, and did I just meet someone intriguing while coming up here?"

Before Chao continued on, he suddenly noticed the girls intently staring at his patrol badge. Amusement started to swell up within him.

Truly, Chen Li, Xun, and Nia were awestruck by the small patrol badge. Their brains didn't properly react to its meaning until a few seconds later.

Xun was the first to break out of her stupor, loudly exclaiming while pointing at Chao's patrol badge, "Ah-Ah! Mr.Chao! Did you really join the Ming Family?!"

"Ah? In just a single day, with only one attempt?" Nia quietly murmured.

"Chao...this has to be the most amazing thing you have ever done!" Chen Li's eyes were full of stars.

For young mortal girls like them, simply becoming a cultivator is a fantastical dream. Having the ability to join any organization only seemed like a fantasy to them.

Chen Li always had great confidence in her brother. But a vigorous organization like the Ming Family couldn't help but get her nervous.

However, against all odds, Chao supremely surpassed all expectations. From cultivator to promptly joining a Martial family, Chen Li doubts she ever heard of such a legend.

Chao calmly took in their reactions, expecting them all to be fraught with shock. He explained, "Indeed, indeed. With enough hard work and patience, anyone could become strong. Even your girls can as well. But for now, with my new status, if anyone giving you trouble, just complain to your dear older brother."

"Ah, Chao, I'd rather not pour more trouble onto you." Chen Li slightly pouted. Her eyes suddenly lit up a moment later as she said, "Besides, we only keep to ourselves, mainly. None of us are daring enough to go too far, even with your new status."

That cautious nature of her could never leave Chen Li. She still puts Chao's own best interest in mind before hers.

Chao internally sighed at this. It was an appreciative quality, but one that he hopes he could change in the future.

Before speaking again, Chao suddenly recalled that Qiao Lie fellow. He asked the girls, "Keep to yourselves, huh? What about that Qiao Lie guy? He seems to quite like your company, from his own words."

"Ah-!" The three young girls jumped like frightened rabbits.

A hint of a blush colored each of their faces. Nia sheepishly said, "That-that's really nothing, Mr.Chao. Sir Qiao's background is far superior to ours. I'm betting he's just being nice to us."

"Mn. Young nobles like him are more fair and open than others. He probably has a high social connection all around Creek City." Xun hurriedly tacked on.

"That's right, brother. We can't even be counted as casual acquaintances, so there's no need to worry." Chen Li spoke with seemingly great confidence.

Chao's expression didn't show any doubt, but his mind wander off in a different direction.