One Strike

Upon reaching this step, Chao's body quivered. Streams of 2nd layer Origin Qi suddenly flowed into him like a vacuum.

At the same time, streams of ordinary Asura Ice Law essence penetrated into his body and were directly absorbed into his Asura Ice Law Core.

This was the phenomenon of his Spiritual Sea reaching breaching past a great barrier.

For the briefest of moments, it unleash a great suction force that absorbed energies for that the body could adapt to the changes within the Spiritual Sea.

Origin Qi flowed through Chao's body, fusing into every inch of his being at the same time it absorbed into his dantian space.

2% Ordinary Asura Ice Law essence strengthens the Law Core and even slightly expanded its size.

During this whole duration, Chao had his soul sense completely focused. His soul energy completely controlled the breakthrough phenomenon, making sure it wouldn't get out of control and rampage through his body.

A few minutes passed.

And within this short amount of time, Chao had already completed his breakthrough phenomenon. His body perfectly fused with 2nd layer Origin Qi and stronger Asura Ice Law essence.

Furthermore, all of his Origin Qi strands were converted into 2nd layer Qi strands.

A frantic release of Origin Aura billowed out of Chao's body. The release of energy kicked up slightly powerful airwaves that stormed his room.

A second later, Chao recalled his aura before it got too intense.

This wasn't even the end of the breakthrough.

Within moments, Chao could sense the faint sensations of another Origin Qi and Law essence breakthrough!

Chao thought about it and estimated that a few more Spirit crystals could enhance his Spiritual Sea enough to achieve another breakthrough within moments.

However, before he could decide anything, the system warned him. 'Host should wait until he forms 20 Origin Qi strands for the next breakthrough. Host dantian foundation is incredibly deep, meaning the energies within it are numerous times denser and thicker than any other geniuses. However, this also means that the Host's dantian space stability is incredibly unstable at this moment. For the Host's dantian and eventual Inner World, he needs a massive amount of energy accumulations to stable the space structure. If the Host fails to reach this requirement, his soul energy can't breach the next perception barrier.'

This restriction only made Chao slightly furrow his brows. He quietly sighed, muttering out, "I suppose it's some kind of cause and effect. My prowess is so high and I have several shortcuts, but I need triple, no, quadruple the number of accumulations for a breakthrough."

After understanding this, Chao's lips curved into a relaxed smile. "Eh, it could be worse. Besides killing, plundering and Perfect conversion won't allow my cultivation to stall for too long. Let's see...I have some hours left. That breakthrough gave me more energy than ever. I'll just practice whatever I can in this short time.'


The night quickly passed and Chao was soon back with his patrol squad.

This time, through walking the Western District, he didn't chance upon any geniuses from the Big Three Sects.

Just like yesterday, Pao Dai lead the squadron, Chao trailed right behind him, and following behind him were Luo, Dhi, and Shi.

Only a couple of hours passed since they first started their rounds. It was the usual affair of killing ordinary to strong 1st layer beasts.

Chao already had a smooth time dealing with all these beasts. But after last night's events, he could practically kill these Vicious beasts as easy as breathing.

His squadron members also couldn't detect a single thing different about Chao. Their soul sense could only perceive 1st layer Origin Aura. Yet, his speed seemed considerably faster than yesterday.

Pao Dai and the others just had to convince themself that this guy most likely intensely trains at every second he gets.

It was quite a sight to behold a 1st layer Origin being so fast and strong. But they all nearly became used to it at this point.

Like this, the patrol squadron believed it would be an ordinary day.

However, a little after two hours in, a cold sensation swept through them all.

The whole squadron suddenly sensed several hostile auras locking onto them. These auras weren't any Vicious beast. They were thicker and richer than what any beast could exude.

Only one conclusion could be made from this.

Pao Dai's eyes glazed over in killing intent. His body tensed for battle as he calmly surveyed the surroundings.

He uttered to the others, "Stay calm and get prepared."

Lui, Dui, and Shi solemnly nodded while stimulating their dantian energies.

Calmness remained on Chao's face. But internally, his battle intent surged like a gradual storm.

In this short moment, Pao Dai crossed his arm in clear confidence. His voice was loud and booming as he shouted out, "Alright. No need to hide. We all detected you from a mile away. But only now does it seem like you're daring to attack people from the Ming Family!"

"Oh? Is that supposed to be a threat?"

A voice cold as ice cut into the area.

A moment later, several figures jumped out of trees and bushes. There were 10 people in total and a mix of men and women with various cultivation levels.

This group's main quality was the fact that they wore the Fang Family symbol's crest!

That crest caused Pao Dai and the other trio's killing intent to greatly erupt. Naturally, they hated seeing their enemy family in this suspicious situation.

Only Chao paid full attention to the man standing at the front of the pack. Not only did he look the most imposing, but his Origin Aura was also the most powerful here!

It was a similar level to Pao Dai, perhaps even slightly stronger than him.

A peak ordinary phase Origin warrior, a 3rd layer warrior!

This man can utilize 30% of Origin Qi and stronger Ordinary Law essence to his very whims. He would be a tremendous threat to any other patrol squadron.

But Chao barely felt anything from his natural aura. No sense of suffocation or even threatening sensation from his soul. A smile, unnoticed by all, began to slowly curly his lips.

At this time, Pao Dai spat out to Fang Family members, "Do you understand the consequences of this? Even if we can't win in the end, do you really think I don't have the means to escape? When that happens, everything that I record here will be broadcasted to the whole city."

The 3rd layer Fang member scoffed with confidence. "Do you really think we haven't considered that? In fact, the only reason we didn't immediately kill you was for you to activate a recording ring. And now that you did..."


The one who called out wasn't the 3rd layer leader, his squadron, Pao Dai, or the trio.

But Chao, who erupted all of his Origin Aura at once!

His Asura Aura activated with a loud discharge. The discharge cracked the ground beneath Chao and released violent airwaves into the surrounding.

Lights of Asura Ice flickered out of Chao's body in a dazzling scene. His now open palm instantly created an Ice essence sword.

Chao didn't wait to spare his strength or continue to talk. If his enemy wants to kill him, then he will strike back at full force without any hesitation!


Chao burst forth at immense speeds. The mere discharge of his speeds caused even more airwaves to frantically spread all throughout the surroundings and smashed upon every single person close.


All of the 1st layer Origins were taken by complete surprise. Powerful airwaves moved faster than any one of them could react to. Their bodies were heavily struck and sent flying like sacks of potatoes.

Two of the 2nd layer Origin members could barely jump back for several meters.

While Pao Dai and the 3rd layer leader quickly retracted dozens of meters.

At this time, only one 2nd layer Origin remained. It was a woman who had been entirely locked down by Chao's overwhelming aura.

At the threat of death, the woman frantically shouted. "Fang Fire Barrier!"

Her prowess surged to her very limit. Her cultivation art activated, enhancing her entire body beyond her ordinary limits.

Fire essence burst out of her body and quickly formed into a solid Fire barrier. The woman's skin simultaneously started to crack, as if it couldn't handle all this energy all at once.

Under the threat of death, the woman couldn't care about damaging her body. She poured her all into defense. Her 2nd layer Origin Aura erupted to its absolute limit!

Her desperate Fire barrier defense would be something that even a peak 2nd layer Origin wouldn't be able to break through.

But no matter how much energy she had, it all was useless.

An overwhelming cold suddenly drenched the woman's entire body. Through her flames, a light so bright that it blinded her vision flashed.

Chao's Ice essence sword directly slashed the Fire barrier into particles of light! His overwhelming force completely suppressed the woman's fused Fire Law essence in an instant.

No Martial skills or strategy was needed. Chao's prowess was simply too great to handle!

The Ice essence sword soared unhindered and faster than what the 3rd layer leader could react to.

With the brutal sound of flesh tearing and bones cracking, the Ice essence sword drilled into the woman's forehead, stabbing right into her brain.

A powerful force pulsated out of the Ice essence sword and smashed the woman's brain into a gooey mush.

The woman's body spasmed as the light instantly left her eyes. Pulling his Ice essence sword out, her corpse tumbled to the ground.

A 2nd layer Origin warrior was instantly killed without even a chance to resist.

The shock would soon rattle everyone's mind.

However, how could Chao give his foes a chance to react? His soul sense has already locked straight onto the 3rd layer leader.