Beast Patrol

Chao directly stared into these men's faces while speaking. His expression didn't twitch, nor did his eyes move away for even a split second.

Now, it was the three men's turn to feel a bit surprised.

For some reason, this kid's natural aura felt sharp, almost on the same level as theirs. It was as if he already experienced bloodshed and violent combat.

That was enough for three men to ease up a little.

The man in the center quickly introduced everyone. "Indeed, we are, kid. My name is Luo. And these two are Dui and Shi."

"I see. Alright. I'm ready for the day." Chao calmly stated.

Pao Dai nodded and didn't bother with useless small talk. The only thing that mattered was completing the patrol.

He walked first into the wilderness, saying only, "Let's go."

Silently and calmly, his patrol squadron followed behind.


Ming Family's patrol squadrons all have specific paths they are scheduled to follow. This would be the path that will eat up 8 hours a day. So naturally, it involved many twists and turns and going quite deep into the wilderness.

The farther one goes into the wilderness, the more likely it will be to encounter a Vicious beast.

Chao had never gone too far in his mortal exploration. But he did read about facts that highlighted the various dangers deep within the wilderness.

Danger wasn't the only thing in the deep wilderness. Numerous sources also highlight that wonderful treasures were hidden around cave spots or beasts' dwellings.

These treasures could range from cultivation resources to cultivation weapons left behind by great experts or even inheritance dwellings!

Inheritance dwellings were the greatest treasure one can find. It is said that if one can get through the Inheritance dwelling, not only can one gain great resources but they can also gain cultivation arts left down by a great expert!

These cultivation arts can change an average cultivator's life to become another great expert.

Geniuses can also greatly benefit and become even greater than they already are.

Of course, Chao couldn't go out to explore now. But as he followed along Pao Dai's trail, he filled everything in his mind for his own exploration.

Around 20 minutes passed since their patrol began.

It was finally at this point they all detected a hostile beast aura charging over at them.

They all snapped their attention to the right to see a considerably large black-fur wolf barrelling through the forest in a savage motion.

A layer of black energy faintly covered the beast's whole body. Its Origin Aura frantically exuded out and released powerful airwaves throughout the whole surrounding.

This beast's prowess made Luo, Dui, and Shi furrowed their brows. They instantly identified it as a beast who was at the peak of the 1st layer!

Nothing particularly troublesome. But this black-fur wolf is certainly far strong than the ordinary Vicious beast.

Killing it would require a great amount of effort and quick planning.

Pao Dai, Luo, Dui, and Shi wanted to see how the new recruit would fare in this situation. They believed they would witness the same serious expression crossing Chao's face when looking over.

However, when they glanced at Chao, he was no longer there!

In fact, they all suddenly sensed another powerful aura whipped into the atmosphere.

Luo, Dui, and Shi all felt their chest tighten. The feeling of pressure gripped their throats.

Even Pao Dai, a 3rd layer expert, tensed his body at this aura pressure.

They all snapped over to see that Chao was already 10 meters from the black-fur wolf!

Their minds were already in great shock at this speed. But that shock instantly turned into immense bewilderment at the proceeding scene.

Chao already had his Asura Ice essence sword gripped within his palm. With the power of Asura Aura flowing into it, he thrust his Ice essence sword straight at the black-fur wolf.

An immense crushing pressure smashed upon the beast's body without even taking the attack yet.

The black-fur wolf's eyes widened in horror. It quickly uttered a low growl and spat out a blop of black energy.

When releasing the attack, the beast's prowess dramatically shot up. A feral look had even crossed its eyes.

Evidently, this was the beast's last desperate attack.

However, no matter the black energy striking power or other abilities, it was all useless!

The Ice essence sword sliced the blob of black energy into tiny bits. It soared unhindered, surpassing the speed of the wolf, and penetrated deep within the beast's skull.

Overwhelming Ice essence shredded the wolf's innate defenses like it was fragile glass. It instantly froze its brain before shattering it into tiny ice pieces.

A single spurt of blood gushed out of the wolf beast. Its massive body spasm, its eyes still cracked open in horror.

With a loud thud, its corpse struck the ground.

That thud awoke Pao Dai's group from their drunken stupor.

'This boy...'

The gaze that they used towards Chao underwent a complete change. No longer was just another member. Rather, he was a legitimate force none of them can underestimate!

Luo, Dui, and Shi were the most affected. Not only could they spot his speed, but they also know his striking power far surpasses any one of them.

Hell, it surpasses their trio combination!

What would've taken Luo, Dui, and Shi a considerable amount of time with planning only took Chao several seconds at most.

The strong must always be respected. Because the most powerful pave the way for survival, innovate society, and develop cultivation for a far brighter future.

These values and many others are why powerful cultivations will always garner respect. For as only they can bring about change for the betterment of everyone's lives.

Now that Chao showed his great strength, everyone, even Pao Dai, greatly respected him.

At this time, Chao turned over after experiencing a slight increase in strength from absorption. Those new gazes plastering Pao Dai's group's faces greatly pleased him.

There was no point in trying to converse his strength. If he wants the most amount of respect possible and the quickest way to raise his position, showcasing great prowess is a necessity.

With this single moment, Chao knows he'll need to build upon it. Soon enough, he'll be able to work on conquering this small group completely.

For now, Chao kept his calm stride, walking back to the squadron while saying, "I hope my performance was satisfactory enough. Shall we continue on?"

Luo, Dui, and Shi weren't even sure what to say when considering their previous attitude toward him. The trio could only slowly nod as they adjusted their minds.

Pao Dai was quick to get over his shock. He simply nodded and said, "On patrol squad, it would be typical to make plans before settling on a target. However, if it's not necessary, then there is no need. Let's go."

Soon enough, Pao Dai resumed back on their regular route.

The order of their squad formation did undergo a change.

Chao stood at the front helm, whereas Luo, Dui, and Shi trailed close behind him.

The trio obviously wasn't dissatisfied with this. They were more than willing to let a person far stronger than they take the lead.

At this time, Chao suddenly heard a ringing noise in his mind.

The system suddenly said, 'Pao Dai's loyalty considerably increased by 25%. Host can win loyalty in various ways. The most common and quickest way is through absolute strength. But it is possible to do so by completing loyalty missions when they become available, certain tasks they personally want, or improving relationships with them.'

'Oh?' Chao's face remained indifferent, but inwardly he was quite excited.

Conquering people or anything for their absolute loyalty provided Chao with immense satisfaction. It was on an equal level of increasing his cultivation.

The fact that he can eventually command people to his very whims sounded tremendously enticing to Chao. Even as a Mortal, he held dreams of being in center control of everything.

Now, as an Asura Conqueror, Chao determined himself to truly reign over not just Creek City but all other legendary cultivators!


Hours slowly passed.

During this time, Chao was still patrolling with his squad. He had killed numerous beasts without stopping throughout this whole time.

Mostly it was on his own, as his combat prowess was simply superior to Luo, Dui, and Shi.

Even though Chao was putting in a great amount of work, he felt barely any fatigue.

This was due to his own determined will. And also, the increase in cultivation he receives from every Vicious beast killed.

Chao's dantian would always be stable when reaching a new layer of cultivation. But with all these kills, the amount of Origin Qi strands he has completely surpassed any 1st or 2nd layer expert, causing his energy reserves to take a great leap forward.

By the time the 5th hour came about, Chao fell into a smooth rhythm. He expected another pack of Vicious beasts to come barreling at them.

However, instead of encountering several beasts, only one massive bear beast stood in the way.

Furthermore, this bear wasn't any mere 1st layer Origin being. Its Origin Aura exuded powerful fluctuations. Airwaves chaotically spread through the area just from it surging the energy within its body.

An Aura pressure like no other crashed down Chao's squad.