
Chao didn't care at all that these people had zero relations with him. For strength, Chao wasn't light enough to think about some moral compass.

It's only him and the fight for survival.

Chao brought the Spirit sword from his cosmos sack. He surged his Origin Qi and Asura Ice Law essence, fusing it together and then pouring it into the Spirit Sword.

Without any obstruction, the fusion essence smoothly fused right into the Spirit Sword, mixing in with its interior energy.

In that instant, Chao felt his power tremendously rise. Even without Asura Aura, he felt like he could crush any 1st layer Origin being.

Of course, Chao didn't just stop there. His soul energy poured into his bloodline veins. Powerful energy stormed out of his veins. Asura Aura had erupted to its full limit!

His Origin Aura erupted and expanded out, spreading all throughout the atmosphere for hundreds of meters.


The three Fang Family members were completely confused. Out of nowhere, a tremendous sense of pressure crashed down on all of them!

Before the trio could even blink or process their next actions, a figure silently flashed right in front of them.

Chao chose the man with the weakest aura of the three. His Spirit Sword thrust forward, piercing directly towards the man's head.

A cold sensation engulfed the space between Chao and the man. His Asura Ice Law essence wildly discharged from the Spirit Sword and overpowers the atmosphere.

The bone-penetrating cold caused the Fang Family youths to shiver.

"What?!?" The man's expression contorted into utter fear. He only felt the sensation of death come close right to his forehead.

Despite having a 2nd layer Spiritual Sea, his mind could just barely react to this sudden speed.

The man only had a split second to release Fire essence from his hand and hastily form a Fire barrier.

But this hasty defense was utterly useless.

The icy Spirit Sword burst the Fire barrier into particles of light and then penetrated deep into the man's forehead. It sliced right through his natural Origin Qi defenses, drilling directly into his brain.

Blood wildly gushed out of his forehead. The man completely stiffened, his consciousness rapidly becoming blurring by the second.

Chao devilishly smiled as he released a wave of Ice essence into the man's brain. The overwhelming force smashed his brain apart, turning it into a bloody mush.

A 2nd layer Origin warrior immediately died without even a chance to resist.

"You!" The other Fang members were caught between rage and horror.

But they didn't let any other emotions distract their minds. Under the threat of death, Origin Qi and Fire Law essence violently surged out of their bodies and fused together. They also brought out Spirit Swords to heighten their strength.

However, compared to Chao, their prowess didn't greatly increase. It only slightly rose, showcasing their far sloppier energy control.

This didn't matter in the Fang members' minds. They simultaneously pierced their Spirit Swords forward.

Waves of Fire essence spurted out of their Spirit Swords in a wild frenzy. Two 2nd Layer Origin prowess overlapped and combined together. Their auras rose beyond their ordinary limit!

In the face of this dual strike, Chao stayed calm. His arm speedily swung out, clashing against the Fang members' Spirit Swords at the same time.


The ground slightly cracked beneath Chao as a loud impact reverberated. Energy shock waves fiercely kicked up the wind, throwing dust and pebbles all around the area.

Despite facing two against one, Chao easily defended the combined strike, only feeling a slight pressure bear down his body.

"Ho-how?" The man and woman were stunted in disbelief.

They could just faintly sense Chao's aura, which was only a 1st layer Origin aura! Just how can a 1st layer erupt with this much strength?!

"Hah!" Not giving the Fang members a chance to react, Chao bulged his muscles as he unleashed a roaring battle cry.

He pushed forward like an unbeatable demon. His Asura Ice essence transferred through his Spirit Sword and broke into the Fang member's bodies.

The Fang members only felt an overwhelming force sweep them off their feet. They were pushed back for dozens of steps. Each time their foot hit the ground, it left a deep imprint.

A numb feeling courses through the Fang member's arms. They had to hurriedly revolved their dantian energies throughout their bodies just to barely suppress Chao's invading Asura Ice essence.

In this brief moment, Chao poured a great amount of Asura Ice essence into his Spirit Sword. A dazzling icy glow shrouded the blade.

He then quickly swiped out, unleashing two speedy icy sword lights.

At this time, the woman had just finished suppressing the invading force when the icy sensation of death appeared right in front of her. Her eyes widened to the point they nearly cracked.

The last thing she saw was a blinding flash of blue.


Chao's icy sword light smashed into the woman's head, exploding it like a watermelon. Her brain matters splattered on the ground.

At the same time, the last Fang member was a little bit faster than the woman. He tried twisting his head to dodge pure danger instincts.

However, when the icy sword light grazed his cheeks, tearing off a chunk of his flesh, it suddenly combusted!


The terrifying energy combustion overwhelmed the man. It instantly imploded the man's head in the same bloody fashion as the woman.

Their headless corpse loudly thumps to the ground.

In only a few more seconds, two other 2nd layer Origins died at Chao's hands.

Such killing speed would terrify anybody else!

When the dust had settled, Chao instantly recalled his Asura Aura. Upon doing so, a wave of exhaustion hit his body. It wasn't as extreme as when he first started using Asura Aura, but he still felt noticeably sluggish.

But because it wasn't as extreme, Chao noticed that the more he used the Asura Aura, the easier it felt to adapt to its massive energy drain. It even felt like it was slowing down.

Before Chao could think upon it, three streams of energy suddenly absorbed into his dantian.

Within moments, changes occurred within Chao. His Spiritual Sea abilities increased, causing him to feel sharper about both Origin Qi and Law essence. His dantian was well strengthened. There were now 7 Origin Qi strands floating around the space.

Surges of power erupted all throughout Chao's body. Not only did he feel refreshed, but he also felt slight enlightenment from killing.

'Really, killing is a great way for me! And the stronger they are, the better the results.' Chao felt utterly elated.

Right then, the system voice ranged in his mind. 'Mission completed. Host gained SP, and a hidden reward. For fast and perfect killing, the host's talent slightly increased. It is now 4% unsealed. The more the host can unseal his talent and increase his bloodline comprehension, the stronger his combat prowess will grow.'

Chao's eyes lit up as he activated his system. Just like it said, his talent tab now said 4% unsealed. Looking below everything, he also noticed his energy reserves were now at 50% full.

'Perfect, this is all perfect! I barely broke a sweat beating those 2nd layers. I wonder how much strength increased now...'

Chao calmed down from his surging excitement.

Glancing back down at the Fang Family members' corpses, he quickly went to work, searching their bodies and snatching away their cosmos sacks.

His Soul Sense swept over their contents, causing him to grow in excitement. Between the three sacks, there had to be around 200 low-grade Spirit Crystals!

This amount can let him live comfortably for several years. Or it can also be used to greatly boost his cultivation.

Speaking of cultivation, Chao detected a more potent essence than the Spirit crystals. He specifically choose to take this item out and a small, round fruit appeared in his hand.

The fruit was completely red and shaped like an apple. But this wasn't any ordinary mortal fruit. The sensations exuding from this fruit made Chao recall an extremely helpful item.

In the midst of his thoughts, the system suddenly spoke to him. 'Host has found a low-grade Spirit Nurturing Fruit. With this, the host can go past a perception barrier by simply in taking it. Higher grades increase its efficiency.'

Chao nearly sighed in admiration.

This was the power of a great background. Not only do they have an abundance of Spirit Crystals, but they also have potent resources like these fruits.

Of course, if one intakes external resources most of the time, their Law Core foundation will become impure, leading to weaker prowess and far slower cultivation.

But for Chao, his perfect conversion skill negates any of these downfall effects. A goal was soon implanted within Chao's mind. He was determined to gather as many resources as he can, even if it means doing deeds such as this.

Flicking his fingers, Chao shattered the Fang Family corpses into tiny icy bits. As he prepared to go home, he suddenly thought to himself, 'Should I go for a breakthrough now?'