Night Search

Chao calmly digests this truckload of information. He then took out a Spirit energy crystal and poured his soul sense into it.

As he expected, his soul sense greedily sucked in the energy from the Spirit crystal like a vacuum.

The crystal's energy split off into two streams, fusing into his Spiritual Sea and dantian at the same time.

After only a few minutes, Chao sensed that his dantian grew stronger and his Spiritual Sea grew smarter. All the new absorptions created 5 Origin Qi strands within Chao's dantian. His prowess took a small leap forward.

At the same time, Chao could feel a faint sensation within his Spiritual Sea. This sensation carried the trace of a stronger layer of Origin Qi energy.

If any cultivator could experience this sensation, this would mean that they were close to a cultivation base layer breakthrough!

Chao know these upcoming sensations were called perception barriers. They are the roadblock preventing a cultivator from grasping a higher percentage of Origin Qi energy.

Chao identified it was near identical to the sensations he experiences when increasing his Asura Ice Art comprehension.

Law perception barriers are practically the same as Qi energy. They both are doors leading to a higher power and more potent abilities.

To actually reach 2nd layer Origin would still take a bit of time. Chao still needs a decent amount more dantian energy accumulations compared to any other cultivators.

Because of this, Chao had a great desire to gather strength in his own way.

Today's event only reminded him that if those boys were stronger, he would be completely helpless to rescue his sister. Doing things slow and methodical wasn't the option at this time.

A plan formed in Chao's mind. He quickly opened his system projection, clicked the shop tab, and searched for a specific item. His eyes lit up as he found just what he needed.

It was a black mask with no particular design on it. But though it looks unassuming, its main function was to perfectly mask anyone's face and aura.

Anyone under the Sage Origin realm wouldn't be able to identify you. And even Sage Origin cultivators would have immense difficulties correctly identifying the wearer's auras.

For killing and or stealing, this would be the perfect tool.

Those boys Chao killed did help his cultivation grow, but they were far too weak to make a noticeable difference.

The stronger the better, so Chao decided to choose more talented targets for his cultivation.

On this note, Chao searched through the store some more, buying a low-grade Spirit sword and a book on cultivation prowess that added up to a total of 150 SP.

Cultivation weapons can greatly amplify a person's strength. If they can smoothly fuse their Qi and Law essence into their swords, their striking power would enhance by several degrees!

Because of how smoothly he can control his energies now, Chao didn't worry about controlling the Spirit Sword. And at worse, he can enhance his prowess by two times even if he can't control the whole Spirit sword.

Now, Chao only had 350 SP. Not a huge amount, but Chao had high hopes he could make it up in the future.

Turning his attention to the cultivation prowess book, Chao flipped it open to satisfy his curiosity. He landed on the page he wanted and began reading.

This page explained the prowess differences between the phases of a cultivation realm.

The ordinary phase is taking 30% control of that realm of Qi energy. Tilted is increasing the control to 70% and Mastered is having 100% control over that Qi energy.

When Chao reaches the peak of the Origin realm, the perfection 9th layer, he would have 100% control over the ordinary Origin Qi.

Between the phases of a realm, the prowess differences grow increasingly wide.

From Ordinary to Tilted, it was a difference of at least 30x times the increase in Qi power. And Tilted to Mastered is at least 50x times the difference!

The better control one has over Qi energy, the more power one could draw forth. This power would then fuse into one's Law essence when striking out.

Furthermore, it wasn't just Qi energy that increases in power. Their Laws also grow with greater power the better one can control it.

For each proceeding boundary phase, one's comprehension of their Law must be at an equivalent level. Otherwise, it would be impossible for their Spiritual Sea to advance and sense stronger Qi energy.

In this world, there are great geniuses who have combat prowess strong enough to skip over minor realms or over minor phase boundaries or even a great major realm!

A Spirit Tier geniuses can skip minor boundaries within a single boundary phase. These types of people are considered special. They would have much more value than the average cultivator.

A Heavenly Tier genius can actually skip over a boundary phase. Such as a 3rd layer Ordinary Origin cultivator beating a 4th layer Tilted Origin cultivator.

Despite it just being the difference between one layer, this one layer is as wide as a massive canyon.

The fact that a genius can cross over this canyon is a massive feat. Heavenly Tier geniuses are truly sought out by any organization, be it Martial family, academy, or a sect.

King Tier geniuses can skip over two boundary phases. They are far rarer than any Heavenly Tier.

Emperor Tier geniuses can skip over three boundary phases, practically meaning their invincible within that realm!

If one is an Emperor Tier genius, then even if they were merely a 1st layer Ordinary Origin cultivator, they can directly challenge any Mastered Origin cultivators.

The 7th, 8th, and 9th layer power differences would lose all meaning against them. These types of geniuses are incredibly rare and are desperately wanted by all.

But Emperor Tier geniuses weren't the highest.

The true highest ceiling was Divine Tier geniuses!

The book Chao purchased was highly detailed and yet, it mentions that know much is known about Divine Tier geniuses.

But the main fact is that these extraordinary people have prowess that can skip a whole major realm! That is to say, a Divine Tier Origin realm genius can fight and even beat a Sky Origin expert.

A person like this would only have an inevitable rise to absolute glory. Their destiny would be immense and nothing would be able to stop their soar into the immortal hood.

Chao sighed in admiration at this level of prowess. Truthfully, he was a bit confused about where his own prowess lies. Even without Asura Aura, it's quite easy for him to crush any 1st layer of Origin being.

With Asura Aura, it becomes a merciless slaughter.

Thus, Chao was hoping to find his answer with a night search. He equipped his black mask, put on a covering coat, and quietly left the confines of his home.

His sneaking had truly improved. Chen Li and her friends didn't notice a thing.


Around the time night approached, Chao had quietly appeared near Creek's Wilderness. The moment he set one foot into the place, a dinging noise jolted through his mind.

His system spoke up, informing him, 'Host has received a mission. Kill three 2nd layer Fang Family Patrol guards. Rewards: 1000 SP. Slight increase in overall cultivation.'

A stream of information flowed through Chao's soul sense. He gained a direct trail to follow if he wanted to complete the mission.

Instead of getting worried about the mission contents, Chao's lips curled into a cold smile. He moved forward at a quick pace while also barely making any noise. Through several twists and turns, his soul sense soon detected three 2nd layer Origin auras.

Chao narrowed his eyes, spotting three Fang Family members slowly patrolling through the trees only 100 meters away.

It was two men and one woman, each of them staying tightly knit together.

As Chao quietly shuffle through the trees, he soon heard their discussion by enhancing his hearing. "I hate when Creek City gets so slow like this. Feels like nothing interesting happens in the last several months. Not even those Ming rats have done anything of notice recently." One of the men lightly complained.

The other man said, "Well, Creek Martial gathering is quickly approaching. In the upcoming weeks, the big three and even other powers will start creating events to stimulate the younger generation. It won't be long until everything devolves into brief chaos."

"Thinking about it, even now, the storm is gradually brewing. The Winter Wind Sect and the Great Sword Sect are already showing their allegiance to each other. And once again, the Sky Breeze sect is left far behind. It will soon be our time to join in the fray and I don't doubt Sky Breeze will be last again out of the big Three." The woman added on.

Chao felt slightly intrigued by their conversations. This was the second time he heard about the Creek Martial gathering on the same day.

When he was still a mortal, all Chao knew about that event was the fact that Creek City's most splendid geniuses would come together and compete with each other.

What they specifically do or any other details, Chao wasn't privy to it.

Now, as a cultivator, Chao wanted to see for himself if these great geniuses were all they cracked up to be.

But first....his eyes glossed over in simmering killing intent.