Successful Day

Everyone, even Chaos' pupils, heavily dilated. None of them could escape the overbearing pressure.

Luo, Dui, and Shi were sweating, the nerves in their bodies tensing up and a suffocating sensation gripping their necks.

Chao stood calmer, though his expression now remained completely serious.

While Pao Dai was the only one who had a slightly eased expression.

This beast in front completely surpassed all of them. For as it was a Tilted Origin being who reached the 4th layer!

The power difference truly opened Chao's eyes. He simply didn't expect 40% of Origin Qi and 5% Ordinary Law essence to be this powerful.

A rising hurricane of power was rapidly approaching them. And Chao actually felt a bit daring. Instead of retreating, he felt a desire to directly go against the Tilted beast!

Even though he's still at the 1st layer, Chao didn't feel like he would lose so miserably lose with everything in his arsenal.

However, Chao would never get his chance to try.

Pao Dai suddenly moved before anyone could react. His left hand performed signs that caused a wave of Origin Qi-infused Fire essence to surge out and quickly converge into a Fire barrier.

While his other hand quickly threw out a small talisman before the Fire barrier fully formed.

Time itself had seemingly froze at that moment.

The small talisman pulsated violently. Flickers of fiery blue lights rapidly spewed out of it. An equally, no, a far more powerful Origin Aura engulfed the whole atmosphere!

The Tilted Origin bear beast's preying expression instantly changed. Horror fraught its face as its massive body attempted to swivel around and escape.

However, the moment the beast took one step around, the small talisman gleamed out in a blinding blue flash.

Everyone in Chao's squad was forced to shut their eyes.

At the same time, a huge explosion of energy erupted in a frantic force!


Blue fiery essence combusted like a powerful nuke. The shock waves cracked open Pao Dai's Fire barrier and heavily struck everyone's bodies.

They all were sent flying like rag dolls.

With a loud bang, Chao smashed into a nearby tree. He had to fiercely grit his teeth from vomiting up blood as his body slid down like a sack of potatoes.

Thankfully, he activated his Asura Aura, which greatly raised his defense. The impact certainly hurt, but not to a point that bones in his body cracked apart.

'The power of a tilted phase expert...' Chao curiously gazed back at the explosion.

His soul sense had been focused this entire time on the flow of Titled phase energies, which caused him to feel a little enlightened.

As he stare forward, a glint sparkled within his eyes.

Everything in a 10-meter radius was entirely destroyed. Dazzling blue flames burnt that part of the area into smoldering ashes.

Above all, the imposing bear beast was similarly turned into ashes.

Chao engraved this moment into his memory. The day where this will be his power will be very soon.

Breaking away from his thoughts, Chao glanced around and saw that his squadron members were also relatively fine. Only that they had to use healing pills to get back into top-tier shape.

As there are many different Law Paths in the universe, the ones where healing essence is used are one of the highest value.

There were only a single set of people who can effectively use healing essence.

A slight shudder crawled through Chao when thinking about it. These people are called Alchemist, beings who managed to grasp a Law Core very different from the norms.

It is typically known that alchemists may not have insanely high combat prowess. But what they lacked in strength, they made up for it in all aspects of health.

Alchemists are as much of a backbone to society as cultivators. Thus, their attitudes, as one can expect, are quite pompous.

These types of people are highly valued by practically all organizations. So it was only natural that their attitudes are highly rigid to work with.

Chao can only say he knows all of this from written sources. But he also knows things like healing pills are a sky-high price for not just mortals but basically any cultivator.

The prices, however, barely mattered to anyone willing to purchase. In fact, many wish to curry favor with Alchemist for whatever needs they have. Alchemists can also greatly help with one's cultivation, which causes their values to rise to the peak of any society.

This profession isn't looked down upon at all. And it can garner a significant amount of loyalty without even trying.

A thought streaked through Chao's mind. If he could become Alchemist, just how much quicker will his conquest go?

A simple thought for the future, but one that Chao didn't rule out. He's more than aware that his own specialties can lead him down the Alchemist path.

At this time, Luo, Dui, and Shi were focusing on revolving the healing essence through their bodies. They briefly opened their eyes, only to be shocked at how well Chao took the remnant shock waves.

He barely looks different at all besides a slightly pale face. More shocking, his Origin Aura was rapidly returning to its peak!

The trio was once again astounded by this boy's magical abilities.

Even Pao Dai needed more time to heal, despite having higher defenses. He certainly noted this small moment in mind.

Since it would be a little bit until they were ready, Chao briefly meditated himself to restore as much energy as possible.

During this time, his soul sense continually replayed the previous energy sensations in his Spiritual Sea as much as possible...


It was around 8 pm that Chao was finally back on the streets from his patrol.

After that Tilted Origin beast, their squadron didn't encounter any other overwhelming danger. The rest either were 1st layer beasts with the occasional 2nd layer.

Chao continued on his previous momentum and didn't stop crushing every 1st layer beast they met. He even wanted to go out and face the 2nd layer beasts.

However, that kind of prowess would be a bit too shocking to reveal all on the first day. His holding back didn't really change much in any case.

Chao's kill count greatly surpassed Luo, Dui, and Shi combined.

Instead of feeling envious of it, that trio actually gained more respect from Chao's seemingly endless supply of strength.

Chao had even received a notification from a system that their loyalty had slightly increased. It showed when the trio willingly gave Chao their contact rings just for anything outside of their work.

After getting paid for today's patrol, Chao made a beeline home.

The walk was pretty short with Chao's speed. He reached his block within just a few minutes.

On his block, a sight slightly confused Chao.

Getting close to his house, he could clearly see that Chen Li, Xun, and Nia were with that same young noble man from yesterday, Qiao Le.

They all bundled together, seemingly talking in serene harmony.

Chao calmly came close to them and made his presence known. "Li'er? And if it isn't Qiao Lie, again? I wouldn't expect to see you all hanging out again so soon."

"Ah! Chao!" The girls all snapped over to Chao with slightly sheepish expressions.

Qiao Lie was the only one to remain calm, and directly stared into Chao's face.

Chen Li hurriedly said, "Brother, we were just having a light conversation with each other. Nothing that you need to worry about."

"I see..." Chao spoke in an even tone. For a brief moment, he focused all of his attention squarely on Qiao Lie.

'Power at least 40x Just a 4th layer, huh?' A guess quickly formed in Chao's mind. This alone made him more confident than he already was.

Chai didn't release a single bit of his Origin Aura. But subconsciously he sharpened his natural presence. It was like he had suddenly encountered something that he couldn't quite identify whether was a legitimate threat or not.

A twinkling glint sparkled in Chao's eyes. Yet, his expression remained entirely clear like water.

In this very brief moment, Qiao Lie, who appeared calm about everything, suddenly stilted. The sharper presence of Chao and that glint within his eyes affected him on a spiritual level.

His soul genuinely pulsated, as if he was getting observed by some sort of predator. The fact that he was 4th layer Origin genius didn't matter at all!

However, as soon as that sensation came, it immediately vanished.

That brief moment seemed like an illusion.

Qiao Lie blinked only once but didn't falter in his response, only forcing that moment to the back of his thoughts for now. "Indeed Chao. Like I said yesterday, these girls are good company. Our time together is rather pleasant."

"Is that right?" Chao's expression was blank for only a split moment. A bundle of thoughts coursed through his mind, but he didn't let anything show on his face.

He didn't even delay in his response as he continue to say, "Well, just remember to come inside soon. You can't slack off on your studying Li'er."

"Yes, brother." Chen Li happily nodded.

The fact that nothing troublesome happened eased the great anxiety swirling within her heart. Her smile blossomed as genuine as it can come.

When seeing that smile, Chao truly couldn't say anything longer.